“Your book creates a legacy that lets you live forever.”
Todd Cudaback
“It is vital for us to hear each other’s story.”
Coach Debby
Coach Debby is the creator of Story U Talk Radio. Through her show and personal coaching, she encourages people like YOU to write their brands, blogs, and books.
Debby always loved stories to read and to tell. She had, and has, only 20% of normal vision. She was sent to special education classes, and her parents were given low expectations regarding Debby’s potential. Despite being bullied all through school, and a lack of friends, Debby had fantastic teachers.
“You’ll be one of them (a teacher),” her mom said.
It took Debby 11 years to get three college degrees and a writing job. It wasn’t easy only being able to read at one-quarter of the speed her contemporaries could. She began helping people write essays, then discovered she could help them write a book.
Writing a book may seem like a monumental task, however Coach Debby says:
“It may be a monumental task when you try it on your own. If you have a heck of a good team, it’s doable. Writing a book is about finding out who YOU are. You create the best when you’re interested in YOUR own story. No one is boring. No one is ordinary.”
Debby described ways she was influenced by Rudolph Steiner, the founder of Waldorf Schools; and Joseph Campbell, a mid-1900’s philosopher and George Lucas’ greatest mentor.
“The hero’s journey is a pattern we repeat in different phases throughout life. Every 8-9 years we are introduced to a new journey in which we can be heroic.”
Coach Debby
You are a person who sees yourself as plain
You are a person who sees yourself as extraordinary
You are a person who is invited to be something extraordinary
You are a person who fails at being extraordinary
You are a person who doubts “extraordinary”
You are a person who hides from extraordinary
You are a person who says, “I don’t want to die” and not be extraordinary
BAM! You are a person on your heroes journey
Coach Debby helps people rediscover their stories during those phases of life. Choices will help us grow, but the cycles of life are not something we choose. We live these cycles over and over again. Debby helps YOU be a person who discovers your past and present journey so you can shape your future journey in your stories.
All successful movies: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Finding
Nemo, The Wizard of OZ follow the cycle of the Heroes Journey.
Coach Debby began a new journey in 2012 when she became the co-host of Life Mastery Radio with Todd Alan. She found bliss means getting to work and doing what you’re called for.
Say it
Hear it
Write it
Own it
Stand in it
Love it
Discover the ways Coach Debby can help YOU write your story, and maybe even YOUR book!
Our guest Stefani Arend supports our individual journey to understand our bodies better. This radio show co-host learned that our body speaks a particular language, and we should each learn to communicate more readily with ourselves to find inner peace with our inner self.
Stefanie joined us all the way from Germany, and (despite technical difficulties) provided information about YIN YOGA, which is a method that focuses less on muscle stretching, and more on fascia stretching.
Stefanie Arend has many videos on YouTube demonstrating YIN YOGA techniques. Watch her YIN YOGA Sequence to Relax + Improve Sleep.
Stefanie Arend was a wonderful guest. A few of the nuggets she taught us today are as follows:
We have many nerve endings in our fascia, and when fascia is not stretched regularly we can have pain, especially in our back.
Fascia is the connective tissue in our body, and wraps around all of our cells.
Only 70% of a stretch is required to give the fascia a boost of flexibility in about 3-5 minutes.
The benefits of YIN YOGA are amazing.
In the past, Fascia was considered by physicians as “packing material”. There has been an awakening of its importance to our health.
Fascia has more to do with flexibility in our bodies than does muscle.
Stefanie uses YIN YOGA at night before bed to give her restful sleep.
YIN YOGA and YANG YOGA work well together.
Start with whatever amount of time you have. No minimums, no requirements.
Be patient with yourself.
Check out Stefanie’s other YouTube videos to try YIN YOGA out before you buy her book, BE HEALTHY WITH YIN YOGA.
Have you ever edited yourself to a shop-window version of who you are? Doing so narrows your intimacy and connection with others.
Addiction is the opposite of connection.
Jamie Catto
Jamie Catto is the producer of the multi-award-winning 1 Giant Leap film of 2002, as well as his 2019 creation, Becoming Nobody. He is a founding member of a band called Faithless. He leads unique, transforming workshops for his clients, and was our guest on Life Mastery Radio recently.
The body is an exquisite pharmacy
Deepak Chopra
Jamie says, “we all store an accumulation of the injustices we’ve felt, the tears we’ve cried, the rage we’ve experienced, and the unexpressed emotional pain. The body’s genius knows we have emotional constipation, and it wants to flush it out. Emotion must be felt to be flushed.
Being willing to feel those raw emotions, and even being curious about reacting to them, is how we flush out the emotional poo, and live more authentically in the present. That is the beginning of self-love. You can either do it willingly, or not. The body can’t hold in poo forever.”
Turn toward emotion like a wine taster.
Jamie Catto
Jamie has learned these principles from a lifetime of believing something was going to be bad, but finding it was actually good.
We’ve built this map around ourselves with all these dragons around the edges. When you take a tiny quarter turn around your edge, you realize there’s no dragon there. It’s a child’s chalk drawing of a dragon. One little puff, and it’s gone.
No one has to go into a deep scuba to do this stuff. Just gently snorkeling around the edge is plenty. How great to be a bumbling human fool again. Relief. It’s wonderful to wear your imperfections proudly, and give other people permission to do the same. There’s discovery in failure.
Some days you’re going to be on top of the mountain, and other days you’re going to roll down the side of it onto the golden calf.
Jamie says it’s your soul’s job to give you lessons and curriculum, and we shouldn’t resist it. His job is to re-purpose your skills and turn your demons into employees.
When we release emotions, creativity rushes in to the space. Space is full of ideas.
Jamie Catto
On the cover of Jamie’s book is an Axolotl. Jamie used this amphibious creature to represent what he believes we all look like without our masks on.
He has a lovely face; vulnerable, lovable, soft. Axolotl’s are self –mending, and resilient.
Jamie Catto
Jamie’s current movie, Becoming Nobody is touring the country now. Click the link to learn when it’s coming to your area, or to organize a special showing.
In our pre-show with Life Mastery Radio guest Linda Deir, she reminded us that “The Universe has your back”
Her statement rings true for me. In fact, the last time Linda was on our show, she shared her story. Linda had a very challenging upbringing, and yet her Spirit Guides helped her to not only survive the challenging events of youth; they taught her how to be successful in business and relationships. Her book is Guided, Her Spirit Guide Angels Were Her Best Friends and Life Coaches
I shared my personal story of Linda’s impact on me during the show today. A large part of her teaching is to get in touch with the Spirit Guides and Angels who are there to inspire us on our journey. She told us in April 2019 (when she was on the show before) to JOURNAL. Journaling, I learned, is a way to “hear” messages from our Guides.
I began my journal the day after our interview with Linda – May 1, 2019. On June 8 I had an epiphany. My vision was very clear. I knew exactly what I needed to do. I was told to “open a studio for public speaking” for my students. I didn’t know how I was going to make it happen, but I had a purpose, and I began taking steps to bring it to fruition.
Yesterday (September 16th 2019 as of this writing), I welcomed the first students into my Speak Feed Lead Public Speaking Studio. I sincerely don’t know if this would have happened without the “nudge” from Linda in April encouraging me to begin journaling. That’s part of her system, and I know it works.
“The moral of the story is this, Guidance, when it comes through, is powerful. It gives you chills, it’s so strong. But here’s the caveat: you’ve got to be willing to do the work.Guidance has a shelf-life, and you must act on it. Jackie, you did the journal writing. You did the work to flush it out, to find it, to let it show itself to you. It’s more of who you are then anything else you could have imagined.”
Linda Deir
Linda’s process to connect with your Angel Guides is easy – get your journal out and start writing about your challenges, the events that weigh heavy on your mind, and you’ll receive guidance through your writing.
“Your guides will infiltrate your writing. They are there for you when YOU are ready.”
Linda Deir
Linda is hosting an event called Experience the Proven Spirit Guide Communication System. It’s a live event in Phoenix, AND an online event from anywhere. It will happen on October 5th, 2019 1:00 – 3:00 PM. She’s going to show YOU the system, and how to use it to connect with your Guides.
Near the end of the presentation, Linda will sit with you and help you channel your Guides. It’s going to be very cool! I recommend you sign up. The cost is very reasonable.
What is your greatest challenge right now? Write it down. The universe has your back. Your guides will inspire you.
“I went from an ancient, wrinkly, grayed-aura person to a sparkling being of light”
Julie Renee Doering
Julie Renee Doering survived nuclear bomb testing in the Nevada desert, 17 surgeries, multiple cancers, two traumatic brain injuries, the inability to walk, and death; not once, but twice! Through all that, her faith confirmed she was on earth for a reason. Based on our interview with her yesterday, that reason was to teach ALL OF US how to tap into our DIVINE BLUEPRINT and not only heal, but regenerate every cell in our body for longevity, peace, and wealth!
During her years of physical suffering, Julie came to feel, “I was promised the Garden of Eden, yet I’m living in hell on earth.”
Believing “something could change”, at the age of 33, Julie went into her garden to pray and meditate.
“God, take me, or make me well.”
Hours of prayer, meditation and chanting, led Julie to a vision. In her minds-eye she saw a very sick Master Cell in her body transforming from its sickened state to its God-state.
“It was becoming this glowing, blue pulsing orb. It was overwhelming to me. I cried. It was a realization for me: not only was my spirit made of light and God, but my body was also.”
Despite being very sick in that moment, Julie’s body began to regenerate. Within 6 months she was running 30 miles a week on a mountain trail. She was dancing on stage with a rock and roll band.
“The scientists and doctors we’re looking at me saying, ‘what is going on with you? Why are you getting better? It’s a miracle!’”
From that time until now, Julie has defined clearly what happened to her. She is now THE expert on non-surgical, non-drug, non-dietary ways to regenerate brain cells to enhance memory, mental outlook, sleep & speech, and reduce headaches.
Cellular Neo Genesis.
With NO scientific background, Julie Renee Doering is on the
cutting-edge of spiritual break-through, genetic technology, and our divine
blueprint. Someday soon, we’ll all know how to regenerate our cells and live for
centuries. After all, Julie says, “It’s in our DNA to live 900 years”
Julie has published 12 books on the knowledge she’s gained from the ultimate source – God. Doctors are limited to what they can preach, but many of them have trained WITH Julie. She never talks down western medicine.
If you’d like to transform from feeling ancient and feeble to a sparkling being of light, start by listening to Julie’s interview with us, and then take the steps with her to guide you in your transformation. Let’s all live 900 years in happiness and peace!
I struggled to find the right title for this blog post. It could easily have been, “Are You Here to Save us?”; or “Blue Angel Dream”; or even, “Synchronicity, not Luck.” I finally settled with “God and Love on Route 80”
Each of those titles would have been appropriate and descriptive of the wonderful content our most recent guest delighted us with. Stephen G. Post, PhD is an opinion leader, public speaker, Founding Director of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics at the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University; and a best-selling author of “God and Love on Route 80.”
Stephen’s amazing credentials began with a compelling, recurring dream as a teenage boy. This dream set his life on a certain course, and established for him a set of values to live by and practice daily.
“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
William Shakespeare, Macbeth
Stephen’s book is a remarkable true story of faith, love, and fate. Thumbing a ride across the continent on a spontaneous road trip adventure, his journey culminates in an extraordinary encounter that turns out to be the beginning of his spiritual odyssey.
I have a personal connection to Stephen as well, since he was the founder of www.unlimitedloveinstitute.com, which I’ve quoted in my own book on leadership and service. Connected-ness seems to be a natural law of the universe, as is evident in our meeting today on the broadcast.
Stephen describes his first experience serving others at the suggestion of his mother. Upon voicing his boredom, Stephen’s mother would say, “You should go help someone.”
Stephen helped his neighbors, who became spiritual leaders and mentors to him. He realized “it was good to be good.”
Later in life, as a teenager, he began to have a recurring dream about a young man and a blue angel. In the dream (which he’d had 6 times), the blue angel said, “If you save him, you too shall live.”
He would contemplate and meditate on the dream and the meaning thereof. He was even asked to talk about his dream with Masters of Divinity students at the university in hopes of learning more about the action the dream was asking him to take.
On a very impromptu trip along US Route 80, Stephen encountered the young man in his dream. The synchronicity of this event changed Stephen’s life as well as the life of the young man. Rather than retell the story in this blog, I would highly encourage you to listen to him tell the story himself. You will also love his book “God and Love on Route 80”
There is a time in life for each of us, when we are stuck in a corner in which we cannot turn. Our guest Athena Demetrios was in her proverbial corner one day in 1979. She was brought to her knees in pain and prayer. At that moment, she had her first spiritual experience.
“Life had no choice but to bring back to me exactly what I had been creating in the world of others. A golden ray came into the room and dusted everything with gold. Everything in my front room was dusted with gold.”
Athena became a student of her own life; in search of a way to turn around and get out of that corner. She began to explore the development of her consciousness and discover who she was.
“When you go from the heart, you reach the heart.”
From personal experience, this radio co-host knows Athena’s memoir is an excellent read with eloquent language. However, Athena cautions the reader: “It’s gut-level, honest, and raw.”
“I’m too conscious to be unconscious; and too aware to be unaware. I was doing the best I could in life, but trying to make myself functional and whole. There comes a time when one makes a decision to heal. Life is not meant to be lived in pain.”
Athena Demetrios
Have you, the reader, experienced any of the following?
Family dysfunction
An alcoholic environment
Inner turmoil
Demons to wrestle
Lacking strength to take action
Anger at a parent or partner who didn’t protect you
Despite her oppressive childhood and lack of spiritual teachings, Athena always felt connected to something she couldn’t see. Her first memory at two years of age is retold in her book:
“I was standing in my yard one night. I looked up at the stars, and felt homesick. I didn’t know how to get back there, but I wanted to so badly.”
Athena Demetrios
God, or the presence you believe in, is the one who’s motivating you to heal. If you can extract the gem from the muck, you’ll get through whatever experience you’re having.
Ask yourself, “How has this served me? How has
this helped me grow as a soul?”
Find the connection to something greater than yourself.
Don’t let experiences separate you from the Divine
Find the right therapist to help you navigate
the storm. Her therapist said to Athena, “Your soul takes you where you need to
go for healing.”
Athena’s sessions with her therapist are recorded and
written in her book. The reader can take the healing journey with her.
Under hypnosis, Athena recalled a memory prior to her mortal birth. Surrounded by great teachers, she was shown scenes from her soon-to-be life. It was going to be difficult and challenging. However, Athena was taught ways she could change her life.
“I was shown what could be, and what might be; but all of that would be determined by how I decided to perceive myself – victim or creator. Will I get the gem from the scum of the experience? Or will I stay in victim-hood and resentment?”
Athena has now experienced a feeling of love, safety, and an expansiveness of soul. She knows now that her soul is inside her.
“On the other side (before birth) we had no body, but we had a clear state of awareness as large as the ocean.”
Athena’s book is truly worth reading. Her message is motivating and masterful. She has been able to forgive her mother, and to forgive her perpetrator. It’s very freeing, and she can share her story with everyone because of her learning, transition, and sense of joy.
During our interview we discussed influence and how its original definition from the 14th century was thus:
Influence: streaming ethereal power from the stars acting upon character or destiny of men
Brian called influence “a tangible force that can make us more successful and able to positively impact others. It’s a force that comes THROUGH people, not FROM them. It is opposite of manipulation, which is a force of will on someone else”.
Brian and Ani spoke about 8 primary NATURAL LAWS which are omnipresent, persistent, and non-judgmental. (They are everywhere, always there, and aren’t dependent on how much you know or care)
Gravity. It is the same anywhere in the world, and its affects treat everyone the same based on how we apply the law. For instance, we can use gravity to build muscle by lifting weights, or we can choose to test gravity by jumping out of a tree.
“When we are in alignment with NATURAL LAWS we will be successful, because nature is always successful. Everything in nature is energy, and energy always moves toward greater life“. ~ Ani Anderson
Coming from a background of rehabilitation therapy, Ani and Brian understand the pain we experience during our human existence. Pain shows up when we’re in resistance. We may have blind spots, or scotomas which keep us from seeing what’s really happening.
Living out of alignment with NATURAL LAWS is like a combination lock. We may know the first two numbers in the sequence, but if we are a hair off of the right number in the last part of the sequence, the lock will not open. Life is like that for those who don’t understand NATURAL LAWS.
Before attending their Science of Influence events, Ani and Brian have heard people say:
“Something is missing, and I don’t know what it is.” “I’m not feeling happy, and I can’t figure out why.”
Brian and Ani make being human real.
After attending their workshop, Ani and Brian have heard people say, “I know exactly what I need to do!”
If you’d like to attend this event in Bellevue Washington October 4th and 5th, you can register at this link: The Science of Influence
Forty people will be in attendance, making it both intimate
and energizing. It’s a beautiful time of year to be in Seattle. In fact, that
weekend you can enjoy SALMON DAYS in Issaquah after the event and on Sunday. It’s
the o’FISHal time of year we hail these migrating, spawning wonders of nature.
If you’re at the point when you are tired of wasting money,
energy, and time trying to figure it out yourself, attend this upcoming event,
or contact Ani and Brian at info@NEWwayofHealth.com
Inspired by Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, Tony Rezac teaches his clients that heroes are not always larger than life; they are everyday people who simply create a new version of themselves.
Tony Rezac, is the author of Body and Soul the Essential Handbook for Men, and a coach. He offers The Life Renewal Program for Men as a 6-week workshop.
Men’s issues are the same they’ve always been:
Men are taught to handle problems on their own, leave the struggles packed inside, and don’t share them. Tony’s workshops give men permission to be strong in their expression, to gather resources with other men, identify their struggles, and build bridges with other men. He helps men frame their life as a hero’s journey.
“The first essential of masculinity is to KNOW YOUR MISSION.”
I create a world of _______________ by ___________________.
“A man’s voice will change when he discovers his mission. It resonates in his being. A man’s mission may include his job or career. It may also include volunteering, or other ways to express what he stands for.”
Tony Rezac believes men are very emotional creatures. Like dogs in a pack, men read the emotions of others, but don’t always share their own emotions. Five basic emotions are: anger | sadness | joy | fear | shame. A man can learn to expresses each emotion, especially joy, sadness and shame.
A man can make great strides through emotional awareness because he will improve in self-care, communication, and deep friendships. Men are doers, they solve problems; and they can be taught to show emotion in all of life’s transitions.
“It’s not a competition, it’s a connection.”
Men, what’s your real legacy? Do you have heart to heart
connections? Have you helped others be more courageous and true?
Tony Rezac is a guy’s, guy who played college sports. At 37 he began to feel isolated and without friends. He discovered his mission, and is intent to help you find yours. It’s your birthright to be part of a men’s wisdom circle.
“You can carry whatever you want to the finish line, but when you give up something that’s holding you back, you become lighter and faster.”
“The world is out to get you; or the world is out to gift you” ~ Jojopahmaria Nsoroma
Our Life Mastery Radio guest on June 25th explained that seeing the world in the first example holds us back, and prevents us from finding or rediscovering our purpose. Jojopahmaria Nsoroma declared, “Seeing yourself as a victim leaves you joyless.”
Jojopahmaria is a shamanic
healer, wisdom consultant, a teacher of self-mastery, a public speaker, and a
visionary in the field of human services. She has successfully woven African
spirituality and indigenous wisdom into a trauma-resolution program for men
cycling through prison.
Ms. Nsoroma has always had a sense that she had a special gift. As a child she’d listen to “ghost stories” family members would tell. The ghosts weren’t poltergeists, they were ancestors come to her family with important messages. When Jojopahmaria began to “see” these things herself, her grandmother would say:
“They’re just coming to bring you a message. You don’t have to be afraid of them. They ain’t got no body. You got the body. You don’t have to see them with your real eyes, you can see them with your third eye.”
While working in human services. A friend of Jojopahmaria suggested “It’s time for you to start using your gift. It’s part of your heritage and background. Go out and learn.”
Ms. Nsoromo did learn. She learned her roots go back to
Guinea in West Africa. She was introduced to the Dagara Medicine Wheel, which
dates back to ancient Egypt.
“Everybody is of value, according to the medicine wheel. Everyone is born through one of five elemental portals (Fire, Water, Earth, Mineral and Nature)”.
Jojopahmaria is born of the fire portal, and it has raised her consciousness. She has learned to own her genius and talent. She began working with men in the criminal justice system and uses her gift to help them reconnect to their soul. They are reminded of who they are.
The men she works with now have a vocabulary that helps them understand themselves and heal. She encourages an ancestor alter to help them reset to their origins. Applying the wheel to these men (and anyone) proves to be a successful method for healing from all trauma.
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
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