Imagine being a short, smaller, older person in a Taekwondo sparring match against someone taller, bigger, and younger than you.
Would you have limiting beliefs about your ability to stand your ground and hold your own against such a competitor?
Susan Erickson describes this scenario when she started taking Taekwondo and the intimidation she felt when facing a seemingly more advantaged opponent.
“My sensei saw my strength when I could only see my liabilities. He helped me see the advantages I had because of my size and experience.”
Susan Erickson
Susan’s sensei helped her discover more about herself than she may have
been able to do on her own.
“That’s what I do as a life coach now. I help clients see through their limiting beliefs to discover their hidden strength.”
Susan Erickson
Susan Erickson, our recent guest, is not your typical life coach. Her background in healthcare differentiates her from other coaches since she combines art and science to track the efficacy of her clients’ results.
Susan offers clients Mindset Abundance and Leadership Coaching programs.
“You can be a very successful person and still not feel content with where you are. It’s usually an indication you are not aligned with your values or not living authentically.
You already have everything you need to manifest what you want.”
Susan Erickson
What changes with an abundance mindset?
Susan reports we all come with limiting beliefs. A small shift in thinking can produce miracles. The goal is to recognize limiting beliefs, then use the tools Susan provides to make a shift in your thinking. It’s a process.
“I’m a light house not a lifeboat.”
Susan Erickson
A life coach will help you discover what’s right for you, but
never do the work for you.
“Coaching can be considered foo-foo, but it is demanding work to discover, change, and move forward. Having a coach will help you believe you can achieve more than you have now with no predetermined outcome.”
Susan Erickson
Fear holds us back and shows up in subtle ways. A coach can help us understand how our emotions are manifesting themselves and keeping our beliefs limited.
To learn a little more about yourself right now, you’re invited
to take Susan’s Abundance Quiz here:
The most important lesson learned from our guest this week is that our stories matter. We have stories from our youth that are still relevant and perhaps even part of our life’s mission.
When a very young girl Rebecca Murray wrote a story about a bird and a hippo. She very likely related well with the bird who wanted to get to Hollywood, but instead crashed into a tree in Africa where she met a hippopotamus.
It was only a few years ago Rebecca recovered her story long since
forgotten. In asking her mother about her memory of the story, Rebecca learned
real details of her life she did not know.
“This little story was written during the most traumatic years of my family’s life. Divorce, loss of home, mental illness, threats of murder, an escape to Africa, and living in hiding underground.
This threw me into the most intense grief. We had never talked about this as a family before. I didn’t even know where my dad was buried upon his suicide. So many details are connected to the story I wrote without a recollection of them.
It’s amazing to me how emotionally effected we are by details of life we didn’t know during our youth.”
Rebecca C. Murray
Learning about her father and his mental illness filled Rebecca with sadness, yet she was also inspired to share her story which soon became a children’s book titled The Bird and the Hippo.
“People said, you need to publish this. You need to publish this. In the back of my head, I thought I should listen to them.”
Rebecca C. Murray
Rebecca has since added a workbook so young readers can consider
who they are as they read the book and learn to act on their own values.
Soon after her first book was written, Rebecca decided to published a story she’d written about a real-life tragic event related to animal cruelty.
Pasado The Heart of a Donkey is now her second published children’s book told through the eye’s (and heart) of a donkey killed in 1992 by three young boys.
Although the story of Pasado is tragic, in the state of Washington, animal cruelty is now a felony instead of a misdemeanor.
The boys who committed the misdemeanor crime were given very light sentences, and that alone caused an uproar and impetus for change in animal cruelty laws.
The law in Washington state said Pasado was not a being; he was a thing (like a hairbrush is a thing). Within two years a new bill was written, and the new legislation enacted is called The Pasado Law.
Pasado’s Safe Haven is a foundation set up in Pasado’s name which now shelters domestic pets and livestock for adoption. They are filled to capacity right now and in need of your support.
It’s amazing how stories can get us through tragedies, give us new perspective, and even change laws. I encourage you to discovery your long-forgotten stories and begin to share them.
Marcela’s journey to live with conscious humanity began when she was 15 years old. Growing up in Buenos Aires Argentina, she ate a lot of dairy and meat.
When Marcela was exposed to the idea she was eating dead animals,
she needed little convincing to upgrade her meat-eating diet.
Marcela learned how to meditate and be a vegetarian. Yoga also became part of her nutrition, and she added wild food and live food to her daily menus.
“Eating healthy doesn’t mean you can neglect your weight. Portions are important.”
Marcela Benson M.A.
You must learn for yourself from the inside out.
Marcela’s mother was in her 50’s with high cholesterol, high sugar, and not sleeping well. Marcela convinced her mom to make changes, and after one month went through an intense detox.
“Now in her 70’s my mom feels better than she ever has. She lives in New York City and walks 40 blocks every day.”
Marcela Benson M.A.
Marcela stressed how much we should all want to enjoy our bodies.
“Isn’t it better to be able to dance, and play with our children rather than just exist? Working out; and working on our emotions is all part of holistic beingness.”
Marcela Benson M.A.
Marcela cautions hydration with the right water is vital, and the first step to health. The first chapter of Marcela’s book is about love and self-love, followed by the idea that nutrition starts with water.
The best water is spring water from the source. Don’t drink water in plastic. Drink from glass bottles. Hydration feels more complete when you drink spring water.
How do you know if you’re hydrated enough?
When you are going to the bathroom every 90 minutes to 2 hours.
Marcela is aware that making changes to your diet and nutrition routine can be overwhelming. Which is why she encourages each of us to
Start somewhere.
Some places you can start:
Put minerals and oxygen in your water. Purchase a reverse osmosis and a hydrogen machine to create delicious water.
Use pure salt, not mined with dynamite. (Sea salt now has too many nano plastics in it.)
Grow your own vegetables and/or purchase fresh from your local farmers market.
When you can’t grow your own food, be sure to buy organic.
Plant protein is more bio available to your body.
Cook several meals at one time.
Be patient with yourself when making changes.
Marcela’s book contains both simple recipes, and some for the avid cook.
Whatever changes you make to your conscious humanity, start from a place of self-love.
What are you saying to yourself when you look in the mirror and when you’re eating?
Bless your food. This in another form of nutrition.
“Negative ions are being released from the earth. Any physical imbalance we have causes the molecules which make up our bodies to search for those ions. We find them in nature. Being outside for five minutes or more will flood us with negative ions and bring us back to balance.”
Ana Maria Vasquez
Ana Maria never dreamed of being an animal or nature communicator,
but through practice has developed an amazing skill.
In her childhood she recalls going into nature when she needed comfort or was feeling sad or alone. She’d always had a special experience in nature and felt better afterward.
As an adult, when Ana Maria was hit by a big life tsunami washing away relationships and possessions, she was confused and lost.
As she began the process to rebuild Ana Maria knew instinctively nature was the place she could find a connection again.
A teacher recommended Ana Maria should talk with a tree for 30 days. She’d always wanted to be skilled at talking to animals, and therefore tree-talking seemed a little silly.
“I have a healthy skeptical mind, so I’d give it a shot even if for no other reason than to say I tried it and it didn’t work. I felt silly hugging and talking to a tree and asked it to help me grow my faith.”
Ana Maria Vasquez
After more than 21 days with no response from the tree, it was sometime in the fourth week when something changed.
“I asked a question to myself out loud while in the house. Strangely I heard an audible answer come from outside where the tree was. ‘Is that you?’ I asked. The tree replied, ‘yes’.”
Ana Maria asked more questions and told the tree she appreciated
the connection , but actually wanted to talk with animals.
“I don’t know what to do with a tree.”
The tree chuckled to Ana Maria and replied “it is all part of
the process”.
Within a few weeks Ana Maria began having very clear communications with animals, too. She likened these conversations to Princess Leia talking to R2D2 in star wars – something like a hologram.
During our interview with Ana Maria, I had two summer campers co-hosting with me. Sohum and Aashvi listened while Ana Maria explained a way to experiment with dowsing rods to measure the auric field of a tree.
Her instructions were as follows:
Ask permission. “Tree, would you like to play with me?” If the answer from the tree is yes, you will feel lighter or bend forward. If the answer from the tree is no, you will feel heavy or bend backward. You may even hear an audible answer.
If the answer is yes, go back to the tree and put your back on it. Say, “I want to see your auric field.”
Point the dowsing rods straight ahead at chest level and begin to walk. When the dowsing rods cross, look up. Typically, it will be at the drip line of the tree.
Now go back to the tree and love it up. Show gratitude and compliment it. Say, “I want to see your auric field now.”
Point the dowsing rods straight ahead at chest level and begin to walk again. When the dowsing rods cross, look up. Typically, you’ll be about 4-6 feet further out than before. The reason…the tree’s auric field has expanded because you engaged with it.
Sohum was open to the idea of talking to trees, but my student Aashvi was not. However, both tried the experiment, and it was amazing! Sohum, who talked easily to the chosen tree was able to see it’s auric field expand at least 6-8 feet.
Aashvi, who felt a little silly, still saw an expansion of 2-3 feet. Aashvi is now more opened-minded and has set a goal to try talking to a tree for 30 days.
“All of us have these abilities, although it seems kind of crazy. There are processes to do to build our intuitive muscles.”
Ana Maria Vasquez
Ana Maria’s book has stories about the experiences of others; and it contains process and practices to increase your own ability.
Her book is a spiritual read, and her interview with us is worth having another listen to.
Even if you’ve moved out of the woods, you can still visualize
conversations with the world around you.
Our recent guest, Betsy Cerulo is the founder of AdNet/AccountNet, Inc. – Advocates for Workplace Excellence & Equality. Her company is LGBTE and WBE certified and based in Baltimore, Maryland.
Betsy’s passion is fostering/mentoring new entrepreneurs and serving diverse communities. Besides Business Owner, Betsy’s labels include:
“Certain phases and pieces of my story can resonate with others. It’s not been perfect, flowers, or sunshine. It’s been a journey of darkness to get to the light.”
“The reason I wrote the book is because I wanted to share with up-and-coming generations, women, and underserved communities that to make important changes in our lives it may take someone to push us over the edge and say it’s okay.”
Betsy Cerulo
Betsy feels her experiences in leadership would be helpful. She knows when we’re willing to listen we can find sunshine above the dark clouds. Our battles can be fought with greater strength, wisdom, and joy – no longer defined by old labels.
“There is so much wisdom between generations. We have an obligation to teach but we should not get complacent. That’s how we get in trouble. The foundation should be love.”
Betsy Cerulo
Betsy participates in a daily practice of prayer for guidance
and gratitude, Yoga, and stretching to silence the noise and stay on the right
Shake if off!
“Shake it off is a term my high school coaches used after something hadn’t gone right. I carried it with me and repeated it to myself in times I had to regroup and get back in the ring.”
Betsy Cerulo
Betsy relates what
is likely a common challenge for business owners. She had to make tough choices
for herself and the organization.
“As the CEO I blamed myself for not making changes sooner. Once the changes were made I was able to be a better leader for the business. I’ve earned my place and my white hair.”
Betsy Cerulo
Betsy’s book is available HERE, and she’s offering a workbook FREE on her site.
Learn how to rid
yourself of labels and shake off the negative.
Our most recent guest, Zen Cryar DeBrucke achieved incredible success seemingly overnight because of something gentle and kind living inside of her.
In 8 years, Zen went
Being a high school drop-out to…
Getting her high school diploma at night school to…
Going to community college to…
Getting a four-year degree at UC Davis in Foreign Policy to…
Starting her own import/export company to…
Being one of the first San Franciscan internet design CEO’s in 1997
Zen describes a rough childhood from which she emancipated herself from her parents and the Jerry-Springer-like stuff going on in her family.
“The drama was keeping me from making anything of myself, and I came out of the drama with a self-sabotaging personality and living in my car.”
Zen Cryar DeBrucke
At the age of 22 a friend gave Zen a cassette tape of Abraham Hicks, which is when she first learned of an internal guidance system. She took this to heart and began to observe the relationship between her thoughts and an “opening” or “closing” in her throat, heart, and solar plexus chakras.
Zen started decoding
her thoughts .She observed a tightness in the chakra centers just before she’d
do something self-sabotaging. On the
other hand, when Zen could center, relax, and open by changing her thoughts,
she felt aligned with purpose.
“I was a high school dropout living in a car to having an incredible career in San Francisco by following the “openings” and making the best choice for the most effective successful outcome.
I was able to go so far so quickly because I was reprogramming my brain towards being a successful leader with every little decision I was making along the way.”
Zen Cryar DeBrucke
All day long we
will either feel “open”, “closed”, or “neutral” because of our thoughts.
Zen explains the following thought-proceeding experiences are always “closed”:
Zen described the sensations
associated with being closed:
“A lump in the throat, tightness in the chest, or a rock-like feeling in the solar plexus. It may be slight and doesn’t have to be big.”
The throat is
representative of self-disempowerment
The chest is
real-time info about what we’re thinking
The solar plexus
is our belief system
“These sensations are related only to what we THINK. They are not related to anything external. Stress is related to the way we THINK about something.”
Zen Cryar DeBrucke
Conversely, Zen
described the feelings associated with being open:
“It’s a feeling of expansion – like something breathed them. It’s an upward shaped V that arises between the solar plexus and the throat.”
Zen Cryar DeBrucke
Neutral is where
you’re not having anything happen. You may feel your comfortable self.
“Everyone is born with this system. It’s already activated in your life. Once we learn to use it it’s going to be one of the greatest break throughs for the human species. We will no longer have to be stuck in shame and confusion. The old patterns will go away.”
Zen Cryar DeBrucke
Our interview with Zen was such a gift. She is teaching people to tap into their innate guidance system and to use it throughout their day.
Our Internal
Guidance System (IGS) is different from our intuition. Zen explains this in
detail in our interview, and it would benefit you to watch it at length,
however this may whet your appetite:
“Every single person has both intuition and an internal guidance system (IGS). The IGS works the same way in every person in every culture. Intuition on the other hand comes with multiple gifts and it operates differently for everyone.”
Zen Cryar DeBrucke
The IGS knows
things our mind doesn’t know. We use our IGS to discover the truth and accuracy
of everything.
Zen received
personal answers and guidance about a cancer scare. She was open to questions
she asked about treatment and went through the process of surgery without fear
because she had direct medical answers from her IGS.
“You’re never alone. There is something helping you at every moment. It’s gentle, kind, and it’s living inside you. It’s been there the whole time.”
Zen Cryar DeBrucke
Zen’s book is a helpful resource, and even more so are her programs through the Smart Soul Academy. You may start immediately learning about your IGS with Zen’s first three practices at MyMindSpark.Com.
Our recent guest, Aron O’Dowd is a triathlete, massage therapist, and podcaster. In 2008 Aron broke a world record at a British indoor rowing competition.
Aron rowed 1000 meters in 3 minutes 38 seconds winning a gold medal and beating the world record by 32 seconds.
He accomplished all this at the age of 17. Amazingly he’d only been introduced to the sport at the age of 16.
“I hopped on a rowing machine, and it was like a first kiss with a girlfriend. I fell madly in love.”
Aron O’Dowd
So much awesomeness for someone so young. Even more impressive is the fact that Aron has Retinitis Pigmentosa which is a symptom of Bardet Biedl Syndrome he was born with.
Bardet Biedl Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder with highly variable symptoms which may include retinal degeneration, obesity, reduced kidney function, polydactyly (extra digits of the hands or feet) among many other features. While there are more than 20 genes associated with BBS, the underlying cause regardless of gene is malfunction of primary cilia, a key component of cellular communication. BBS is thus categorized as a ciliopathy, or a disease of the cilia.
Aron’s vision impairments began at the age of 7. From then until
about the age of 11 he could do 90% of what kids do – ride bikes, play soccer,
play video games, etc.
“From age 13 into my 20’s the most damage was done. I lost 35% of my vision.”
Aron O’Dowd
Aron’s vision continues to decrease about 1% each year.
Since Bardet Biedl Syndrome is genetic and degenerative, once diagnosed Aron knew his fate very early in life.
“I felt sadness and anger. It took me a long time to come to terms with it. I’ve been to the school for the blind in Ireland, use a long cane for getting around, and have trained guide dogs. It takes a long time to come to the terms of living in a visual world and not being able to participate in it as I’d like to.”
Aron O’Dowd
Aron’s current vision is only 15-35% of normal. Despite the cards he’s been dealt, Aron has created a lifestyle he’s pleased with.
After rowing for 12 years, Aron discovered the triathlon event of swimming, biking, and running.
“It’s my new love. I have a need for speed.”
Aron O’Dowd
Aron hopes to get to the international competition level for triathlon. He
also aspires to create a world record mindset for all people he coaches.
“We all have the same opportunities. We live in a bubble called society and disability. When you remove disability you discover everyone has the same opportunity. Many people like me live life as if they had all their faculties.”
Aron O’Dowd
How can someone without vision see in a different way?
“Forget the words ‘I can’t’. We should say ‘I can’. Being a superhero means we have the ingredients; how can we turn that into something?”
Aron O’Dowd
Aron shared a list of some technical tools he uses to enhance
his limited site:
Text to Speech
iPhone & MacBook (because the software accessibility is built
Voice Over reads out screens for him
Be My Eyes – A Facetime call for someone in another part of the
Aron also indulges in
Positive Prime
Positive Prime taps into our neuropathways. Aron calls it his inspiration coffee. He has created a session called
In his session Aron uses frequency music designed by a sound therapist.
“I feel blessed while listening. I used Positive Prime to prepare for my first triathlon race. It creates a positive charge. I can get up and do anything.”
Aron O’Dowd
Aron insists we are living a high performance lifestyle, and we can all have a high performance mindset.
Aron is an inspiring example of why and how we should all find a
way to tap into our most superhero self.
Experience Aron’s Positive Prime session for 30-days free. Imagine increasing your performance every single day in just three minutes.
You don’t have to hold a world record to have a world-record mindset!
I never thought about a possible link between procrastination, perfectionism, and creativity. Leave it to our recent guest to share with us the connection.
The process involves naming your gremlin!
Do you procrastinate starting projects, improving yourself, expanding your talents, etc.?
Talia Dashow (A professional procrastination coach and creativity expert) thinks we may put things off because we have unmet needs. That gremlin in our head may be protecting us from failure.
“Perhaps you’re still listening to your six-year old self who is scared. Maybe you still feel like a rebellious teenager. If your needs aren’t being met, you’re going to procrastinate more.”
Talia Dashow
The world can be a scary place making it hard for us to risk
showing up and being rejected. This fear is legitimate but holds us back.
“The gremlin voice in our head is telling us we shouldn’t even try.”
Talia Dashow
Talia has named her gremlin voice Cruella Deville. This allows
Talia to differentiate the Cruella voice from other voices who may be trying to
give her guidance.
Todd’s gremlin would be named The Ungroovy One.
“It’s useful to have a conversation with that gremlin voice. Knowing what it is and what it’s trying to protect you from is helpful. Some people have a visceral need for approval.
We once depended on group safety for survival. Although we no longer have a level of survival fear, we long to be part of a group, and we fear someone will laugh at us, dislike us, or kick us out of the group.”
Talia Dashow
It’s time to silence our gremlins.
The need for perfection may also be a non-starter for us
according to Talia.
“Fear of what other people will think is part of perfectionism. If I can’t do it perfectly then I’m going to put it off until it is perfect.”
Talia Dashow
That’s where creativity comes into the equation.
We often want the result of whatever we try to be perfect, and if it’s not we don’t like it. Sometimes the process matters more than the result.
“You don’t have to commit to being an expert to find benefit in the process of creation.”
Talia Dashow
Talia says it’s easy for people to think they’re not creative.
“We feel we’re not good at something we try a few times, and we convince ourselves we aren’t creative at all. Maybe we confuse creativity with being artsy. Because we are all Creators we have talents in creativity.”
Talia reports there’s more than one aspect to creativity.
“You’re making something that didn’t exist before even if you’re building from someone else’s pattern or blueprint.”
There’s something to be said about curiosity and the epiphany of
innovative ideas. That’s also creativity.
Many year ago, Talia flew to Canada to become certified in LEGO Serious Play developed by Lego to energize their corporate meetings and help employees and others to tell stories through a creative process. It’s play which also achieves teamwork and collaboration.
One activity is to start with everyone getting a bag with the same LEGOS. Everyone may be asked to build a tower. They compare the results and validate the creations of each participant.
Lego creators may be asked, “How does this tower represent you?”
After several exercises like the tower example, there may be a big dump of Legos where participants can build anything they want. They should be prepared to talk about their creations.
Talia hosts a weekly Creativity Club online where a group of people drop in when they can to be creative together in their own way. You can access information about this from Talia’s website
“Creativity is a major part of dealing with procrastination when perfectionism is getting in your way from getting started. You can even ask yourself questions in a creative way such as ‘I wonder what would happen if I…?’ ‘What if I try…?’ ‘How can I do this a different way?’”
Talia Dashow
The subconscious can talk to you through creativity. The gremlin voice can give you information. Play gives you chance to practice being flexible and expand your thinking.
Talia is planning a Summer Solstice Creative Soul Spa on June 25th. Although it’s not yet available to enroll in, be sure to join her mailing list so you’ll be the first to find out.
Our most recent guest led Todd and I through an unexpected spiritual discussion. Vincenzo Aliberti Ph.D. is the author of A Hero’s Journey: Soulful Leadership.
He defined his journey to finding sobriety as, “Peace, spirituality, remembrance, and victory”. Alcoholism plagued Dr. Aliberti. He took a spiritual path of healing while battling his ego constantly.
“I was Christian but didn’t know who God was or what it meant to be a human being.”
Vincenzo Aliberti PH.D.
It’s amazing that Dr. Aliberti was able to achieve a PH.D. and write five books despite the roadblocks that come with constant drinking.
“I was purely driven.”
Vincenzo Aliberti PH.D.
In 2003 Vincenzo fell on his knees and told God he was either going to live or die. His spiritual journey included the study of Stoicism, Buddhism, Taoism, The Huna Way, Hinduism, and Christianity.
“Ultimately I learned I had everything I needed already within me. Christ was within me. Prayer and meditation made me see the world differently and I learned to let go and get out of my own way. I now feel at total peace.”
Vincenzo Aliberti PH.D.
Today Dr. Aliberti is the director at a recovery center in
Alberta, Canada and serves all individuals from millionaires to the penniless.
“Whether homeless or wealthy, we all seek for peace. I try to see people for who they are. I know if they can connect to a higher power life will be better.”
Vincenzo Aliberti, PH.D.
He would advise each of us the same way. In his book The Hero’s Journey, he shares the steps he took to overcome the evils of substance abuse and become a person of courage, justice, temperance, and wisdom.
“That’s our blueprint to living a good life.”
“Those seven important steps to change and healing guided me toward my purpose of being Christ-centered and of service to God.”
Our recent guest, Edie Raether has always been knowledgeable ahead of her time.
“What I’ve been doing for over 50 years in neuroplasticity, brain science, and hypnosis is coming into the mainstream. Science is finally catching up with me.”
Edie Raether
Edie feels angry with the medical model that relies on medication to treat our ills. She claims what the mind sees the body believes.
“There are so many warnings and side effects with drugs, but the worst thing with hypnosis is you learn to be more mindful…and that’s a good thing. We cannot let our circumstances determine our thought patterns and well-being.”
Edie Raether
At almost 80 years old Edie has been speaking since 1970. She is a CSP – Certified Speaking Professional, which is the highest earned designation awarded by the National Speaker’s Association. She has empowered thousands of Fortune 500 companies with her vibrant stage presence and uplifting messages about human potential and behavioral psychology.
Edie lives an active lifestyle still skiing on both water and snow.
Her goal is to change the way the world thinks, even if people live in a toxic
home environment. She is most excited about motivating people, and finds it inspiring
to share her story…
“I was a single parent with a very successful therapy practice. I made a lot of money from one hundred speaking gigs a year. I trusted the wrong person and lost every dime I had; five million dollars to be exact.
I went from living in a house you’d see reading Home and Garden Magazine and watching HGTV; to living in a rusted out FEMA trailer. No running water, no electricity, no plumbing.
I never once doubted I was going to make it out. Doubt is like a cancer. I would walk the causeway every day and visualize what I wanted. I didn’t know how I’d get it, but I knew I would.
I wasn’t unhappy. It was during that time when I wrote my seven books. I had thoughts, ideas, and a computer attached to an extension cord going to my neighbor’s house. I was living life on purpose. After 15 months I bought a house on a lake in Charlotte North Carolina.
Be creative. Be resourceful. Don’t quit. Keep focused. Once the picture is in your mind it becomes crystalized, and you can’t stop it. Once you program your mind God and the universe will give it to you.
I now run a couple of Air B & B’s on the lake.”
Despite Edie’s years of successes, she feels her legacy will be
the program she’s developed for kids. She talks about the brain science of her
program on the TED stage. You can listen to her talk here:
I Believe I Can Fly is a book, soundtrack, guided meditation, and a blanket. Through 5 characters who climb a mountain together to discover magic, Edie has written about the social challenges that kids experience. Readers will relate to at least one character and learn about their own magic.
“The program serves as an anchor to teach values, emotions, and behaviors. Kids discover the magic is in already inside them and they can transform to their greatness.”
Edie Raether
In Edie’s book, Winning! She shares that almost every notable person (Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Carol Burnett, etc.) had inspiration between the ages of 5-9 in which they saw a flash of their greatness and understood their purpose.
“When kids use the I Believe I Can Fly program wrapped in their blanket, they have a flash of their greatness. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”
Edie Raether
Look at Edie’s magic here Buy her program for a special child in your life.
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
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