Our recent guest, Betsy Cerulo is the founder of AdNet/AccountNet, Inc. – Advocates for Workplace Excellence & Equality. Her company is LGBTE and WBE certified and based in Baltimore, Maryland.

Betsy’s passion is fostering/mentoring new entrepreneurs and serving diverse communities. Besides Business Owner, Betsy’s labels include:

  • Woman
  • LGBT
  • Speaker
  • Panelist
  • Caucasian
  • Grandmother
  • Interrupter
  • Collaborator
  • Spouse

Certain phases and pieces of my story can resonate with others. It’s not been perfect, flowers, or sunshine. It’s been a journey of darkness to get to the light.”

Betsy Cerulo

Betsy has written and published a book called Shake It Off Leadership: Achieving Success Through The Eyes of Our Labels.

The reason I wrote the book is because I wanted to share with up-and-coming generations, women, and underserved communities that to make important changes in our lives it may take someone to push us over the edge and say it’s okay.”

Betsy Cerulo

Betsy feels her experiences in leadership would be helpful. She knows when we’re willing to listen we can find sunshine above the dark clouds. Our battles can be fought with greater strength, wisdom, and joy – no longer defined by old labels.

There is so much wisdom between generations. We have an obligation to teach but we should not get complacent. That’s how we get in trouble. The foundation should be love.”

Betsy Cerulo

Betsy participates in a daily practice of prayer for guidance and gratitude, Yoga, and stretching to silence the noise and stay on the right trajectory.

Shake if off!

Shake it off is a term my high school coaches used after something hadn’t gone right.  I carried it with me and repeated it to myself in times I had to regroup and get back in the ring.”

Betsy Cerulo

Betsy relates what is likely a common challenge for business owners. She had to make tough choices for herself and the organization.

As the CEO I blamed myself for not making changes sooner. Once the changes were made I was able to be a better leader for the business. I’ve earned my place and my white hair.”

Betsy Cerulo

Betsy’s book is available HERE, and she’s offering a workbook FREE on her site.

Learn how to rid yourself of labels and shake off the negative.

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