you want is on the other side of fear….
When young, Stephanie Freethy would watch The X Files, and her interest in police investigation was born. She wanted to be a profiler for the FBI.
She achieved her bachelors in criminal justice, and didn’t qualify for the FBI because they have 5 categories of criteria, and she only met one. She went on to get her master’s degree in psychology.
“Maybe I could still be a profiler. I applied for the Secret Service. Because the hiring process is a year, I joined the police force and realized in a big department there are different avenues you can go down. I was in patrol for about 3 and a half years.”
Stephanie followed that with five years in theinvestigative division giving interviews and collecting evidence. Then she became a sergeant.
“I chose to leave police work without a backup plan and discovered coaching. I got certified at the same time I left a toxic, miserable marriage with a one-year old child to parent.
At 40, I started realizing that other women are feeling the same way I was; like they’ve been living life doing what’s expected of them or based on what society tells them. They are ready to start doing something for themself.”
Stephanie Freethy
Stephanie’s coaching focus became clear. She would help women in their forties figure out the rest of their life.
“When I originally started live coaching I didn’t know what I was going to do with it. I realized women talk about their problems in therapy, but there doesn’t seem to be a plan or a solution. With life coaching there actually is a solution for these women.”
Stephanie Freethy
Stephanie realizes therapy can be costly for many women. Her programs
instruct women who can’t afford therapy or don’t have access to it, as long as
a licensed professional isn’t needed.
“I can help them get over the first hump until they can help themselves. I don’t know where I would be right now if it wasn’t for all the years of therapy. I don’t know who I would be right now.”
Stephanie Freethy
Part of
Stephanie’s course focuses on boundaries because our sense of boundaries is
formed in the first 3 years of life. It’s incredible to think about this
because we don’t even have memory of the first 3 years of our life.
“This was eye-opening to me. No wonder I am who I am. No wonder I am this way. But I’m no longer a victim. I am free to be whoever I want to be, I get to do whatever I want to do. I don’t have to please anybody else.”
Stephanie Freethy
~ If you are or know a woman who istired of banging her head against the wall, or lying in bed at night thinking about how unhappy she is…
~ If you are, or know a woman who wonders, “Why am I unhappy?”…
~ If you are, or know a woman who feels guilty for being unhappy or finds it challenging to feel grateful for what she has…
Freethy is a life coach who can truly help.
“Together we identify three primary things for you that if worked through will make life easier. Once we get over those hurdles I’ll teach you the foundational framework for the rest of your life. I don’t want you to need me forever. I don’t want you to have to go to therapy forever.”
Stephanie Freethy
She has
a program called From Fear to Fierce and a Facebook community with all women.
“In my community women support each other and realize they’re not alone. They realize it’s okay to want more than just being a wife and a mother. And you don’t have to feel guilty about that.”
Stephanie Freethy
you want is on the other side of fear….
“Whatever we’re running in the theater of our mind we are generating a sensation that physiologically creates waves of energy impressed into an invisible field of vibration.”
Felicia Searcy
Felicia Searcy is a 4 time award-winning, transformational coach,
speaker, author, and minister who has helped thousands create a path to living
their dream.
Have you found yourself seeking the secret component that
accelerates success and organizes your dreams accordingly?
“The thing to understand, is that what we are predominantly imagining and generating feelings to find our identity. This unprecedented capacity to create is the most potent energy in the entire universe, our ability to create at will.”
Felicia Searcy
Felicia explains if we aren’t mindful, we may be pursuing a
watered-down dream with a watered-down passion causing watered-down effort,
giving us watered-down results.
“The purpose of your dream is not to achieve goals, but to help you see yourself as more magnificent and brilliant. You can see yourself walking around in the life that is now your normal. You can literally zip yourself into the dream.”
Felicia found these
principles during a dark time in her life. She was debating whether to stay on
the planet or not.
“I began to hear there was a different way of living. I did not have to be defined by my history. I didn’t have to be defined by what others imposed on me. I came into a completely different relationship with this Life Force – Universal Intelligence.”
Felicia Searcy
Felicia made the decision to sit at the feet of some of the most powerful teachers in the human potential movement. She learned episodic manifestation. She would notice people visualizing, raising their vibration, and then manifesting.
“They’ll manifest the car. They’ll manifest the house, the job, the money, the partner, whatever they want. But what they didn’t do was bring themselves along.”
Felicia Searcy
“The real game changer for me was to understand desire, my soul’s calling. I brought myself along. I captured that image and started seeing myself in that life.”
Felica Searcy
We need to have both manifesting and embodiment going on. Embodiment
of our dream is the most important piece.
“The real gift is the journey; it’s the transformation happening along the way. The more powerful difference we make is when we grow into the awareness of our greater selves and we’re showing up as that higher identity.”
Felicia Searcy
Felicia believes we shouldn’t ever desire to get to a point
where we don’t have doubt, because doubt means we’re on the edge of a new
discovery of ourselves. The doubt doesn’t have to collapse us into despair, and
it’s not an indictment. The doubt is simply an indicator of new growth.
“There’s a there’s a new version of me knocking at the door of my heart seeking to make itself known in the form of this next-level calling.
When we feel ourselves contracting, we are making an agreement with something we don’t want. In those moments I do a pattern interrupt.”
Felicia Searcy
Get out of your comfort zone
Feel gratitude
Tell yourself, “there’s nothing broken”.
Go back to your vision and let Source guide you
Take action toward love
Set a new intention
“Deepen your sense of communion and companionship with a Lifeforce Energy. See the Universe conspiring for our good.”
Felicia Searcy
Felicia has created a vision toolkit, which gives instructions on how to write a vision, and what to do next.
“When you say yes to your dream, you’re actually saying yes, to infinite intelligence. You become the vessel through which that Life Force of love can now be expressed.”
I lost a tooth today, and I would like to have a chocolate bar instead of money. Would that be okay?
Love, Jackie
When Marjie Hadad’s children were young, she would ask them to write a letter like the one above to the Tooth-Fairy.
“Everything is an opportunity for a writing assignment in my house. In first grade we learn to put a sentence together, and it’s during the same time our baby teeth start to fall out.”
Marjie Hadad
Marjie took the opportunity to teach her children important life skills using her knowledge of public relation principles.
“This was an opportunity to have the kids draft a letter advocating for themselves and ask for something specific. They’d practice their sentence construction, handwriting, content, and spelling.”
Marjie Hadad
With Marjie’s gentle feedback, she’d teach her kids how to improve a first draft without being critical. She reports her children never felt attacked because it was always a positive experience.
Marjie Hadad
Marjie Hadad is an award-winning TV producer veteran publicist and master storyteller. As of the day of our interview, officially the author of a new book, ThePower of PR Parenting, which is an essential read for every working parent in and outside the home.
Margie shows parents how to use strategic public relations techniques to help their children develop superior writing, language, and presentation skills.
“Whatever our parents, grandparents, and teachers said to us we took into our heart, and we stored it. Everything we say to our kids they take into their heart, and they store it. They may not let you know it right away, but it’s there.”
Marjie Hadad
In PR you have to keep in mind who you’re presenting to. Who is your target market? Who is your audience? What are the key messages you want to share with this target audience? You choose language and tone of delivery so hopefully they receive the message you want to send in the way you intended.
Marjie shares her
messages and wisdom in her new book, The Power of PR Parenting….
“I give you advice on the heavy stuff like crisis management, bullying, sexual assault, and terrorism. I also touch on the light stuff like how to instill self-esteem through performance and public speaking, even party planning.”
Marjie Hadad
Marjie shares that actual
planning of a party teaches kids organizational skills, resilience, and presentation.
“If your child does a first run on something, give them an example of how to do it better. There’s no reason to show them what they did wrong. They already know that.”
Marjie Hadad
Marjie is the first to
say she is not a parenting expert nor a psychologist. She is a PR expert whose
book gives parents a brand new approach to addressing parenting challenges.
“Two years ago, I was sitting with my older daughter discussing a friend who’d recently married and wanted to have children. The same friend wanted to pursue her academic and career ambitions, and she was concerned about whether she’d be able to juggle everything.
‘Mom’, my daughter said. ‘You should write a book to help the next generation of moms have an easier time parenting based on your experience and expertise’.
I took a couple of days to let it sink in. That’s when I understood that I’d used my professional skill set without even knowing it to raise my kids.”
Marjie Hadad
We don’t need to
separate our professional superpowers. Marjie encourages us to leave the drama
at the office, but bring our skill sets home to instruct our kids.
“PR is something we do every day from the moment we wake up. Instill self-love in your child and share with them that they are the most amazing person in your life.”
Marjie Hadad
Get Marjie’s book. Do the
exercises and design a new parenting action plan. If you need more support,
Marjie is also a coach.
Sometime after the birth of her second daughter, while struggling to lose the baby weight, our recent guest Karen Herrick, Ph.D., felt she lacked nourishment. It wasn’t that she didn’t have food to eat, but because she grew up in a traumatic, alcoholic home, Karen was looking for spiritual food.
“Prayer was a likely start, but I really wanted some meat. I was questioning. Then somebody introduced me to Carl Jung and trans-personal psychology.”
Karen Herrick, Ph.D
Karen attended a conference on the subject which studies everything that happens when we’re not awake. She awakened spiritually.
“I understood the addiction piece related to my family, and why I responded and acted the way I did.”
Karen Herrick, Ph.D.
Today Karen is the founder of The Center for Children of Alcoholics and has shared her clinical expertise for 30 years. She has lectured on dysfunctional addictive homes.
Karen Herrick is a new
type of therapist who goes beyond addiction to help people with their spiritual
“I learned a lot from people who had big stories that they couldn’t tell anybody else. I understand all the different psychology, and we don’t eliminate anybody. But if someone happens to have a spiritual experience, we are a place to understand that, too.”
Karen Herrick, Ph. D.
Karen feels spirituality
anchors our soul helping us feel more comfortable here on Earth.
“There are indications that people are moving more toward spiritual-ness, a belief system, and faith.”
Karen Herrick, Ph. D.
Perhaps the biggest benefit to working with Karen Herrick is when you’ve had a near death experience (NDE). She can help you work through what happens after you’ve left your body and now have a spiritual component to your renewed earth experience.
“I interviewed a medium who, when she had her first child, left her body, and went up in her spiritual body. She was looking down at herself in labor.
She said it was lovely with music and flowers. She didn’t know prior to that experience that she had a spiritual body. Now she is aware of a higher power.
This medium was disappointed when she had delivered two more children and stayed in her body.”
Karen Herrick, Ph. D.
Karen explains that 20% of people who have a NDE’s see deceased loved ones, which helps them feel re-connected to who they are. These people need therapists to understand their experiences and find happiness being back on earth, since so many voice the desire to have stayed “in heaven”.
One of Karen’s books is titled You’re not Finished Yet, which is a common message people receive on the other side. They return to their bodies because they have more to do.
Dr. Herrick also talks
about coming from an alcoholic/dysfunctional home, and the roles kids take on
in that environment.
The oldest is the HERO who brings pride to the family and helps the parents
The second child is the PROBLEM child or the scapegoat that acts out.
The third child is LOST, quiet, shy, and sensitive.
The fourth child is the MASCOT or CLOWN who uses humor to hide all their feelings.
Some families include a PLACATE child who tries to make everybody happy.
“There are problems with all those roles when you take them out into the world. If you take 25 kids in an average school classroom, 5 of those children will come from some kind of addicted home. The boys are 4 times likelier to become alcoholics, and the girls usually marry alcoholics.”
Karen Herrick, Ph. D.
Karen’s second husband was an alcoholic. One night while drunk he said to Karen, “You, I can live without. Alcohol, I can’t.”
Karen had permission to leave. She started college and began the wonderful career she has now.
“They call me the weird therapist. I deal with psychology and mental health issues with a spiritual slant. Doctors and ministers don’t like to talk about what I talk about.”
Karen Herrick, Ph. D.
I encourage you to seek out Karen Herrick if you’re having issues with grief, trauma, alcoholism, dissociation, paranormal experiences and NDE’s.
Rennie Gabriel, our recent guest feels that 90% of the population has been taught nothing about handling money effectively, including accountants and financial advisors.
He learned secrets of the wealthy after 2 divorces and a business failure which left him broke at the age of 50. Rennie is now a multi-millionaire.
“Around the age of 30 I had a checking account which I’d never reconciled because I didn’t know how. I went to the bank and told an employee there I couldn’t figure it out how to balance my checkbook.
The bank employee, whose job it was to help people with their finances, said, I’d like to help you, but I don’t know how to do it.”
Rennie Gabriel
was surprised to learn that none of the banking staff had any banking
experience, yet they were in control of billions and billions of dollars.
“It’s pervasive. Anyone who doesn’t know how to do a budget, complete a balance sheet, or doesn’t know what a cash flow statement is, should not feel guilty”
Rennie Gabriel
Rennie knows we don’t learn this by osmosis, and it took him years of searching to find the solutions. He started teaching these principles because he was being asked the same questions over and over and over again.
Then Rennie wrote a best-selling book titled Wealth on Any Income. He has been doing workshops for 10 years teaching people basic foundational, financial skills.
first step Rennie teaches is AWARENESS
“I call it mindset. I call it attitude. I wrote a second book Attitudes of the Wealthy which lists 32 ways wealthy people think and act.”
Rennie Gabriel
Rennie notes that CPA’s and other financial Gurus tell people they should pay off debt before they begin to invest, and that is the absolute worst possible advice anyone could be given.
The second step in Rennie’s system is to SAVE 10% of everything you earn.
“You’re setting it aside somewhere you’re going to keep it. You’re not going to use it to repair the car or anything else.”
Rennie Gabriel
claims it’s helpful to save another 10% so you can spend later on the things
you didn’t know were going to show up, like repairs.
“As a rule of thumb, live on 80% of what you earn and it will all work out. Ten percent to keep forever, ten percent to spend later, and eighty percent to live on.”
Rennie Gabriel
Currently, Rennie and his wife are helping a young woman whose 2-year-old daughter passed away without a plan to cover the child’s medications and healthcare. This young mother had overlooked that part of her “monthly” budget because the bills weren’t standard expenses.
“She only budgeted for rent, food, car payment, gasoline, and other things she knew showed up every month. But she wasn’t planning for medications.”
Rennie Gabriel
There is a GoFundMe campaign set up by Rennie to help this single mother and her other child. If you’d like to help support her schooling as a nurse, housing, and care for her 5-year-old daughter, please click here: Help Kyla Thompson and her daughter Ariah
The third
step to wealth which Rennie mentioned is to TRACK what’s coming in and going
out. Use the proper forms.
“A spending revenue register brings back the consciousness of where the money is going. Whether I’m spending $300 to eat out, or $3,000 on something else, I know what’s going on.
Is this expenditure taking me toward my goals or away from my goals? Did I get the level of pleasure I just paid for with this purchase? Is this money in alignment with my values?
When you ask questions as you’re spending money, then it’s not just a reconciliation, it’s an alignment with who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish.”
You can get a free copy of Rennie’s book if you make a donation to Shelter to Soldier on his website. Or you can purchase the book right from his site – keeping in mind that 100% of the profits from his books and programs go directly to the charity mentioned and others related to animals and veterans. If you purchase the book from Amazon, only a few pennies will go to charity.
grateful Rennie came back to the show to share with us, and you, this very
valuable information.
Our recent guest, Dr. Heather Tucker is a PhD., and the founder and CEO of Another Level Living, Inc. As a coach, she produces powerful transformations for her clients overcoming fear so they can stand in their power.
Heather landed her dream job as an Intelligent Technologies Researcher in the Army. She left that job after awhile because she had a desire to help people in a different way.
Dr. Heather Tucker, PhD.
“I would see things happening in my community and realized the external enemy can’t touch us if there is no enemy within ourselves.”
Dr. Heather Tucker, PhD
Heather realized she could help clients to control the way they responded to things, rather than be controlled by the things themselves.
“I could show people how to step into their own empowerment, their own greatness so they can be unshakeable.”
Dr. Heather Tucker, PhD.
Heather worked with one client for 6 weeks who was able to come off of not one, but all 3, of her behavioral modification medicines after being misdiagnosed as bipolar and in therapy for 20 years.
“She’s communicating the best she ever has in her entire life without emotional triggers. It’s like she was able to get her freedom back.”
Dr. Heather Tucker, PhD.
Heather reports this amazing outcome for her client also impacted the client’s family relationships, and she now works as a trauma coach helping kids.
Today Heather certifies life coaches.
“It’s helpful to understand how our mind works. Some of us think we have to be perfect. That’s just poverty and procrastination, and a whole bunch of paralysis.”
Dr. Heather Tucker, PhD.
The reason Heather loves coaching so much is that she helps people see hope in their future and the ability to be a light for other people.
Heather’s own husband is a Purple Heart Marine Corps Veteran who returned home with post-traumatic stress.
“Anyone who knows someone with PTSD and trauma knows it takes energy and emotion for them to stuff down what they don’t know how to express. As a caregiver I want to inspire and empower.”
Dr. Heather Tucker, PhD.
Heather has interviewed and interacted with hundreds of thousands of service members. She knows they join the service because they want to be able to help other people. She is saddened to learn that 25 to 30 veterans a day are dying from suicide.
“The path forward for our military personnel is to find their ideal job by putting their resumes together and helping them with interview skills, etc.”
Dr. Heather Tucker, PhD.
Heather shared a story about a man who was frustrated with his community not changing for the better. The man was getting angry until he realized he only had to change himself, and the community would follow.
Heather shared an acronym for the word C.O.A.C.H. she has created.
C is for Clarity and Calm
O is for Overcome Obstacles
A is for Accountability and Awareness
C is for Confidence and Consistency
H is for Harmony and Happiness
Dr. Heather Tucker is delighted she can help so many people achieve her C.O.A.C.H. goals. If you’d like to learn the ways Dr. Heather can help you, get her book The Power of Coaching.
When he was young, Thomas claims he was extremely undisciplined and aware of the thoughts that went along with being undisciplined.
“I couldn’t see a task through, then. Whether I was learning to play the piano or gymnastics, I was going to drop out of it as soon as I burned up the initial enthusiasm.”
~Thomas Sterner
Thomas felt he was never going to reach his potential and that he
needed to find a solution to his lack of discipline.
“When I was in college a close friend of mine gave me the textbook to his Philosophies of the World course. It went through all the different religions of the world, both Eastern and Western, and I ate it up. I couldn’t get enough.”
~Thomas Sterner
Within a few years Thomas was a completely different person. He went into sports, psychology, neuroscience, and he continues to study today.
“I learned about the relationship between our mind, our body, and the universe. A shift that’s taking place.”
~Thomas Sterner
Thomas soon went into piano technology, which was an in-demand profession. He had every credential available and worked 65 to 70 hours a week. It helped him focus on routine tasks.
“We spend most of our time being very attached to a goal and getting the job done. We want the kids picked up. We want the grocery shopping done. Well, I couldn’t have that mindset working on pianos because it just went on and on and on and on. I had to retrain myself to be in the moment.”
~Thomas Sterner
Thomas defines the conscious mind as the observer of everything else, and the language of the subconscious mind is feelings.
“The subconscious doesn’t pay much attention to words but to feelings and images of those feelings that are happening outside of you.”
~Thomas Sterner
Thomas adds that the subconscious mind is a very elegant, non-judgmental
recording system which is extremely
accurate. The subconscious sees how you react to every situation, and the
thought creates the feeling which is electromagnetic energy.
“We’re not actually the thinker of our thoughts. We’re being thought by our subconscious. Because we’ve always been doing it, it feels normal.”
~Thomas Sterner
We’re being stimulated by what we hear and see, by the task we’ve been given. Just because we don’t know we’re doing it doesn’t mean we’re not doing it. We’re either in control or we’re being controlled.
Whether we’re learning to drive a car, to sell, or to play golf, our
mind becomes absorbed in the process. As soon as we become adept at it, the subconscious
mind takes a load off the brain and we don’t need to focus on it anymore.
“There’s no decision making in it. It’s just a program that’s being run, and you’re either in control, or you’re the victim of your subconscious.”
~Thomas Sterner
Thomas writes in his book that the key to changing the program is getting outside of it. When you get outside of the process, you can say to yourself, “I don’t want to have this experience, so I’ll rewrite the program.”
“Today we are proving empirically what has been known in the East for thousands of years. They weren’t distracted by technology. They were always looking inside. They were looking at the internal world.”
~Thomas Sterner
It’s like electricity. Electricity has been here since creation,
but we’ve only known it was there for about 150 years. Electricity was always
there. It was always waiting to be used.
“We have the ability to control our thinking. If we use that ability we can change the environment our body is exposed to. This is important for health, happiness, and contentment in life. I think most people walking around today don’t feel like they’re in control.”
~Thomas Sterner
What’s the first step to begin controlling our thoughts?
“You should begin a simple, short meditation practice every day. You can’t do it wrong, but guided meditations are asking you to think. You should close your eyes to stop thinking.“
~Thomas Sterner
Sit quietly with your back erect and watch your body breathe. Your brain may get bored in about 10 to 15 seconds and starts to think about tasks to do.
“What you want is that moment when you catch the mind, leave the thought, and become the observer. Pulling it back in strengthens your willpower.”
~Thomas Sterner
Within a very short period of time, you start to notice that
you’re not your thoughts. You start to feel outside of your thoughts. Now you
have the privilege of choice.
Bernardo Moya is a returning guest who is very busy planning The Best You Expo in Los Angeles where I, and one of my 10-year old students will be speaking. Those of you in California can attend for free at this link: https://thebestyouexpo.com/ It will be live streamed from the main stage.
Bernardo Moya is an editor, author, publisher, TV producer, editor in chief of the Best You Magazine and CE0 of NLP Life Training, the world’s largest neural linguistic programming organization. He’s been an entrepreneur for over 35 years and is the author of a new book titled a Man Evolving
“I’ve always been very entrepreneurial. My mom used to call me a dreamer, thinking outside the box and always wanting to do things differently.”
~Bernardo Moya
Always wanting to be his own boss and imagining the kinds of things he could do, Bernardo’s The Best You Expo is now materializing after 3 years of a pandemic.
“I thought about so many great speakers, but they don’t have a platform unless your name is Tony Robbins or Les Brown. I always wanted to give a platform to those that didn’t have that reach yet. It’s about elevating consciousness and bringing more love to the world.”
~Bernardo Moya
Bernardo thinks the Best You Expo will likely go back to Europe after L.A. or globally to India, maybe Canada. He feels we all need leaders and more inspiration than ever before. His event is an opportunity for all of us to come together.
Amidst all the planning for his big event, Bernardo found time to write a book…
“I started writing it in a very different way. I was writing more about love, the evolution of love, and wondering what love means to diverse cultures and religions.”
Bernardo shows some vulnerability in his book through thoughts and poetry he’s written. He writes about the separation from his wife and the loss of his mother.
“When I shared it with my loved ones, (some of them are exes) they weren’t very excited or delighted about me sharing these emotions, but I felt it was important for me to share because of who I am. I am a man evolving”
~Bernardo Moya
Bernardo feels that couples don’t share a lot. They don’t talk a lot. They don’t communicate a lot, and in many cases men struggle with sharing emotions. He reports male suicide is one of the biggest killers, and that men keep their emotions bottled up.
“When my dad passed away I was 15 years old. My brother was 7. Many of the things I’ve gone through in my life has simply been self-healing. My book is how I’m expressing that.”
~Bernardo Moya
Bernardo claims he is a romantic guy who loves to express his feelings. He feels his book will benefit men who are young and old. He asks questions at the end of each chapter and asks the reader to consider the answers.
“Maybe the reader gets some tips. The questions are provoking and encourage actions.”
~Bernardo Moya
A Man Evolving is also a book for women so they can begin to express their feelings differently and understand men a little more. Some of the poetry gets a little spicy, too.
The book is outlined as an evolutionary process all its own.
“There are stages from falling in love and feeling those early butterflies. Then there’s the period of passion. There’s also the realistic look at rejection.”
~Bernardo Moya
A Man Evolving is relevant to the importance of what’s happening on
the planet and our stake in it. It’s about what we do and say while we’re
“I can’t encourage people to be divisive. I can’t encourage people to hate each other, to be average, and to not take care of themselves.”
~Bernardo Moya
When was the last time you said to a loved one that you love them?
When was the last time that they heard some kind words from you?
“Love is the answer. Love is the answer to everything.”
You can find a sampling of the book prior to release here MaliandJoe.com
“We decided to tell our own stories in in this book. People get an idea of what it really means to be vulnerable and intimate.”
Mali and Joe
To write their book, Joe and Mali took about 3 years of conversations and transcribed them into a 200 page outline for their book. From there, Mali would draft a chapter and Joe would read it.
“Then we sit down and tear it apart together and have even deeper conversations.”
Mali and Joe
Their book is to help couples who avoid talking about uncomfortable
issues and insecurities in relationships.
“We’ve structured the first section of our book called the Intimacy Inquiry, which has dozens and dozens of questions to consider.”
Mali and Joe
One of the early chapters of the book is titled, 6 Keys to Intimate Adventures and lists the first key as connection. The next key is resilience.
“If you’re going to have an intimate relationship that continues to grow in connection, you’ve got to build the foundation of real trust which we call resilient trust.”
Mali and Joe
Their book is going to poke and prod you into having important
“Once you finally start talking about intimate things, a weight comes off your shoulders and there’s an immediate increase in intimacy that you have with your partner, because now you’ve allowed yourself to be vulnerable.”
Mali and Joe
Another goal Mali and Joe have with their book is to help people find where the edges of their relationships are, because those are places where they can play.
Mali and Joe believe boundaries in relationships come unconsciously from our conditioning and our fears. By shutting down or not being vulnerable with your partner, the relationship tends to stagnate.
“Our real purpose in this is finding ways to help people turn a long term relationship into a long term adventure.”
Mali and Joe
There are many stories in Mali and Joe’s book of how people approach all kinds of problems, whether it’s with the way their bodies function, or problems with what their mind is telling them, menopause, and such.
If you want to get out there in your relationships. If you want to have a deeper connection with your partner. If you want your partner to understand where you’re coming from, and why you have thoughts, fears or concerns, reading Mali and Joe’s book will be a wise decision.
“They are the record of your soul’s journey through all time-space continuum.”
~ Lisa Barnett
When we individuated from Source our soul went on a journey. Everywhere we lived and everywhere we’ve been on earth and other places, planes, and dimensions is all recorded in The Akashic Records.
Can we access our Akashic Records
and determine if we are indeed living our purpose?
“Yes. Access to your records has nothing to do with any religion or dogma. The benefit of accessing your record is to learn your plan and individuals with whom you may have made Soul Contracts with.”
~ Lisa Barnett
Lisa teaches we, as infinite and ancient souls, have created this place we call earth as a training ground to learn and grow as a soul. We are challenged here in ways we are not challenged elsewhere.
“We have gifts and talents we bring back from our journey here.”
~ Lisa Barnett
Who are the Akashic Record
“Pure source energy. They are more newly individuated souls who have never been human and who chose to be in service to other souls for a while.”
~Lisa Barnett
Lisa could remember being an etheric soul when she was three years of age. She used to tell her mother she wanted to go home. She wasn’t happy about being back in a body on earth.
“I had been an Akashic Record keeper until I decided to move on to other planes.”
~ Lisa Barnett
There are millions of light workers. Everyone has the ability to wake up and become more conscious. We all wrote complex soul plans to be of service to humanity.
Is our plan set?
“Our plan is written, but not saved in stone. We have free will. The plan is a guideline. We have amnesia so we don’t remember it.”
~ Lisa Barnett
Lisa teaches a five step prayer system to clear and release energies which block us. She gets the questions answered we always wondered about.
She teaches clients how to ask questions, go deeper, and to release the karmic patterns and contracts which no longer serve us.
“I believe a long time ago there were conscious beings embodied as humans here to serve humanity. Perhaps they helped build the pyramids.”
~ Lisa Barnett
What are the possibilities of
reading our Akashic Record?
“When I open a clients records I can pick out trauma from other lifetimes which are stopping or blocking them. Trauma is healed in the record and then healed in the body of the client.”
~ Lisa Barnett
Lisa does healing and reading sessions with clients. Her book is to help everyone start to move from their stuck places and help them realize they are living a plan they have chosen and there is a purpose to what they’re going through.
Her book and four free Akasha gifts can be found using this link:
In an upcoming course beginning Feb 27th, Lisa teaches people to access their own records through her 5 Step Wisdom Prayer System.
In sixteen hours of handholding, attendees will learn 7 Healing Prayers, 31 questions to ask in your Akashic Records, and tools to call back your energy and live the life your soul desires.
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Todd’s Book
Jackie’s Book
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