Thrive in Life with Clarity and Energy. Starring Celine Anelone Brozovich

Celine Anelone Brozovich May 11, 2021
Less than 5% of american doctors spend more than 10 min with their patients, and six out of ten Americans suffer from a chronic disease. Employees who are in bad health have more than 30% decline in productivity.
Combining the approach of Lifestyle Medicine, the methodologies of People Change Management, the principles of Lifestyle Coaching and consulting, compassion and personal experience, Celine Anelone Brozovich has developed a process for sustainable results.
Celine believes strongly that we’re all entitled to have a thriving life with mental clarity and energy without jeopardizing our health and with no guilt. In her inspirational talks, Celine breaks the code revealing the history and scientific research backing lifestyle medicine and shares very practical ways to start a transformation.
Feel energized, vibrant, and competent again!
Meet Celine Anelone Brozovich

The Magic of Connection with Michelle Welch

Michelle Welch April 13, 2021
Everything and everyone is energy. We lean into and absorb energy every moment of every day, and no matter how much we put up bubbles of protection, shields, or walls between us and harsh energies—they never go away—energy merely changes form. 
Michelle Welch is the author of The Magic of Connection: Stop Cutting Cords & Learn to Transform Negative Energy to Live an Empowered Life  
Michelle’s book teaches you how to transmute the voluminous energy cords we get hooked by, and offers techniques that anyone, especially sensitive empaths, can use to transmute difficult energies that otherwise can alter our mental and emotional health.
Michelle offers intuitive readings and healing sessions. Every chapter of her book contains exercises to help us on our journey to becoming the masters and magicians of energy.
Meet Michelle Welch

Getting All your Cylinders to Fire!

Who does not want more energy? Who does not want to feel as though all cylinders of your life, business, and health are firing at the right time and in the right way?

Our recent guest, Juan Miolan is a life energy coach. He recognizes that entrepreneurs who have children can often find themselves backfiring and burned out. Trying to “balance” priorities between home and business usually saps entrepreneurial energy instead of igniting it.

Juan Miolan gave us insight into the answers to solve these common problems, and to get out of the exhaustion cycle.

From early childhood Juan experienced the downside of mental health since his mother struggled with it. Juan learned the importance of taking care of what is between our ears, and what is in our heart. He set out on a journey to explain his own exhaustion, insomnia, and a lack of personal success.

Juan studied spirituality, brain health, neuroscience, quantum mechanics and ancient philosophy with a goal to get answers about how parent business owners, coaches, and the like can be their best without sacrificing one area of life to have success in another.

If our health fails, everything else fails.”

Juan Miolan

Juan coaches his clients about the importance of integrating all aspects of health into human wholeness. With four elements of focus, its not that one element is more important than another – we must master all of them together.

The four laws are: spirituality, mental health, emotional health, and physical health. What do we biologically and physiologically need?

Juan Miolan

Juan claims exercise is not always the best place to start, even though we have been taught to do so when it comes to “getting into shape”. Instead, it helps to understand the brain and the mind are separate and different from each other. Juan proclaims we must focus on neuro nutrition, and what we can do to allow our brain to function at full capacity.

I always like to start with truth. Transformation happens through truth, not strategies. A lot of us are trying to change without understanding our body and how our brain and belief system operates. You can’t get to the next level of health without the next level of mindset; and you can’t get to the next level of mindset without the next level of health.”

Juan Miolan

Juan encourages us to set more heart-felt goals.

I want to help people come alive in their purpose. Recognize that you don’t have an energy problem, you have an energy distribution problem.

Juan Miolan

A lot of our thoughts are contracting, rather than empowering our success. For instance, Juan says we should think about starting to move before starting to exercise. Hops and twists will help our lymphatic system to release toxins and stress. Exercise is a hormone stressor. To recover from this stressor, we need proper sleep and nutrition.

Juan provided for all of you his Small Movement Library: Click Here

There is an order to how we should do things. Exercising hours and hours takes us away from family and other important things. Health does not require you to suffer.”

Juan Miolan

Other trainers do not look at your belief systems, they simply suggest you work harder and more often to reach your goals. Not always helpful.

It’s important to have a strong and true relationship with yourself.”

Juan Miolan

Juan offered another gold nugget of information: When it comes to nutrition, we need to consider what food means to us. Food is connected to our experiences, and as we try to remove some of these foods from our diet, we should understand our intimacy with them. Our brain creates neuro connections with food which represents feelings we have had with family or community. This neuro relationship makes it hard to give up the foods we love. Juan says the answer is to rewrite the meaning of that food in our life’s script.

Live through the heart and tap into what you really want to feel. Be compassionate with yourself.

Juan Miolan
Juan Miolan

Find this life-changing expert @JuanMiolan on Facebook

Check out Juan’s website:

Here’s Juan’s Small Movement Library once again: Click Here

Report and Review of ESS60

Several weeks ago, Chris Burres was on the show. He talked about the ESS60 Molecule which he’d discovered, tested, and has now released onto the market.

Chris Burres

His claims are incredible – a 90% longer lifespan in the rats which were tested. Chris provided samples of his product for me, Todd, and our pets both canine and feline.

During this week’s show, with Chris as our returning guest, Todd and I gave a full report of our experience with his product, MyVitalC.

Chris is a research engineer and scientist. His background is in inventions and manufacturing. He owns patents related to explosives. Discovering the use of ESS60 for human consumption was kind of an accident.

Here’s what Todd and I reported following our use of MyVitalC.

Todd’s report:

My joints feel a little better. Maybe I’m detoxing indicated by the reddened skin under my eyes.

You sent me some for my dogs, too. Their dry skin was better, and their coats were shinier. Overall, I don’t know if I’m going to live longer, but I see positive effects.”

Chris confirmed Todd’s results are typical, and many people in forums describe similar skin reactions and “detoxing”.

A couple months after selling a particular customer some of the ESS60, and learned he’d ordered 2 more times after that first order, I asked about his results with the product, thinking he’d have a positive testimonial. The customer’s  answer to ‘what have you been experiencing?’ was: ‘nothing’.

Chris Burres

Chris came to learn from the customer (through further discussion) that the mans arthritis was better, the “clicking in my knee” was gone, and he was jogging which he hadn’t done in the previous 10 years.

The customer mentioned one last result: “I’ve felt less stress at work. Keep in mind, it’s the same job, same people, same stress. I just feel less stress while at work.

A side effect of MyVitalC is that people have renewed energy, and therefore are often motivated to participate in activities they might not otherwise act with. Chris claims the most consistent testimonial is better sleep.

Jackie’s report:

I am a rather complicated case. I have fibromyalgia, and I manage it well. I also have a broken ankle that will be surgically repaired for the second time in a week. This has caused an inflammatory response. I also have gut issues perhaps related to Epstein Barr.

I started taking the immunity blend which contains MCT oil. I noticed right away when I was working out, I had more strength, stamina, and energy. I also noticed the ability to handle stress better. I didn’t whig out when technical issues occurred, I simply worked through it and handled it. I will take the Immunity Blend again.

I have two dogs, and they immediately stopped scratching. Their fur has been so soft and fluffy. I see huge benefits with the dogs, and we’ve already reordered the canine formula on a subscription.”

Chris suggested we read a book written by Steven Gundry, MD:

As you’re reading these books, the testimonials stated therein are also our product testimonials. Dr. Gundry is taking our product.”

Chris Burres

It was delightful to have Chris back on the show. Stay tuned for another opportunity to hear from Chris Burres on a future episode of Life Mastery Radio


The link to try his product is:

Insights of The Celestine Prophecy

When I heard James Redfield was scheduled to be on the show, I began to read his first book, The Celestine Prophecy. I’d heard about it years ago and thought it would be like so many other self-help books written by guests we’ve had on the show. Please, don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved every book I’ve read related to our guests. In this instance, however, I was completely surprised to discover The Celestine Prophecy is a novel.

As I read the compelling adventure story about a man seeking for higher knowledge and power, I was made to wonder, “is this a novel, or did this really happen?”

Within a few days of reading, I’d reached the inspirational conclusion, excited to learn there was an Afterword section wherein I was taught how to apply the insights of the book into my life. In other words, a NOVEL taught me SELF-HELP.

The Celestine Prophecy, published in 1994, sat at #1 on the NY Times best seller list for 3 years. It has ended up being the first of many literary successes for James Redfield.

James Redfield

[The Celestine Prophecy] is about tuning in to spiritual insights; understanding how the world really works from the viewpoint of consciousness and moving the world to a better place.”

James Redfield

Working with troubled teenagers as a therapist at the time of its creation, his work was the laboratory for The Celestine Prophecy. James put the information he’d taught into a living story based on his experiences, and those of others.

Inspiration energy, heart based, emotion-based energy, can only be achieved in a story with believable characters. We live in a spiritually designed universe. Until you know how to get in alignment with that design, life is materialistic at best.”

James Redfield

The Celestine Prophecy shares a consensus of thought on the key experiences of spirituality, a scientific wave of thought starting with Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who introduced the idea of spirituality into the scientific world.

The book began as a pass-along book. James shared the manuscript with many people, who shared it with others. Within 6 months The Celestine Prophecy was everywhere in the 1990’s.

Why the resurgence now?

It’s a new time in the world because of three very different generations on the earth.

Baby Boomers are retiring with time on their hands. They’re asking the higher questions: What can I do to leave a legacy? What can I do to be of service?

Millennials (children of boomers) are reaching an impactful point in life. They’re looking at year 40 coming at them; and for answers to the question: Is there more to this life?  They have the education, the job, the family, but still feel incomplete.

The Gen X’ers are looking at their future with questions: How can I afford college? Can I be successful? Am I going to be okay?”

Three generation are starting to search for answers. The Celestine Prophecy speaks to this quest. More people are meditating than ever before.

It’s a new time, and people are passing the book along again.

The characters in the book are searching for clues to discover hidden and valuable insights that will raise spiritual consciousness. During the interview, James shared a few of the insights:

  1. Synchronicity. Many people doubt it, but if it’s real, and we actually do receive help from above, then all spiritual consciousness is real. This is where the journey begins
  2. Evolving earth forward through consciousness. It’s our birthright
  3. Karma. There is consensus building about karmic structure. If you’re a giver, and aligned with synchronicity, you’ll surround yourself with givers. If you’re a taker, and misleading other people, you’ll draw more takers into your life.
  4. Mediation. Finding your intuition. Quiet your mind and set a mantra to open your heart and feel love. Love brings stability and peace; and keeps you from getting cynical.

There are 5 more insights found in the story of The Celestine Prophecy. Insight 10 (provided after the story ends) is tuning in to the afterlife. Recognizing the reality of angels and the concept of heaven.

The new edition has an Afterword about how to stay awake after the journey and discovery found in the book.

Live the insights and get in alignment with how the world really works. Get on the path of service. We are intuitively guided when we have an open heart and mind. We set ourselves up for synchronicity. That brings us to dreaming, and then the dream begins to unfold.”

James Redfield invites us to connect with uplifting energy and live a higher consciousness.

Visit his website and join the online community being built which you can be part of. The Celestine Vision

Experiencing the World Energetically

Lisa Erickson, author of Chakra Empowerment for Women, was our guest today. She realized, during a time of high demand in her career, that as a child she experienced the world energetically and didn’t know it.

After the birth of her first child, Lisa realized her energy had changed drastically, as did her relationship with her Chakras. Today, Lisa focuses on energy work for women, especially those women healing from sexual trauma and abuse.

I had a health crisis myself that got me focused on women’s health and women’s energetics in particular.”

Lisa Erickson

Energetics applies to any modality in which we’re working with our energy body. Chakra meditation, Reiki, Acupuncture and Acupressure.

Our energy body is that interface between our physical, our physic, and our spirit. Working with Chakras gave me a language and a structure for processing my energy body.”

Lisa Erickson

The second Chakra is the foundation of a woman’s energy body. It’s linked to procreation, creation energies, and sexual energy.

Men and women both experience problems with their first and second Chakras if they’ve experienced abuse.

In Lisa’s book, Cindi Dale tells the following story:

Decades ago, I was under the tutelage of a Belizean shaman. One afternoon, after he explained the curative properties of various jungle plants, he smiled and leaned toward me, ignoring my male companions. “I’m only teaching the men,” he whispered. “You are a woman. You are aware of what I am speaking.” I was puzzled and asked the shaman, a natural herbal healer, what he meant. “Women already know all things. Men must learn all things.” He paused and pointed toward my abdomen. “There, that is why. You have the power of the Mother—and of all mothers.

Cindi Dale, Chakra Empowerment for Women

Chakra Access Points

  1. Root | Tailbone | Safety, stability, vitality
  2. Sacral | Pelvis | Creativity, emotions, sensuality
  3. Navel | Just under navel | Personal power, will, self
  4. Heart | Center of upper chest | Compassion, balance, love
  5. Throat | Center of neck | Expression, authenticity, clarity
  6. Third Eye | Above brow midpoint | Insight, intuition, imagination
  7. Crown | Top back part of head | Spirituality, faith, purpose

We can each learn which Chakras are blocked, and which are strong in us. Lisa uses a mapping tool in her book to help the reader learn how our own Chakras are operating. She does this through memory, visualization, and affirmations.

I evolved the specific visualizations, affirmations, and use of emotional memory. I combine them into a how-to process. The reader can access whatever is most powerful to them.”

Lisa Erickson

There is so much information gained from her book; and from our interview with Lisa. Please listen to the show and then dive right into the book.

Chakra Empowerment for Women show with Lisa Erickson

Chakra Empowerment for Women book by Lisa Erickson

It’s Easy to be You, So Why Work So Hard at Being Someone Else?

“It’s easy to be you, so why work hard at being someone else?”

Kris Prochaska was our guest this week on Life Mastery Radio. If I had to sum up her energy intelligence from my perspective, I’d use words such as: Human Design | Expression | Congruence | Awareness

Ms. Prochaska spent 20 years as a therapist and consultant. She discovered Human Design, and now calls herself an intuitive sharpshooter. She gave a TEDx Talk in Bend Oregon May 2015 about ways to get our kids to listen and engage. Here’s the link to that TEDx Talk: Kris Prochaska

She began our interview May 14th by saying:

“Our design does us. Human design is a map of our energy; how we think and process our emotions; how we do things in the world.”

Human Design

Human Design is a blueprint of our expression, and there are as many designs as there are individuals. Each of us is truly unique.

I found it interesting that Kris suggested we all must surrender to our design. She mentioned we can each work with, and in, harmony of our design.

“Our life is in flow when we are in service to our design”

Ms. Prochaska further defined Energy Intelligence through an experience she had listening to an activist speak.

“I felt her intention as an activist was to inspire action in her audience, but I noticed her intention did not match the energy she was bringing to the presentation. The presenting activist seemed to be “punching the audience in the face” from a place of anger.”

“We have to speak to the heart of the audience. We should use our energetic signature to express ourselves. There is a vibrational sound or feeling the audience will take from your presentation.”

In our unique Human design, 70% of us are designed to listen to our intuition. The other 30% of us listen to our instinct in a different way. Kris Prochaska told us it’s important for each of us to have an awareness of our energy. She related a circumstance when she overrode her awareness and learned a lesson.

“I was bringing in speakers for an event and two members of the board suggested a particular man should be invited to present. They recommended him highly. When I spoke with him on the phone, I had a visceral reaction. I didn’t feel right about him presenting to the group of women who’d be present, but I had him scheduled to speak.

A week before the event, a member of the conference group sent an email about this same man, which said: ‘he’s a convicted child molester’. I knew he was the wrong person to be speaking with this group.”

Do you ever override your awareness? If so, you’re not likely using your Energy Intelligence.

Kris calls it energetic congruency when we are aware of our design, and work within that design to create success.

When we are congruent with energy, people will receive it.

Kris Prochaska offered some ways we can get in tune with, and develop our Energy Intelligence:

  1. Use the Human Design system to map out your energy.
  2. Identify circumstances when you’re trying to be something you’re not (operating in shadow)
  3. Align with who you are
  4. Align your goals to your actions

It’s easier to be you than someone else, but we all try so hard to be others.

The Indigo Soul with Yol Swan


February 23rd – What exactly is an Indigo Soul?

Yol Swan explains it beautifully and deeply in our interview.

But in a nutshell, it’s a soul type with characteristics like:

  • High sensitivity – chemical, environmental, emotional, etc.
  • Intuitiveness
  • Compassion
  • Connected to nature
  • Creativity
They are bound to the truth, and freedom seeking by nature.

So what has to happen for these Indigos to forge their paths?

It is the Indigo transformation that can transform the world.

Formal Bio:

Yol Swan is a spiritual counselor, mentor and coach with degrees in literature, music and homeopathy who has taken the understanding of the soul and the wounded Feminine to new cosmic depths.

A modern seer who perceives life as energy, with more than 28 years exploring the mind, psychology, and spirituality, she lives in the mountains of North Carolina and helps people around the world create a joyful and abundant life in alignment with their soul.

Her book, The Indigo Journals, gives Indigos and feminine souls the tools to break free of co-dependency, release themselves from trauma today and the historic imprint of trauma in their DNA, and integrate all aspects of their soul to develop an empowered, 5th-dimensional perception of life.


Listen to “Indigo Souls with Yol Swan 02\23/16” on Spreaker.

Lee Labrada, Holistic Health

One of the world’s best-known and celebrated bodybuilding legends, Lee Labrada holds 22 professional bodybuilding titles, including the IFBB Mr. Universe. He is one of few pro bodybuilders in history to consistently place in the top four at the Mr.Olympia competition(the “Super Bowl” of bodybuilding)for seven consecutive years.August 2nd with Tina Marie and Todd Alan 12 pm CT