Lisa Erickson, author of Chakra Empowerment for Women, was our guest today. She realized, during a time of high demand in her career, that as a child she experienced the world energetically and didn’t know it.

After the birth of her first child, Lisa realized her energy had changed drastically, as did her relationship with her Chakras. Today, Lisa focuses on energy work for women, especially those women healing from sexual trauma and abuse.

I had a health crisis myself that got me focused on women’s health and women’s energetics in particular.”

Lisa Erickson

Energetics applies to any modality in which we’re working with our energy body. Chakra meditation, Reiki, Acupuncture and Acupressure.

Our energy body is that interface between our physical, our physic, and our spirit. Working with Chakras gave me a language and a structure for processing my energy body.”

Lisa Erickson

The second Chakra is the foundation of a woman’s energy body. It’s linked to procreation, creation energies, and sexual energy.

Men and women both experience problems with their first and second Chakras if they’ve experienced abuse.

In Lisa’s book, Cindi Dale tells the following story:

Decades ago, I was under the tutelage of a Belizean shaman. One afternoon, after he explained the curative properties of various jungle plants, he smiled and leaned toward me, ignoring my male companions. “I’m only teaching the men,” he whispered. “You are a woman. You are aware of what I am speaking.” I was puzzled and asked the shaman, a natural herbal healer, what he meant. “Women already know all things. Men must learn all things.” He paused and pointed toward my abdomen. “There, that is why. You have the power of the Mother—and of all mothers.

Cindi Dale, Chakra Empowerment for Women

Chakra Access Points

  1. Root | Tailbone | Safety, stability, vitality
  2. Sacral | Pelvis | Creativity, emotions, sensuality
  3. Navel | Just under navel | Personal power, will, self
  4. Heart | Center of upper chest | Compassion, balance, love
  5. Throat | Center of neck | Expression, authenticity, clarity
  6. Third Eye | Above brow midpoint | Insight, intuition, imagination
  7. Crown | Top back part of head | Spirituality, faith, purpose

We can each learn which Chakras are blocked, and which are strong in us. Lisa uses a mapping tool in her book to help the reader learn how our own Chakras are operating. She does this through memory, visualization, and affirmations.

I evolved the specific visualizations, affirmations, and use of emotional memory. I combine them into a how-to process. The reader can access whatever is most powerful to them.”

Lisa Erickson

There is so much information gained from her book; and from our interview with Lisa. Please listen to the show and then dive right into the book.

Chakra Empowerment for Women show with Lisa Erickson

Chakra Empowerment for Women book by Lisa Erickson

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