“Let’s say you want to build muscles, and it’s suggested that you change your diet; eat fruits, vegetables, etc.
How does that support you to build muscles? It doesn’t. Until you lift weights you will not gain muscle. Dieting and building muscles are two different functions of your body.
Therefore, paying off credit card debt is like dieting – it will not build the assets that will allow you to create wealth. Later in life you end up with no debt, but you also have no assets.”
Rennie Gabriel
This is an important lesson our recent
guest, Rennie Gabriel learned. Despite education in, and a career as, a
financial planner, Rennie became financially broke at the age of 50.
“I was not taught the foundations of handling money effectively, which is sad. Ninety percent of the population has not received the right information about money.”
Rennie Gabriel
How has this happened?
“Parents and teachers can’t teach what they don’t know. I’ve asked hundreds of Certified Public Accountants, and not one has said budgeting and handling money was part of their course work. It wasn’t included in my course work as a financial planner.”
Rennie Gabriel
Rennie explains financial planners are
taught to help wealthy people stay wealthy, but not how to create wealth. Rennie
says the first place to start creating wealth is with our attitudes, beliefs,
and values.
There are some beliefs which hold us back. These beliefs keep us stuck in the same old rut of living from paycheck to paycheck, choosing which bills we can pay this month, and being concerned about impressing strangers.
“There is a myth which says you have to pay off your credit cards before you can start saving or investing in yourself.”
Rennie Gabriel
Once Rennie knew the secrets, he paid the minimum payments on his debt, and he saved money while doing so. In three years, he’d saved $18,000. He used that to start an investment portfolio with two other people.
“Anyone who lives on 80% of what they earn will be able to create wealth. Ten percent saved for later, and ten percent kept for the rest of their life. That’s the money used to build wealth.”
More money will
buy the happiness I’m missing now.
Thought/Belief #2
Budgets and
spending plans are the same thing.
Thought/Belief #3
If I just made more money, I wouldn’t
need a spending plan or budget.
Thought/Belief #4
This will take
too much time and restrict my spending.
Thought/Belief #5
Setting up a
spending plan will be too complicated.
Thought/Belief #6
Rich people don’t have to do this. I shouldn’t have too either.
Because of his wealth now, Rennie can give more money to causes he believes in. He gives all the proceeds of his book and programs to a nonprofit called Shelter to Soldier.
“They take dogs from environments where they could die on the street, or in a shelter where they could be euthanized, and they are trained as service animals for soldiers who’ve returned from service with PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, or other issues. Suicide rates among our returning military personnel is almost one an hour – 22 a day.”
Rennie Gabriel
Not one soldier who has received a
service dog has committed suicide, yet thousands of dogs a day are euthanized.
Rennie describes a few ways dogs can help:
Someone with PTSD can start to get uncomfortable in a crowd, and his/her service dog can sense this and take the soldier out of the situation.
A soldier could be having night terrors, and their service dog will jump on the bed and wake them up.
These dogs can turn on light switches, open doors, and whatever else the veteran needs.
Rennie is a TEDx speaker. You’re welcome to listen to his presentation here.
Rennie’s book should be a part of your library as well. If you’re like me, you need more education on building wealth.
Our recent guest, Eva Goulette received a message from Spirit 2 years ago: the world is ready, and the children are waiting. She took action which has resulted in spiritual training for children in 14 different countries around the world.
Her journey
has been miraculous. Eva has always been creative. She was a ballet dancer and
a teacher – running a dance studio in upper state New York in her twenties.
Following her intuition, Eva made a cross country move to the west coast and found a job at Disneyland producing events. This was a dream job for Eva, and yet she began to realize it was feeding her ego, but not her spirituality. Despite several nudges from the Universe to move on, she did not listen.
“I knew I was living from my head, and not my heart. I needed to connect with my heart, but I did not know what it meant then. I didn’t want to leave the fun stuff and step into the unknown.”
Eva Goulette
The Universe
had to intervene. A head-on auto accident resulted in a TBI (traumatic brain
injury) after which Eva had to move home to be cared for by her parents. With
memory loss and physical limitations, she considered alternative healing
Eva began studying shamanism. She noticed changes in her brain and added drumming to her therapy. Her healing was accelerated. Then she was introduced to a spirit camp for kids being taught by an acquaintance. She was invited to consider teaching a camp.
“This was a perfect marriage for me – spirituality and children.”
Eva Goulette
Children in
the small camps Eva hosted had profound experiences. She witnessed children reenergize
the memory of their spiritual nature. She started a business called Dancing
Jaguar Inspirations with a mission to:
Use a mixture of ancient traditions, nature experiences, and modern holistic techniques to assist in the development of well-rounded, empowered children, who are connected to their authentic selves, by providing them with educational experiences that nurture their minds, bodies, and spirits.
In order to reach children in the 14 countries that now benefit from her programs, Eva felt inspired to create training programs for Spirit Camp teachers.
“It was a full body of work in my head, but I didn’t know how to make sense of it on paper for teachers. Spirit opened up, and it just came to me.”
Eva Goulette
The results on kids? Light, awakening,
recognition in children as young as five years old.
“It is so amazing and an honor to be witness to that in such a young soul.”
Eva Goulette
Eva explained that many children, by the time they are 8 years old, do not share their empathic skills publicly because society (and often family members) have discouraged it. As children get older, they push their sensitivities down because those gifts are not often spoken about in families and/or they are made fun of because of special gifts they exhibit.
“There’s a part of these children which have been neglected. There is a lot of self-discovery happening at Spirit Camp.”
Eva Goulette
Eva reports teaching children to tap
into their inner wisdom, listen to the way their body communicates with them,
and tools to help them nurture themselves.
“At school they are nurtured in the mind; through play they are nurtured in the body; and at Spirit Camp they are nurtured in the Spirit.”
Eva Goulette
Children from age 5-12, and teens are taught to read their energy, and sense the energy in another person, and in nature. There are also classes for adults. In case you are interested, the next Spirit Camp begins the end of April, and there is a 6-class series coming up March 8th. Any adult who would like to teach Spirit Camps can enroll in a certification course beginning May 1st.
Pat Alva-Kraker’s book Katherine’s Quest is about a main character whose life and challenges every reader can connect to, and who happens upon inspirational words from the past. If that’s not enough, Pat’s book also contains musings and teachings from the author herself. I gained amazing insights by perusing its pages.
If you enjoy traveling, you will feel like wearing Bermuda shorts and flip flops while reading this sweet parable about islands such as:
Aeiea Island
– the place of beginnings
Island – the place to start a sacred journey.
Island – the place to heal.
Island – the place to learn the love of work.
Faon Island –
the place of happiness without possessions
Thole Island
– the place of love
Island – the place of culmination
Pat was driven to write this book for you because of three disastrous life events she herself experienced: cancer, widowhood, and a layoff. She navigated her way through these trying circumstances and now provides ways for each of us to circumnavigate our own challenges in a fictional story about Katherine.
Working most of her career in a male-dominated industry, Pat is now on a mission to help women feel empowered in the engineering and IT industries. Pat ran into women who were ambitious and hungry for executive management. She had asked them the burning question:
“How can I help you get there?”
Pat Alva-Kraker
Her reputation and customer base ignited when people in companies would tell their female employees, “you should talk to Pat.”
Pat begins
her coaching process by asking her clients to define “success” for themselves.
“Many women step into the shoes of what society deems “success’ to be, such as a college degree, management, climbing the corporate ladder, and then they don’t feel happy because their ladder is leaning on the wrong wall.”
Pat Alva-Kraker
Pat’s description illustrates what happens to many of us – we fall out of congruency with our own measure of success.
I enjoyed this inspiring nugget from Chapter 2 of Katherine’s Quest:
We always have our choice. Our sacred journey is an ebb and flow of experiences that make us who we are. Our life experiences show up like wrinkles around our eyes. Some of the wrinkles are of joy, others of sadness. Each of us are on a sacred journey that is unique, that cannot be lived by anyone else.
Katherine’s Quest; Pat’s Musings
“You’re exactly where you need to be. Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 7 because we all have a unique path.”
Pat Alva-Kraker
morning when you wake up, name 2-3 things you are grateful for. Allow yourself
to sit in silence, then ask the question: “What’s my next best step today?”
Then go do that.
At the end
of the day, Pat encourages us to participate in an exercise she calls
“Play back your day as if it was a movie. Be the observer of your movie and watch for the patterns in your day. What went well, and why? What did not go so well, and why? You can learn from every day’s experience by being the observer of your life. Write your discoveries down.”
Pat Alva-Kraker
Pat provides
Self-Care methodology in her book as well, which should be practiced every day.
“When our cup is full or overflowing, then we can give from a better place versus depleting ourselves and putting us last on the list. Giving from an empty cup doesn’t serve anyone.”
Pat Alva-Kraker
“Feelings are the magnet to bringing in the things you want. How do you want to feel, and how do you want others to feel? Let go and ask for what you want or something better.”
Pat Alva-Kraker
Pat advises it is better to be satisfied than successful. Rather than get hooked into being defined by the money goals of career, be sure what we are doing is really what we want to do. Make sure our actions connect with our mission.
In Pat’s
book, the main character, Katherine learns this important lesson:
In the end, a choice between the life of overindulgence and never-ending work, little peace and only rare moments of joy, and a life of elation, she would take elation. She would seek the great joy and happiness that is best when it comes from inside and lived on the outside.
For those of you saying, “I’m tired,” “I’ve done everything I know to do,” and “I don’t know what else I can do” our recent guest, Treveal C.W. Lynch is someone to pay attention to. Perhaps you are exhausted from all the effort you are exerting and the hard work you are putting in day after day, only to feel you are never enough.
I completely get it! I needed to hear
his message!
Treveal is a Self-Worth Specialist, and author of the book What Is Enough. He founded iamthepossible®, and preaches:
“The greatest thing you will ever become, is accepting of WHAT you already (are)”
Treveal C.W. Lynch
The “C.W.” represents his father: Christopher Westley. Treveal was estranged from his father for many years. Once reunited, Treveal found forgiveness and now honors his father by making him a part of all he does, and everything he is a part of.
“Don’t dare leave out the C.W.”
Treveal C.W. Lynch
Treveal’s efforts to teach you and I about our significance, he was once
feeling very worthless.
At the age of 20 Treveal was held at gunpoint and robbed for $120 of weed. The robbers demanded three times, “Give me what you have.”
When Treveal was unwilling to give them the marijuana, the trigger was pulled.
The gun failed to fire.
“Look how worthless I felt. I was willing to be shot for a bag of weed. Are YOU willing to live beneath your true value?”
Treveal C.W. Lynch
A year after he was robbed at gunpoint, Treveal committed grand theft at a bistro to it’s owner. He was facing a 15-year prison sentence.
While still in jail, a county sheriff invited those in custody to attend a church service on Sunday morning.
“All I wanted to do was get out of the cell block. I was not religious but was being offered 60 minutes to leave my cell, and I took it.”
Treveal C.W. Lynch
It was during the service Treveal heard a story of Jesus. The message he received from the sermon was clear and life-changing:
“You smoked weed, robbed people at gunpoint, broke into buildings and vandalized them, cussed people out, beat people up, and YOU ARE ACCEPTED. With all of your mess, all of your crap, all of your failings, all of your flaws, all of your ugliness, all of your brokenness – I still accept you.”
That turned
everything around for Treveal. He had been feeling like an outsider, and now
belonged to something. He was ACCEPTED.
His pastor came to Treveal’s rescue, and with an attorney friend convinced the judge to allow Treveal to pay his victim back the money he had robbed him. If he agreed to this arrangement, the bistro owner was willing to drop all charges and clean up Treveal’s record.
Treveal was
released, went to work, and over time paid all the money back.
“Self-awareness is the concept of being aware we are in the right place to BE enough, HAVE enough, and know we’ve ACHIEVED enough.”
Treveal C.W. Lynch
We can live FROM
our worth and not FOR our worth.
“WHO you are is your identity. WHY you are is the intention of your creator. WHAT you are is your investment to life. You are created to BE a contribution. WHAT tells you WHY you are.”
Treveal C.W. Lynch
suggests we ADVOCATE for the ALREADY and focus on digging within ourselves to
discover WHAT’S already inside us.
WHAT do you
do naturally?
WHAT do you
think naturally?
WHAT makes
you cry naturally and laugh naturally?
WHAT do you
naturally gravitate toward?
WHAT social
issues in the world naturally pull your heart strings?
WHAT do you do
naturally that makes people remark, “You do that so well”?
WHAT is already there. Our WHAT will be pulled out when we take time to self-observe.
You would do
well to read Treveal’s book, and to listen to his podcasts. WHAT are you
waiting for?
2. Will you show up every day and
put the work in?
3. Are you obsessed with your
business (or your business idea)?
4. Are you committed to
discovering what your soul purpose is?
5. Are you able to adjust your
business model where necessary?
6. Are you committed to your business for life?
7. Are you willing to learn more
about yourself through your business?
8. Are you willing to integrate
spiritual techniques into your business?
9. Are you committed to being the
face and leader of your brand?
10. Are you a quitter?
If you answered yes to questions 1-9
and no to question 10, you should read Rebekah Louisa Smith’s book. If you
answered yes to question 10, do not read her book. And if you answered no to
questions 1-9 then definitely do not read Dr. Smith’s book.
Rebekah pursued an academic career with both a master’s degree, and a Ph.D. planning to teach film. Yet when she agreed to help a friend produce a horror film festival, she was inspired to take a different path.
It was effortless for Rebekah to produce the festival despite long days, short nights, and challenges that come with live performances, talks, and music.
“It felt easy, and without stress. Thanks to my Ph.D. I knew how to break down huge projects into smaller bite-size chunks. I realized I was born to do it. I came alive and felt more like myself than ever before.”
Rebekah Louisa Smith
Rebekah discovered one of the biggest challenges to film makers was the distribution of their film. She has since become the expert and is known as THE FILM FESTIVAL DOCTOR with 958 awards earned by her clients because of Rebekah’s hands-on-service approach. She now has 10 years of strategic experience in the film industry.
did not know her soul’s purpose then but has since recognized that it is the
key to loving all you do. Anyone who knows their purpose will gladly spend
hours in a day fulfilling their purpose and wake up drawn to their purpose every
Her book is not about the film industry. It is about the powerful ways you and I can feel excited about our life everyday by doing what we were born to do. It is a personal story that draws upon unique techniques and practices to learn your soul’s purpose and teaches us to start a business in a niche which matches our purpose.
Rebekah would tell you being the leader of your business niche does not mean you need to put a ridiculous amount of pressure on yourself to be the best in your field and compete against your competitors; rather, it means you stand out from the crowd of people within your niche (including other entrepreneurs, business owners and your competitors etc.), no matter how big or small that crowd might be.
Ed J.C. Smith encouraged Rebekah to create what he calls a ‘killer
problem statement’, which becomes the core element around which a business must
be based. He explained the best way to tell people what you do is to simplify
how you will resolve your client’s pain. It is broken down as follows:
I help … (your niche)
Get … (their desire)
Without … (their pain)
By … (hiring your services or buying your product)
Rebekah also provides methods of a
spiritual nature to include in the pursuit of a successful business:
Feng Shui for business
Cosmic ordering, Rebekah explains, is asking for what you want from the universe.
I really
want ____________________for the good of all concerned.
“Every morning I place a cosmic order where I ask to get one new business lead. I also ask for one of my films to get into a film festival for the good of my clients and all concerned.”
Rebekah Louisa Smith
Rebekah has tweaked the original verbiage to add: “What I’d really love and appreciate is…”
Rebekah cautions:
“You have to let go once you place the order. Do not stress about the problem any longer. If you are worried about whether it will come through, you might miss it altogether.”
Rebekah Louisa Smith
Rebekah was a very interesting person because of her experiences, and the powerful lessons she can teach everyone. You can learn more about her by visiting one or both of her websites:
Our most recent guest on Life Mastery Radio was royalty since she is known as the Queen of Radical Accountability. Her program with clients is 90 days of intense focus on what matters, and it is called Radical Accountability Movement.
If you are a visionary entrepreneur, you likely have many ideas. So many ideas in fact, it becomes hard to focus on just one at a time, and that leads to constant distractions. UGH! I feel it – it is MY life!
Rebecca explains why it is not helpful to be in this mindset:
“Our ideas mean hard work and relentless focus on mastery. We let go of our real brilliance because we’re trying to do everything on our own.”
Rebecca Irey
We have so much going on, and we cannot possibly follow through with all the tasks listed in our head. It becomes more and more difficult to feel as though we are having success. In Rebecca’s program the first step is to get clear on YOUR PURPOSE.
Your talents are unique, which makes your mission unique.
“Visionaries are less likely to get distracted when they know their purpose. You learn to differentiate from the ideas that are needle-movers, and those ideas that don’t have to be acted on right now.”
Rebecca Irey
Rebecca suggests A Someday, Maybe List.
“Get your ideas out of your head and down on paper. You’ll tackle them eventually, just not today.”
Rebecca Irey
Clients who work with Rebecca set long term goals 12-18 months out. She understands this helps her clients feel less intimidated, but clear on goals, and real on the steps needed to achieve their goals.
“Everyone needs clarity about where they are and where they want to be. Breaking long-terms goals down to daily actions will help every individual progress toward their desired end every day. Break audacious goals into tiny steps and be accountable to someone.”
Rebecca Irey
Rebecca cautions us about who to be accountable to.
“On the Lakota Medicine Wheel, the 7th power is ACCOUNTABILITY, and a phrase they teach is (I’m paraphrasing) DON’T BE ACCOUNTABLE TO ANYONE WHO LIVES IN YOUR TEEPEE.”
When working with Rebecca and her Beyond Accountability Movement, you will focus equally in four areas of accountability to attain proper balance in life:
“You can be radically focused on business and everything else becomes dim. The first week in the movement is hard because you have to face the reality of where you are.”
Rebecca Irey
When we focus on only one of the aforementioned areas, Rebecca calls it “Being Ruled by the Tyranny of the Urgent. We become controlled by the feelings of having to do everything. We get into a cycle of performing in areas of our lives we are not good at, and without knowing it we are on a path completely opposite of our goals.
“Focus on accomplishing the four most important tasks each week through daily goals, and you’ll always be moving the needle in the right direction. Daily goals work to keep you moving forward consistently.”
Rebecca Irey
Would you like to be part of Rebecca’s Radical Accountability Movement? There are 4 spots open right now! It is easy to get involved.
Who does not want more energy? Who does not want to feel as though all cylinders of your life, business, and health are firing at the right time and in the right way?
Our recent guest, Juan Miolan is a life energy coach. He recognizes that entrepreneurs who have children can often find themselves backfiring and burned out. Trying to “balance” priorities between home and business usually saps entrepreneurial energy instead of igniting it.
Juan Miolan gave us insight into the answers to solve these common problems, and to get out of the exhaustion cycle.
From early childhood Juan experienced the downside of mental health since his mother struggled with it. Juan learned the importance of taking care of what is between our ears, and what is in our heart. He set out on a journey to explain his own exhaustion, insomnia, and a lack of personal success.
Juan studied spirituality, brain health, neuroscience, quantum mechanics and ancient philosophy with a goal to get answers about how parent business owners, coaches, and the like can be their best without sacrificing one area of life to have success in another.
“If our health fails, everything else fails.”
Juan Miolan
Juan coaches his clients about the importance of integrating all aspects of health into human wholeness. With four elements of focus, its not that one element is more important than another – we must master all of them together.
“The four laws are: spirituality, mental health, emotional health, and physical health. What do we biologically and physiologically need?”
Juan Miolan
Juan claims exercise is not always the best place to start, even though we have been taught to do so when it comes to “getting into shape”. Instead, it helps to understand the brain and the mind are separate and different from each other. Juan proclaims we must focus on neuro nutrition, and what we can do to allow our brain to function at full capacity.
“I always like to start with truth. Transformation happens through truth, not strategies. A lot of us are trying to change without understanding our body and how our brain and belief system operates. You can’t get to the next level of health without the next level of mindset; and you can’t get to the next level of mindset without the next level of health.”
Juan Miolan
Juan encourages us to set more heart-felt goals.
“I want to help people come alive in their purpose. Recognize that you don’t have an energy problem, you have an energy distribution problem.”
Juan Miolan
A lot of our thoughts are contracting, rather than empowering our success. For instance, Juan says we should think about starting to move before starting to exercise. Hops and twists will help our lymphatic system to release toxins and stress. Exercise is a hormone stressor. To recover from this stressor, we need proper sleep and nutrition.
Juan provided for all of you his Small Movement Library: Click Here
“There is an order to how we should do things. Exercising hours and hours takes us away from family and other important things. Health does not require you to suffer.”
Juan Miolan
Other trainers do not look at your belief systems, they simply suggest you work harder and more often to reach your goals. Not always helpful.
“It’s important to have a strong and true relationship with yourself.”
Juan Miolan
Juan offered another gold nugget of information: When it comes to nutrition, we need to consider what food means to us. Food is connected to our experiences, and as we try to remove some of these foods from our diet, we should understand our intimacy with them. Our brain creates neuro connections with food which represents feelings we have had with family or community. This neuro relationship makes it hard to give up the foods we love. Juan says the answer is to rewrite the meaning of that food in our life’s script.
“Live through the heart and tap into what you really want to feel. Be compassionate with yourself.”
Juan Miolan
Find this life-changing expert @JuanMiolan on Facebook
Janelle Anderson was 16 years old when she discovered her boyfriend who had been drafted into battle during the Vietnam war would not be returning home. When she was a sophomore in college, Janelle was drugged and raped by an acquaintance she’d met at a bar. Not the best foundation of confidence for a young woman.
“I was living in a fog and feeling as though I was nothing. I had no confidence in myself, no one else saw value in me, and I didn’t feel worthy of being heard.”
Janelle Anderson
While in college she met a young man, who knew exactly what to say to manipulate Janelle. After graduation they headed to California but made a stop in Las Vegas. Unfortunately for Janelle they ended up staying in Nevada where her manipulating boyfriend talked her into becoming a “working girl”.
Janelle’s situation would be considered trafficking today and she lived this life of desperation for three years. At the time she could not see the slave-like, trapped life she was in, but it deeply exacerbated her lack of confidence and unworthiness.
Janelle turned to drug use to get her through the daily pain. She took drugs to help her get up in the mornings, and drugs to help her sleep at night. She felt alone and lost.
Janelle contemplated: “How did I get to this place? My parents love me. I’ve been raised with morals, so how did I end up doing what I’m doing?”
One night her boyfriend became physically violent and almost
choked her to death. After surviving that night, Janelle called her mother. Janelle
was invited to pray with her mother for peace, and to return home.
“Peace and home sounded so right. That’s exactly what I needed.”
Janelle Anderson
Janelle went home to her parents and found solace in religion. She participated in programs which helped her begin to heal from years of trauma. Her boyfriend also went home and supposedly found religion as well. They ended up getting married. Their union produced a child and eventually ended in divorce.
“We’ve lost touch with him today, but I have a beautiful daughter. She has made everything worth it.”
Janelle Anderson
In the 30 years that have followed Janelle has remarried and continued to heal while remaining disconnected from the emotion of her trauma. It wasn’t until her 50’s when she finally awakened.
“I still had to do the inner work and start facing my past. It was like a laser beam going to the core of my pain, and for the first time I realized I was not a bad person, I had been a victim. I now own my story. I learned to feel the emotion I so long disassociated from.”
Janelle Anderson
Janelle is now sure of her purpose and how her life story will make an impact in the lives of women who lack confidence as she did. She has been guided by love, faith, and family. She is a Confidence Coach for Women Entrepreneurs & Leaders.
Janelle Anderson leads women through her S.T.A.R. process of self-discovery, personal transformation, and growth to create a fearless confidence in who they are and what they do. This life-changing process results in new levels of success, satisfaction, and engagement in their lives.
Janelle has a webinar beginning on January 18, 2021 called Conquer the Impostor Within. To learn more about it, go to EmergingLifeCoaching.com/webinar
I enjoyed our interview with Janelle. While hearing her story I learned some tips for my own healing:
Find people to trust
Spiritual guidance of some sort is important
Journaling is a helpful tool
Consistent work is required
Be open to opportunites
If you are tired of playing small Janelle will help you stand
tall. If you tend to discount your accomplishments and fly past your successes
without a second glance Janelle’s course will help you.
Look for Janelle’s book coming out soon: She’s Taking Center Stage: How to Be the Star of Your Own Story.
No matter your age, nationality, or the circumstances of your childhood, when you hear the word Disney it undoubtably invokes happy feelings and memories.
That is the MAGIC OF DISNEY!
Our most recent guest, Kimberley Bouchard has become a “back door” expert of that Disney Magic, and she shared much of it with us.
Like Kimberley, when I was young “The Wonderful World of Disney” was broadcast every Sunday evening on TV. For one hour each week, my family lived harmoniously. It was the one common love we all shared.
My first trip to Disneyland at the age of fourteen was truly magical. It was a short escape from contention, abuse, and conflict at home. That year I attended the park with my mother and stepfather. The following summer I went again with my father and stepmother. Both experiences were simply magical.
Kimberley Bouchard was twelve when she first visited the
park, and she found herself most captivated by the castle. Her family had
travelled all the way from Canada in a car to be transformed into the magical
world of the happiest place on earth.
Kimberley is now the author of 5 books titled Positively Disney. The first four books contain stories from actors, animators, artists, and guests. The fifth book is a special edition featuring Star Wars. Within all her books the reader discovers the inspiring stories of life-changing experiences influenced by the magic of Disney.
“If you recall the Chicken Soup for the Soul books by Jack Canfield, you’ll be familiar with the types of experiences you’ll read about in my books. However, it’s all related to Disney.”
Kimberley Bouchard
Here is a taste of a few stories contained in Kimberley’s books:
Sherry Alberoni (Baird) was one of the original Mouseketeers of 1955. She had entered a contest selling cookies. Because Sherry sold the most cookies, she was prized with spending time at the opening of Walt Disneyland Park with Walt Disney himself.
Sometime during the events of the day in an ice cream parlor inside the park, Sherry made Walt Disney an ice cream sundae. While photographs were being taken, she did not realize the ice cream was dripping onto Walt Disney’s coat. Walt just laughed it off. He always cared more about people than things.
“All the Disney stars are really down to earth. They don’t take on airs.”
Kimberley Bouchard
Walt was very persistent in following his dreams, yet he could
not have been successful without his brother Roy.
“It took two to create what they did. Walt was the creator and visionary. Roy was the action man who got things done. They needed each other.”
Kimberley Bouchard
Disney’s 49th animated movie called The Princess, and the Frog highlights the first African American Disney princess. The main character, Tianna was based on Leah Chase, owner of Dooky Chase restaurant in New Orleans whom Kimberley met a few years ago. Leah is known as the Queen of Creole, and at the age of 93 still cooks in the kitchen.
“She (Leah Chase) had the light. She has inspired me with her difficult life and what she created despite it. Her parting words to me were: ‘Go out and make a difference in the world. That’s what this is all about‘.”
Kimberley Bouchard
The very first story in the very first book of Kimberley’s series is her personal experience with the magic of Disney. You’ll have to get her book to read it!
“I’m very blessed to do what I do. I am grateful for the people who have shared their stories with me. I feel driven to illustrate that Disney is not just a park, it is not just products. Disney is magic. It is timeless, inspiring, and far reaching.”
You do not have to be a neuroscientist to be on Life Mastery Radio, but when you are, we get to “pick your brain”. Dr. Ali Lankerani, affectionately known as The Parent Whisperer, not only let us pick his brain, but he willingly shared inspiring information with us.
Dr. L. helps parents to optimize their children’s success in many areas. He shared 4 with us:
“The only organ that can modulate itself and control what comes into it, and what goes out of it is the brain.”
Dr. Ali Lankerani
Dr. L. explained we choose to focus on information from the brain or not. Before we can ask the brain to do something for us, we must make sure to provide the proper nutritional building blocks.
“If you feed your brain the right things, it will provide a different output for you than if you’re feeding it the wrong things. Nutrition plays a role in your perspective.”
Dr. Ali Lankerani
The brain gives us power based on how
many parts are working simultaneously. When we are stressed our brains do not receive
the nutrition it needs to help us thrive.
Dr. L. listed the foundational blocks that support the brain. He also called them the foundational pieces of health.
Neuro Stimulation (movement)
Dr. L. related all these pieces to a
metronome used to keep rhythm in music.
“The Inferior Olive lies deep within the brain. Think of it as the metronome of the brain. Signals which come too far apart or too quickly can cause us to misunderstand the impulses of the brain. It can affect our perception of reality.”
Dr. Ali Lankerani
Dr. L. explained why strobe lights bother me and make me feel physically stressed and unwell:
“Strobe lights alter your visual field. Jackie, the brain perceives where everything should be, but the strobing lights create a different reality.”
Dr. Ali Lankerani
I was happy to hear Dr. L. say that
dancing is a wonderful brain workout.
“It involves all the senses and creates a cohesive picture of reality. While dancing, we are breathing deeper, taking in oxygen, and moving our whole body.”
Dr. Ali Lankerani
Related to the metronome of our brain – the Inferior Olive, anxiety propels us into the future (metronome set on a fast rhythm); and depression keeps us in the past (metronome of a rhythm too slow).
“Often, the negative thoughts we have force the brain to find perspectives to validate those thoughts.”
Dr. Ali Lankerani
Meditation is a powerful tool to keep us
in the present.
Our current lifestyles have changed our values and geared us more toward IQ rather than EQ. Since this decades long aberration has switched our focus to one part of our brain – the money making, innovating, and schedule-filled brain, other more important areas of the brain – enjoyment, rest, and simple pleasures are no longer cherished.
We are drastically different than our forebears. Nutrition, stimulation, rest, posture, movement, oxygen levels. They have all changed because of our fast-paced lifestyles.
“This exposure makes it’s print on the brain. What we see and do strengthens neural pathways. What we are no longer doing gets pruned out. It causes problems in the rest of our body because it hasn’t caught up yet.”
Dr. Ali Lankerani
“Although we have neuroplasticity throughout life, there is a window of time when we can write, rewrite, rewire and/or retrain the personality of our children and teenagers.“
Dr. Ali Lankerani
As parents and influencers of children, we can optimize young lives. Often however, we inadvertently get in the way of a child’s progress because we are leading by example – perhaps a poor example.
Dr. L. is known as The Parent Whisperer because he works alongside parents and children supporting them and empowering them to lead by example to create future leaders and role models.
A healthy brain helps us all to connect, be happy, and fulfill our unique mission. The brain can be rewired. Even the brains of individuals healing from tragic experiences can be retrained.
“If you have been through tragedy, you have an important message to share with the world. YOU can be a motivator and change-maker. YOU can change your brain from thinking of challenges as setbacks to thinking of them as stepping-stones. Share your message, move forward, and make a difference.”
Dr. Ali Lankerani
Every person has it within them to influence others for greater achievement. We should support our brain so we can more easily find our unique purpose. Dr. L. claims we can either feel uncomfortable and try to go around a problem, or we can push through it with purpose.
With purpose you can go through anything
Dr. Lankerani has a program coming up called: Role Model Lifestyle Mastery. It is three days of events, exercises, and tools to help you and those you love to thrive by your example.
I have already registered to attend. I
hope I will see you there so we can become ROLE MODELS together!
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
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