Fellous was originally born and raised in France and now resides in Las
Vegas Nevada where she is still raising her kids. Because of the challenges she personally underwent as a single parent when her kids became teenagers, she founded the Single Moms Doing It All coaching and Co-parenting with the Universe Podcast. As an
intuitive life coach Murielle is helping single moms prevent the
downward spiraling into fear, overwhelm, guilt, powerlessness, or
circumstantial depression as well as teaching them how to access their
inner resources and reconnect to their true power to co-create and
co-parent with the Universe. A big portion of Murielle’s work is based around emotional mastery and energy alignment through a mind body and spirit approach. Meet Murielle Fellous
Jonathan England
is an Earthshaker, a guide to the highest levels of purpose and source
alignment, a beach slacker turned hugely successful real estate
investor, an acclaimed author, and the creator of an entirely
self-sustained consciousness-driven living complex in Costa Rica. The EarthWaking Eco-Village,
is carved from tropical lushness where people live by spirit and
alignment, in service to each other and to the greater whole, around a
central prosperous economy. Residents take
100% responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, actions, and reality
while working in harmony with nature and each other. Jonathan’s fascinating journey is revealed in his bestselling book If I Die Before I Wakewhere
he tracks his own growth through the Five Levels of Consciousness: Dis
Oriented, Goal Oriented, Journey Oriented, Value Oriented, and Soul
Oriented Meet Jonathan England
July 20th Tatiana Flow is a spiritual mentor who employs a combination of energy techniques to connect people to the Source within to live an abundant material life–abundant in health, wealth, love, and freedom — to create and recreate one’s life. She believes that there is infinite abundance in the Universe and you just need to feel it to remember and then ground it, to live it in daily life. From the right energy state you create your thoughts and your reality free of suffering and full of love and abundance. In Tatiana’s sessions, clients live through this state. They feel it, so they can then you can apply it. Tatiana’s path to become an abundance was set from the beginning. As a youngster, she read books on the various religions, philosophy and the esoterics. Later in life, she explored psychology, NLP, quantum physics and more.
Driessen is a successful clinical therapist, business executive,
consultant, confidant, mentor, and Master-certified coach to CEOs and
other C-level executives. Anneli is the founder and CEO of the International Metaphysical Academy in Victoria, BC, Canada, with its early beginnings in 1995. The
Academy’s mission is to encourage independent thinking and provide new
knowledge, self-evaluation, and personal development. Anneli
provides metaphysically-oriented coaching for individuals and groups.
She conducts and facilitates public workshops and a cutting-edge
metaphysical graduate program. Her book Ultimate Success – 7 Secrets to Spiritually-Based Leadership
is a unique guide to assist individuals in accelerating personal and
career performance by integrating divine principles and universal ethics
rooted within most religious and spiritual traditions. As a contributing writer to the book The Gift from the Universe through Women that Lead, Anneli shares her story, calling, and vision. Meet Anneli Driessen
Douthitt is an Anti-Diet Advocate/Body Image Transformer on a mission
to support parents with tools to help their child overcome low body
image, negative self-esteem, and eating disorders. Kayla
herself struggled with anorexia and binge eating for 10 years. She is
now fully recovered and knows what it takes to heal from the inside out.
Her techniques help children and adults ditch the diet through
intuitive eating, ways to obtain a better mindset, and healing towards
body acceptance. Kayla is the CEO of Wisdom ‘N Wellness, the host of What’s Eating You podcast, and the creator of Dangers of Dieting workshop. Meet Kayla Douthitt
Noah St. John, PhD is “The Father of AFFORMATIONS®” and “The Mental Health Coach to the Stars.” Working with Hollywood celebrities,
seven- and eight-figure company CEOs, professional athletes, top
executives, and elite entrepreneurs, Noah is famous for helping his
clients make more in twelve weeks than they did in the previous twelve
months, while winning back 1–3 hours per day and 4–8 weeks a year. Noah is the only author in history
to have works published by HarperCollins, Hay House, Simon &
Schuster, Mindvalley, Nightingale-Conant, and the Chicken Soup for the
Soul publisher. His most recent book is The 7-Figure Life: How to Leverage the 4 Focus Factors for More Wealth and Happiness. His twenty books have been published in nineteen languages worldwide. Noah also appears frequently in the news worldwide, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Entrepreneur and SUCCESS Magazine. Meet Noah St. John
has taught the ancient Chinese skill of Face Reading (Mien Shiang)
since 1985, initially as a diagnostic tool for healthcare professionals.
Joseph McGuire is now focused on presenting it as a tool for enhancing
communication in business. Having
taught and honed his techniques over more than 35 years, Joseph has
developed a mastery of observational skills. His work now combines Face
Reading with FBI techniques from the worlds of body language,
interrogation, and negotiation. Joseph
understands mind, body, and spirit are inseparably connected. He
provides clear, detailed and accurate insights into personality,
behavior style, communication patterns, stress triggers and responses,
enabling his clients to make clear decisions. He is highly experienced
in the role of impartial and unbiased observer, enabling interviewers to
focus on asking questions specifically role related. Meet Joseph McGuire
Chen has gone through seasonal depression, uninspiring friendships, and
a 10-year toxic relationship. The ugly truth was that she had been a
victim of bullying since age 11 and never healed emotionally. A
Japanese proverb changed Anna’s life. “One needs to have the courage to
jump off the stage of Kiyomizu (about 4-5 stories high) to become
successful.” What
would Anna die for? A chance to be on stage as a trained musician. She
passed a music audition with only one year of voice training and
graduated with honors in Music with a full-fledged provincial
scholarship. Her life became something worth dying for. “Being
able to realize your dream is the best cure you can have in life! All
you need is to build routines and habits that work for you!” This is
what Anna Chen helps people to do. Meet Anna Chen
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