Tsunami to Greatness with Maria Mantoudakis

Maria Mantoudakis Mar 16th, 2021
She is an author, award-winning motivational speaker, professional transformational leader, and personal development coach.
She taught the Dale Carnegie course as a Certified Instructor for fifteen years, and in 2017 became a Certified Trainer in the Jack Canfield Success Principles Program.
Maria is the author of Tsunami to Greatness – Unleashing the Power of Self-Love and Synchronicity to Become the Best Version of Yourself.
In her book you’ll discover how to: Achieve your full potential by breaking the chains of negativity, pain, overwhelm, guilt and sadness Recieve the joy, health, abundance, peace, love, and synchronicity the Universe has for you Allow your true self to emerge
Meet Maria Mantoudakis

Break the Repeat Cycle with Hila Esters

Hila Esters Mar 9th, 2021
Hila J. Esters is a minister, teacher, author, speaker, podcast host, visionary thought leader, mentor, and coach. 
She is the owner of Freedom Network NOW and Reflections of Real Life Ministries . Hila has ministered in prisons and jails in San Diego, California, and Dallas, Texas. 
Hila has authored several books:  Daddy’s Little Girl , Your Daddy’s So-o-o Big… , and  The Miraculous Realm of Heaven on Earth
Her online empowering course is titled: Break the Repeat Cycle!
Hila’s passion is to help people who are stuck in unfulfilled lives break out of repeating cycles which are holding them hostage. Hila wants to help you overcome obstacles and reach your goals.
Meet Hila Esters

Wealth On Any Income with Rennie Gabriel

Rennie Gabriel Mar 2, 2021
After two divorces and a business failure Rennie Gabriel went from broke at age 50 to multi-millionaire after learning the three secrets of the wealthy (despite failing high school math).
Rennie now donates 100% of the profits from his online programs to a charity, Shelter to Soldier, which trains rescue dogs for wounded military warriors.
90% of the population has been taught nothing about handling money effectively, including CPAs and Financial Planners. With Rennie’s program you:
Learn three secrets the wealthy know. Learn how to have others gladly pay off your debt Learn 5 things that keep you broke.
Rennie is a TEDx speaker, and his award winning, best-selling book, Wealth On Any Income has been translated into eight languages.
Meet Rennie Gabriel

Wisdom of the Heart with Eva Goulette

Eva Goulette Feb 23, 2021
From a young age she was creative, artistic and loved to dance. In her twenties, Eva was running a ballet studio in New York. 
Eva exhibited confidence to the rest of the world while hiding insecurity and self-doubt. She embarked on a journey of self discovery.   After a head-on auto accident, Eva spent years recovering from a TBI (traumatic brain injury) and had no choice but to live in the moment each day. With few memories of the past, Eva became a bit child-like. Sensing her ability to be in the moment with them, children were drawn to Eva.   Now, as a shaminic practitioner, Eva offers Spirit Camps and Spirit Classes to children. They explore energy, chakras, auras, nature spirits, guided visualizations, shamanic journeying, the law of attraction, attitude of gratitude and many other spirituality based subjects. 
Meet Eva Goulette

#Creative #Artisitic #Ballet #SelfDoubt #SelfDiscovery #TraumaticBrainInjury #TBI #ShamanicHealing #Spirit #Energy #Chakras #Auras #NatureSpirits #GuidedVisualizations #ShamanicJourney #Gratititude #KidsSpirituality #CampsForKids

Elation is a Choice with Pat Alva-Kraker

Pat Alva-Kraker Feb 16 2021
Driven by the belief that personal elation, living according to your blueprint and connecting to your wiser self is a choice we make each day, Pat Alva-Kraker founded Majestic Coaching Group, LLC.
Pat has always had a passion for self-mastery and assisting women become their best self. Her company coaches and mentors women transitioning from IT, Real Estate, and Project Management careers.
Majestic Coaching Group LLC creates a safe and encouraging space where women can tap into and honor their intuitive self and expand their capacity to become stronger leaders.
Pat’s book, Katherine’s Quest: One Woman’s Journey to Elation , celebrates what it is to live an empowered life, the healing power of new beginnings and a reminder that elation is a choice. 
Meet Pat Alva-Kraker

Youth C.H.A.M.P with Leonard Webb

Leonard Webb Feb 9, 2021
Leonard Webb is a retired law enforcement professional turned life coach/youth advocate. He is an adjunct faculty member teaching Criminal Justice at Potomac State College of West Virginia University. 
Leonard offers a unique perspective about the school-to-prison-pipeline. He has seen young people enter prison and young people with similar demographics enter his college classroom. 
He is the author of Youth C.H.A.M.P. – A Youth Guide to Striving Through your Teens
He provides coaching to young people and consults and trains educators with strategies to help them connect with students, focus on student’s strengths, and provide the support that improves behavior rather than relying on discipline.
Meet Leonard Webb

How to Lighten your Load and Find what Makes you Happy with Treveal C. W. Lynch

Treveal C. W. Lynch Feb 2 2021
Treveal C.W. Lynch is a Self-Worth Specialist, author of the new book What Is Enough: How to Lighten your Load and Find what Makes you Happy & Founder of iamthepossible®, a self-development company built on the philosophy that “ I and my possibilities are one and the same; everything I hope to be tomorrow I already am today.   With extreme passion and transparency, Treveal has been captivating audiences for over 19 years. Through his thought-provoking yet highly applicable messages, Treveal has become known as “the voice they listen to”.   Treveal is a trusted communicator in both the business and faith-based community, and presents innovative ideas that spark the imagination & inspires audiences to see themselves in ways they’ve never imagined possible!
Meet Treveal C.W. Lynch

Born to Do It with Dr. Rebekah Smith

Rebekah Smith Jan 26, 2021
In her new book,  Born to Do It: Becoming the Leader of a Business Niche Using Powerful Spiritual Techniques , Rebekah Smith wants to save you the same headaches she experienced in business.
Rebekah provides a roadmap to business success that embraces the spiritual principles which righted her ship. Her book is for anyone contemplating the entrepreneurial journey, or already growing a business in need of revitalization.
The first of the key stops on Rebekah’s roadmap is the process of finding exactly what it is that you were born to do, your Soul Purpose, which gains momentum from your passion and helps you discover your special unique niche.
Meet Rebekah Louisa Smith

Beyond Accountability with Rebecca Irey

Rebecca Irey Nov 14, 2020
Are you a visionary entrepreneur? Got an idea every minute – a BIG idea? Somehow you never get anything done and none (or very few) of your ideas become reality and even then you struggle?
The worst thing a visionary entrepreneur can do in any given day is NOT make money!
Rebecca Irey of Blue Skye Business Consulting is the Queen of Radical Accountability . She helps clients find their flow and channel their power to revolutionize their life.
With her Beyond Accountability Movement , Rebecca helps you uncover a forgotten yet incredibly powerful method used by top level entrepreneurs to finally find their flow, ditch shiny object syndrome, and make change stick in 30 Days or less.
Meet Rebecca Irey

Your Road Map to Success with Rebecca Irey

Rebecca Irey Jan. 19 , 2021
Are you a visionary entrepreneur? Got an idea every minute – a BIG idea? Somehow you never get anything done and none (or very few) of your ideas become reality and even then you struggle?
The worst thing a visionary entrepreneur can do in any given day is NOT make money!
Rebecca Irey of  Blue Skye Business Consulting  is the  Queen of Radical Accountability . She helps clients find their flow and channel their power to revolutionize their life.
With her  Beyond Accountability Movement , Rebecca helps you uncover a forgotten yet incredibly powerful method used by top level entrepreneurs to finally find their flow, ditch shiny object syndrome, and make change stick in 30 Days or less.
Meet Rebecca Irey