A Shift Toward Abundance with Millen Livis

Millen Livis April 6, 2021
It was through overcoming a few adversities in life that Millen Livis learned to really trust her life journey, surrender and reconnect to her authentic power, inner wisdom and feminine sensuality.
Millen has developed strength, courage and the deepest sense of gratitude, which she shares in her books A Shift Toward Abundance and A Shift Toward Purpose .
Besides being an author, Millen is a transformational coach and an entrepreneur, mother and wife. Her message is one of HOPE and POSSIBILITIES and is often referred to as a ‘Possibilities Catalyst.’
Millen helps other women create and embody the highest vision for their work and life. She holds private transformational retreats in France and the USA.
Learn how to create loving, lasting relationships, a fulfilling career, ageless beauty and financial independence.
Meet Millen Livis

Living Through the Heart with Johnathan Goldman

Jonathan Goldman Mar 30, 2021
The great sages for millennia have taught that the answers to healing, spiritual evolution, elevation of consciousness, and living a happy and fulfilled life are inside of us. But where exactly are they and how do you work with them?
Jonathan Goldman can answer those questions for you. In his four decades of working with Energy Medicine, first as an acupuncturist and then as the developer of Transformational Energy Healing, he has mapped the multi-layered Human Energy Vehicle (HEV).
Goldman has uniquely described where and how thought forms, emotions, energetic material, beliefs, and spiritual qualities live and operate in the multiple energy layers that are within and around the human body.
He is the author of The Gift of the Body: A Multi-Dimensional Guide to Energy, Anatomy, Grounded Spirituality and Living Through the Heart
Meet Jonathan Goldman

Surviving your Tsunami

Imagine being in the path of a tsunami. A large wall of water towers over you and washes away the once-thought sure foundation beneath you. Being washed to and fro in the churning waves, you struggle for something, anything, to hold on to.


Imagine as hard as it is to keep your head above water, and to dogpaddle until exhaustion nearly overtakes you, this may be a perfect situation. This may be the best thing which has ever happened to you.

Our recent guest, Maria Mantoudakis is the author of a new book: Tsunami to Greatness: Unleashing the Power of Self-Love and Synchronicity to Become the Best Version of You.

Maria survived a triple whammy tsunami:

1. January 2008 her mother passed away

2. Two weeks later she was laid off from her job

3. The love of her life broke off their relationship

Maria was drowning in the tsunami. Thankfully, a few angel-friends showed up to help her. She was inspired by others who survived tragedies like hers, and she began to recognize synchronicity in the events of her own life.

Despite the triple tragedies in 2008, it ended up being the best year of Maria’s life.

I found a job a thousand times better than the old one. I became a speech champion, achieved a top 10 percent award as an instructor with Dale Carnegie courses, and I finally returned to Greece  – a lifetime dream.”

Maria Mantoudakis

That’s Maria’s message: “Whatever you’re currently going through, it might be the best year of your life. Miracles happen every day and we miss them.”

We may not know it because of the little voice in our head, but we are perfect. Perfect, based on our purpose and what we are supposed to do.”

Maria Mantoudakis

If you judge a fish by how well it can fly, it would be a very bad fish.

Unless you were meant to be a flying fish…

Remember when you were a teenager, and you thought you knew everything? Now as you look back, you realize you didn’t know anything. Remember when breaking up with your first love at the age of 14 was the end of your world? Now it seems like an insignificant event.

We all have different versions of ourselves. We look back at those old versions and wonder why we did certain things. What if we could see who we’ll be after life’s tsunamis? We can get overwhelmed with what’s going on right now, and we don’t think about the better and more brilliant version of ourselves we’ll be after the current tsunami.”

Maria Mantoudakis

In Maria’s book you’ll learn to access your true self. You’ll learn how to jump into the next phase of life with peace, joy, and synchronicity. You’ll learn fear is an illusion, and gratitude is the cure to gain a different perspective.

By visiting Maria’s website (RecreateSuccessNow), you’ll receive : 5 Ways to Develop Self Love – Discovering the Perfection in You, a free eBook in which you can take inventory of your skills and talents.

ALERT: A tsunami is approaching

Tsunami to Greatness with Maria Mantoudakis

Maria Mantoudakis Mar 16th, 2021
She is an author, award-winning motivational speaker, professional transformational leader, and personal development coach.
She taught the Dale Carnegie course as a Certified Instructor for fifteen years, and in 2017 became a Certified Trainer in the Jack Canfield Success Principles Program.
Maria is the author of Tsunami to Greatness – Unleashing the Power of Self-Love and Synchronicity to Become the Best Version of Yourself.
In her book you’ll discover how to: Achieve your full potential by breaking the chains of negativity, pain, overwhelm, guilt and sadness Recieve the joy, health, abundance, peace, love, and synchronicity the Universe has for you Allow your true self to emerge
Meet Maria Mantoudakis

Without Change There is No Hope


Change, although frightening is good. Without change there is no hope.”

Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos

We don’t like change, in fact it’s one our top fears. In their book, Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change, Rev. Patricia Cagganello and Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos, asked contributors to share their stories of change.

The contributors to the book trusted in a higher power to lead them toward powerful change. No matter how tragic each story may be, each story ends in the discovery of light.

Dare to go within and meet your inner self.”

Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos

Patricia is the founder of Sacred Stories Media. A traumatic life event caused her to move through an emotional journey to publish a book.  She then opened up the opportunity for others to share their stories through publishing their book.

It’s in our stories we connect, where we teach, and learn.”

Rev. Patricia Cagganello

Kathleen is accredited in Psychopathology and Special Education, and the author of three books, two prior to Chaos to Clarity. An interesting fact is that Chaos to Clarity was released on the very day of our interview.

Dr. Bernie Siegel

One of my early inspirational mentors in some of my darkest days was Dr. Bernie Siegel. I read his book Love, Medicine, and Miracles many times. You can imagine my delight to learn he wrote the Forward for Patricia and Kathleen’s newest book, Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change.

Bernie shares for the first time a poem in this book about the death of his wife.”

Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos

One day Patricia and Kathleen were talking about their own stories, and recognized the element of change they shared, and in which we all share. They decided to simply invite people to share with them their stories of change. They had no idea what was going to happen.

Spirit moved through it, and the stories that came just blew us out of the water. Stories from men and women around the world.

Rev. Patricia Cagganello

Many of the stories would make us cry, and then make us laugh.”

Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos

The vulnerability shows up in the stories found in the book, and all the stories in the book have a similar theme:

During their deepest, darkest hours, the writers each found a way to reach down and pull somebody up.”

Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos

The world is full of incredible people, but we are swimming in chaos. Most people can use support and connection. Our stories are universal.”

Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos

The experience is the emotion, and the emotion is the gift.

Rev. Patricia Cagganello

By reading Patricia’s and Kathleen’s book you will receive hope, and the knowledge that you’re not alone. Your life experiences are similar to others, and create a butterfly effect that we all feel. Let go of the fear and shame you’re feeling in order to change.

There is a way through.”

Rev. Patricia Cagganello

Part of chaos theory is that when a butterfly flaps its’ wings it can be felt all around the world. Since the world is going through chaos right now, we’re all feeling lost and alone.”

Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos

Patricia and Kathleen’s book can be the wind beneath someone’s “butterfly” wings and carry them through their current challenge.

Shefali Tsabary, PhD "The Conscious Parent"

Our children are an opportunity for spiritual awakening for all of us. They are our gifts, when we parent well we all thrive. Mind, body and spirit ushered in through us the Parents. Is it possible to find our ourselves through the parent process? YES!