Grateful for the Journey with Terri Brinston

Terri Brinston Feb 8th 2024
Terri Brinston, RN, educator, motivational speaker, coach, consultant, and author, is dedicated to guiding individuals toward the realization of their life goals. Her extensive professional journey has been marked by resilience, exemplified notably in her triumphant recovery from COVID-19, an experience that profoundly deepened her appreciation for life.
In her impactful book, Grateful for the Journey, Surviving Covid-19, Terri imparts valuable life lessons drawn from her personal odyssey. Her narrative serves as a powerful motivator, urging readers to embrace life’s teachings, and maintain hope and faith amid adversity.
Terri is deeply committed to shaping the future, with a particular focus on the holistic development of children. My School Nurse Consulting Services is her business which supports her mission to do so.
Meet Terri Brinston

You Got This with Chris Mitchell

Chris Mitchell Jan 25 2024
Chris Mitchell is a two-time award-winning speaker and a certified confidence life coach. His latest book (not yet published), based on his signature coaching program of the same name, “Success Starts with Self-Confidence: 10 Steps to Success for the Self-employed Person with a Disability” helps self-employed persons with and without disabilities develop and grow their self-confidence to succeed as self-employed persons with disabilities.
Chris Mitchell is the founder and CEO at #DefineYourself. 
He is a freelance writer, blogger, host of 2 podcasts, and YouTube creator. Chris is a disruptive voice in the disabled community
Meet Chris Mitchell

Impact a Billion Lives with Joe “Mr. AllWaysGood” Moghaizel

Joe Moghaizel, Nov 8 2022
Joe “Mr. AllWaysGood” Moghaizel loves helping people solve problems and have more happiness. He has spent time in the sales profession and believes Sales Is Life.
He is the CEO of Nonprofit Accelerators which has a mission to…positively impact a billion lives by delivering the VIP Experience to nonprofits.
He is an international bestselling author, speaker, mentor, and entrepreneur. People ask how he got the nickname “Mr. AllwaysGood,” and his answer is simple: by always striving to do good, no matter what life throws his way.
Be a Success Maverick Volume 4: How Ordinary People Do It Different To Achieve Extraordinary Results is available on Amazon.
Meet Joe Mr. Allwaysgood Moghaizel

Shining Brightly with Resilience and Hope with Howard Brown

Howard Brown Sept 27, 2022
Howard Brown is an author, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, two-time stage IV cancer survivor, and healthcare advocate.
He is the author of Shining Brightly: A Memoir of Resilience and Hope
Howard has become a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families.
For more than three decades, Howard’s business innovations, leadership principles, mentoring, and his resilience in beating cancer against long odds have made him a sought-after speaker and consultant for businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups.
He was a pioneer in helping to launch a series of startups and co-founded two social networks. His hard-earned wisdom about resilience has led him to shine brightly.
Meet Howard Brown

A Stroke of Luck, and That Sucks!

On December 14th, 2014, while walking with friends into a restaurant for dinner, Scott Schilling’s legs stopped working and began to tingle. He was suddenly disoriented, and things were spinning around him. Friends noticed his gray color and profuse sweating.

Scott went to the emergency room at a local hospital and was  misdiagnosed with a migraine. He was sent home. That night his head pounded in so much pain he cried out, “God, help!”

The answer Scott received was, “Get on your knees”.

God I’m choosing to believe your plan is to wake me up and serve others for the rest of my life. I need your help and guidance to do that. I was cradled.

Scott Schilling

In answer to prayer, Scott’s headache sub-sided and he had a restful night’s sleep. The next day he worked hard as usual and saw a neurologist as a follow-up.

Scott was surprised to learn he’d had a full-blown cerebellum stroke and consequently spent 6 days in intensive care. While researching these types of strokes, Scott learned he may not speak again; may not have balance again; and may not be able to drive again.

That was all unacceptable.”

Scott Schilling

Scott wanted to make sure other people know they can come through a circumstance when the odds may seem against them, and his fifteenth book emerged.

If you’re living, you’re going to take a hit every now and then. It’s not the events that count, it’s how we react to those events.

Scott Schilling

Regarding his near-death experience a friend commented, “Scott, I didn’t know you’d gone through that. What did you say to yourself after it was over?

Scott answered, “That sucks. What now?” The title of his book was born: That Sucks…What Now? Real World Solutions for Getting Through What You’re Going Through.

A stroke of luck and That Sucks!

Survivor’s guilt can come into play, as it did for Scott. He noticed everyone who’d had a stroke with their facial deformities and twisted limbs. “Why me?” He thought. “Why did I survive without problems? What’s the reason? What do I do from here?

Scott remembered creating his mission 11 years before his stroke: “To create a worldwide community of over a million people; cause over 100 million dollars in charitable giving; and impact 100 million people on the planet.

God’s plan and timing is perfect. You can believe it’s perfect, or you can believe the event shouldn’t have happened, but you can’t believe them both at the same time. Pick one and live it.”

Scott Schilling

Besides his amazing story and mission, Scott also shared during our interview the Four Stages of Competence:

  • 1. Unconscious incompetence: We don’t know what we don’t know
  • 2. Plausible deniability: You know that you don’t know. It’s decision time
  • 3. Consciously Competent: You know that you know. You decided to learn a new skill which you didn’t think you could master.
  • 4. Unconsciously competent: You know that you know, and it has become second nature. You operate on autopilot in that new skill

Since Scott is a trainer and coach, he clarified ways to mentor others:

Model from stage four but teach from stage three.”

Scott Schilling

“Leaders act differently than those who are not leaders” is a philosophy Scott shared.

Scott suggested we need more balance, and there are little things we could all do better. He urges us as a nation to return respect, honor, and dignity to the planet.

Respect is how I treat you; honor is how I lift you up, dignity is how we both feel after that’s done.”

Scott Schilling

Over the last couple of generations, we’ve taken responsibility from individuals and it’s not helping them. Respons-ibil-ity is the responsibility to respond. Take control of your life by taking responsibility for everything in your life.”

Scott Schilling

Three positions we often take are:

“It’s your fault” – blaming another“

I screwed up” – shaming ourselves

“Well…it was because…” – justification and making excuses

Scott offered us many gems of information during our interview and throughout his book. He is kindly inviting you to join his Bee Konnected Community.

Bee Konnected is a worldwide global community. It’s dating software for the business world. We match people with their ideal customer in less than two minutes, and there are courses to help people grow businesses.

Scott Schilling

As a Life Mastery Radio listener, Scott is giving you a free Bee Konnected account. Fill out your profile and join the community of world changers. It is all permission based, so no one will spam you or contact you without your approval.

Go to ScottSchilling.BeeKonnected.Com and give it a try. Read Scott’s book as well!

Solutions for Getting Through what you’re Going Through with Scott Shilling

Scott Shilling June 1, 2021
Scott Shilling has a goal to maximize the potential and God-given talents of all the individuals and organizations he encounters. He works from the understanding that “to whom much is entrusted-much is expected”!
As an executive coach, trainer, speaker, and author, Scott is committed to providing inspired answers to today’s challenges.
Bottom line, he helps individuals like you and organizations grow market penetration, improve profitability and grow the quality of their people.
Scott is the author of That Sucks…What Now? Real-World Solutions for Getting Through what you’re Going Through and has 35+ years of life experience in sales, marketing, training, and speaking. He has transformed businesses to achieve more sales and greater profitability.
Meet Scott Shilling

Fiona Maguire, Energetic, Intuitive Coach

July 26th 2011 segment 4 Guest: Fiona Maguire, visionary, energetic,  intuitive coach, International Speaker shares with us her uncanny ability to cut through the chase and fulfill your life’s Real Energy. She can intuitively listen to your life’s story, feel and guides you through, letting go,gives you tools and how to rapidly achieve your full potential Listen is as her gentle, humble but direct approach assists you to your highest becoming.Visit her website: Click Here for a free gift from Fiona