The Universe Has Your Back

In our pre-show with Life Mastery Radio guest Linda Deir, she reminded us that “The Universe has your back”

Her statement rings true for me. In fact, the last time Linda was on our show, she shared her story. Linda had a very challenging upbringing, and yet her Spirit Guides helped her to not only survive the challenging events of youth; they taught her how to be successful in business and relationships. Her book is Guided, Her Spirit Guide Angels Were Her Best Friends and Life Coaches

I shared my personal story of Linda’s impact on me during the show today. A large part of her teaching is to get in touch with the Spirit Guides and Angels who are there to inspire us on our journey. She told us in April 2019 (when she was on the show before) to JOURNAL. Journaling, I learned, is a way to “hear” messages from our Guides.

I began my journal the day after our interview with Linda – May 1, 2019. On June 8 I had an epiphany. My vision was very clear. I knew exactly what I needed to do. I was told to “open a studio for public speaking” for my students. I didn’t know how I was going to make it happen, but I had a purpose, and I began taking steps to bring it to fruition.

Yesterday (September 16th 2019 as of this writing), I welcomed the first students into my Speak Feed Lead Public Speaking Studio. I sincerely don’t know if this would have happened without the “nudge” from Linda in April encouraging me to begin journaling. That’s part of her system, and I know it works.

The moral of the story is this, Guidance, when it comes through, is powerful. It gives you chills, it’s so strong. But here’s the caveat: you’ve got to be willing to do the work. Guidance has a shelf-life, and you must act on it.
Jackie, you did the journal writing. You did the work to flush it out, to find it, to let it show itself to you. It’s more of who you are then anything else you could have imagined

Linda Deir

Linda’s process to connect with your Angel Guides is easy – get your journal out and start writing about your challenges, the events that weigh heavy on your mind, and you’ll receive guidance through your writing.

Your guides will infiltrate your writing. They are there for you when YOU are ready.”

Linda Deir

Linda is hosting an event called Experience the Proven Spirit Guide Communication System. It’s a live event in Phoenix, AND an online event from anywhere. It will happen on October 5th, 2019 1:00 – 3:00 PM. She’s going to show YOU the system, and how to use it to connect with your Guides.

Near the end of the presentation, Linda will sit with you and help you channel your Guides. It’s going to be very cool! I recommend you sign up. The cost is very reasonable.

What is your greatest challenge right now? Write it down. The universe has your back. Your guides will inspire you.

Spirit Guide Communication with Linda Deir

Thanks to her “Spirit Guides and  Angels” Linda Deir lived to tell her story.

Sept. 17th 2019 From early childhood, Linda experienced something most of us missed – she realized she was being “guided.” Now, after a lifetime of being guided, in her book, GUIDED, she shares what she learned, and most importantly, how she learned it.

Linda knows firsthand how to soar beyond the fears when you have the support of your Spirit Guidesand Angels. She survived 16 years of child abuse, to her escape as a teenager, and into phenomenal success as a businesswoman in a man’s world by age 19 and beyond. All possible from the constant support and guidance she received from her Spirit Guidesand Angels. A vital connection that grants her access to knowing what to do and when to do it!

Linda’s flagship book, GUIDED, is the template to trigger the reader to live a fearless, authentic life in spite of obstacles. Yes, you do have Spirit Guidesand Angels – everyone does.

You become like those you associate with. This is especially true when associating with your Spirit Guides and Angels. As this develops you learn to detect their messages and take action on their guidance while it is the most effective. They have guided me through many transitions, eliminating the unnecessary struggle. As you align with this guidance, becoming more like them, you will start to think clearly and see things for what they really are, so you can become who you really are.  

Linda’s website

They Are Always There

“They are always there” ~ Linda Deir

Our guest on April 30th was Linda Deir. Since she encouraged this co-host of Life Mastery Radio to begin journaling, this post will be in the form of a journal. Thanks for indulging me.

Sunday, April 28:

I began to read the book “Guided: Her Spirit Guide Angels Were Her Best Friends and Life Coaches” by Linda Deir, our guest on Life Mastery Radio this week.

From the introduction I was hooked. The author and I have so much in common related to our childhood experiences, I found it difficult to put the book down. Her memories reach as far back as 20 months old, when she began to know her Spirit Guides.

Linda’s Guides told her, “For you, life will get better as you get older if you make it through childhood.”

Life was rough for Linda Deir at the time because she was being abused by her mother, and knew her mother didn’t love her. Linda’s Angel Guides’ advice was similar to what I’d always told myself during my abusive childhood: “If I make it out of this alive, I will be stronger than I can ever imagine.”

Reading the rest of her story is something I look forward to.

Monday, April 29:

I continued to read Linda Deir’s book as often as I could catch a few minutes. I read it while my students took a quiz in class; and each time I stopped at a red light while driving. Linda’s story, and her ability to overcome such a harsh home life is familiar to me. Her Guides were so obviously there for her. Was I missing something?

I often feel as though my struggles are constant, and the guidance I seek is without reach. Why can’t I seem to get clear answers? Why do I often seem to be gliding along, trying this and trying that, but not really seeing a reason for it?

I would have read all night to finish Linda Deir’s book, but I can’t seem to stay awake.

Tuesday, April 30:

I read more of Linda Dier’s book at breakfast, and even while exercising. I tuned in to the show excited to talk with her in person. I was taken aback by the connection we made through similar life experiences, and by her advice and guidance.

Linda generalized her life as “Childhood Bootcamp” – merely a training to get her in shape for the rest of her life; and learning the skills she’d need to be a survivor. She talked about her Guides using the following descriptive phrases:

  • “They are always there.”
  • “They don’t dwell on the past. They guide you through the present. They are always with you.”
  • “If a connection is broken with your Guides, it’s because we have broken the connection.”
  • Guidance is an intelligence.”
  • “People who have good memories have a connection to their Guides.”
  • “Journaling helps you begin to see how your Guides infiltrate your writing.”

Because journaling has become a strong tool for Linda Deir to keep in constant connection with her Guides, she has published a journal companion to her book as a system of regaining connection with our own Guides.

Linda’s Guides told her: “Journal 15 minutes a day without distractions for one month. Write down what’s going on in your life; make note of your dreams; what people said to you that day; thoughts you had in the shower and/or while driving.”

The promise from Linda’s Guides: “If you journal for one month chronologically, you’ll know what Linda knows, and you’ll be able to SEE IT – the guidance. When you tie your words together, you’ll see the richness of what your Guides are telling you.”

  • Write it down
  • Note how it felt
  • State what you learned
  • Commit to taking action

“All intuition has a shelf life. The action may be something you can only imagine taking. Unless you write it down, you won’t capture it.”

Linda Deir was raised by Spirit Guides. She was living a covert childhood. She let family believe they were raising her, but it was her Guides who were helping her to learn. Angels were taking care of her.

“We are assigned amnesia when we get here. We unlearn what we knew only to have to learn it again. We have to labor, rediscover, and learn. We all signed up for this. Guides will help you see that life makes sense. They will influence you.” ~ Linda Deir

I’m going to and purchase her companion journals!