The Confident Real You with Janelle Anderson

Janelle Anderson Jan. 5 , 2021
Four out of five women struggle with self-confidence – a staggering realization! Janelle Anderson knows women are amazing, smart, talented, and so valuable to this world.
It is Janelle’s mission and passion to empower women with fearless confidence, to love who they are, and to walk out on the center stage of their lives as the star of their own story!
She is a Confidence Coach for women entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders, and has created a mini-course designed to get you started on a journey to live your life with peaceful, authentic and powerful confidence.
Gain clarity on exactly what you want to accomplish.
Meet Janelle Anderson

Disney Magic with Kimberley Bouchard

Kimberley Bouchard Dec 15, 2020
Her love for all things Disney has inspired Kimberley Bouchard to research and write 5 books to date about the true magic of Disney.
Her captivating collection of stories shows the amazing versatility of the Disney magic – its capacity to heal, to instill a dream, to draw people together, to evoke kindness and compassion, to encourage someone to go on, and above all, to make people happy.
You’ll hear stories of park guests, Disney artists, and cast members and how the power of the Disney experience has impacted their lives.
How a great grandmother celebrated her 100th birthday in Disneyland The story behind Jack Jack’s love for Snow White How Disney artists turn dreams into reality.
These stories and more await Disney fans everywhere!
Meet Kimberley Bouchard

The Parent Whisperer with Dr. Ali Lankerani

Dr. Ali Lankerani Dec. 8 th, 2020
Dr. Ali Lankerani is affectionately known by his patients as Dr. L, The Parent Whisperer. He is a clinical neuroscientist, an author in The Game Changer Volume 4 , twice-voted one of America’s Top Doctors, host of Role Model Maker TV , and formally directed an award-winning private practice helping kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Dr. L’s mission is to promote brain-based healthcare options to support the safety, health, education and productivity of new parents and their children to foster their optimum potential and their quest for personal fulfillment.
If you are a parent, a role model, an influencer, and feel you have a calling to support, inspire, and empower the next generation to optimize their potential, then Dr. L would love to hear from you and invite you to join his Role Model Maker family.
Meet The Parent Whisperer

Radical Intuition with Kim Chestney

Kim Chestney Dec 1, 2020
Throughout the ages, the most extraordinary human beings — from Einstein, DaVinci, and Joan of Arc to Steve Jobs, Oprah, and Stephen Hawking — have attested to one common factor as the secret to their life success: Intuition. 
In her book Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power , author Kim Chestney redefines intuition for the modern age and empowers readers to know and trust their intuition, so they can experience the extraordinary life they were born to live.
Each chapter of Radical Intuition offers readers insight and practices to develop their intuition through a step-by-step process. Kim provides practical exercises, tools, and inspiration that bring intuition to life, including intuitive development practices, radical intuition tips, and insights from renowned thought leaders, artists, tech innovators, scientists, and Hollywood producers who are already leading the way with their extraordinary lives.
Meet Kim Chestney

Celebrate LOVE and GRATITUDE with Dr. Gary Salyer

Dr. Gary Salyer Nov 24th, 2020
“Everyone deserves a love that lasts”
Author of  Safe to Love Again, Gary Salyer, Ph.D. was devastated after two failed marriages, but determined to find a way to succeed at love.
Dr. Salyer, dedicated to researching all things love, had deep conversations and did deep transformations necessary to unlock his heart. When love happened for him again, it became his life’s calling to make it lasting.
“My heart is open to love in ways that invite even more love into my life. Now this…this is the life I signed up for!”
Dr. Salyer addresses the tough questions about love.
Meet Gary Salyer, Ph.D.

Terrains of Consciousness with David Alan Reed and Tahnee Woolf

David Alan Reed and Tahnee Woolf Nov 10th, 2020
Everyone has a Terrain of Consciousness . You do. Your family members do. So do your friends, your favorite celebrities, your political leaders. Every single person alive has a Terrain.
David Alan Reed and Tahnee Woolf will tell you your Terrain of Consciousness is the fundamental way you see reality. It creates the core operating system that you live from. It is underneath all your programs. It is running you. It creates your thoughts, your beliefs, your values. It drives your choices, your actions and your behavior. It underlies your worldview and your entire paradigm. It is the foundation beneath your entire life.
Learn more from David, Tahnee and their book, Introducing the Ten Terrains of Consciousness
Meet David and Tahnee

From Refugee to Renaissance Woman with Dr. Emily Letran

Dr. Emily Letran Nov 3, 2020
Dr. Emily Letran is a general dentist who owns two multi-specialty group practices in Southern California. She is also the author of several books.
From Refugee to Renaissance Woman ” shares her story coming to the US as a refugee at 13 years old, and her newest book, “ Commit to Embracing Your Big Life ” offers insights and strategies to building a strong business.
Emily is a Certified High Performance Coach , helping business professionals achieve highest performance in personal and business life.
The Emily Letran Foundation provides dental care to veterans and families of disadvantaged background. Her foundation is raising funds to attain a mobile dental unit where she can carry her services to outreached communities.
Meet Emily Letran, DDS

Diffusing Chaos & Building Resilience with Joanne Light Ed.D, CLC

The Scarlet Pimpernel means “Change”
Joanne Light Oct 27th, 2020
Joanne Light Ed.D, CLC spent her career as Vice President of Student Affairs overseeing student life, career services, financial aid, and enrollment.
Today, she loves her work as a Parent Empowerment Coach mentoring parents whose kids are struggling with any number of challenges.
Joanne’s clients develop the power to create healthy relationships with their children by diffusing chaos and building resilience – a transformative change for families.
Emotional Intelligence | Anxiety and depression | Helplessness vs. hopelessness | Managing meltdowns | Self-care and self-compassion | Peaceful parenting | Stages of parenting | Managing expectations
Meet Joanne Light

Zero Frequency with Mabel Katz

Mabel Katz Oct. 20, 2020
We are living in a time when many people are feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders—global and personal stress, financial challenges, illness, loneliness, depression and lack of purpose.
Zero Frequency describes the limitless state that comes when we live in the Now—present, conscious, free of judgment—allowing our hearts to open to the wisdom that already lives within each of us.
Zero Frequency  is also the title of Mabel Katz ‘s book, which offers you a pathway of hope out of turmoil and towards a life of happiness, peace and abundance. Discover the answers to life’s problems.
Meet Mabel Katz

Overwhelmed and Over It with Christine Arylo

Christine Arylo Oct 13th, 2020
Christine Arylo, MBA, is the author of Overwhelmed and Over It . She is a transformational leadership advisor, three-time bestselling author, and host of the popular Feminine Power Time podcast.
Christine is recognized worldwide for her work helping women to make shift happen — in the lives they lead, the work they do, and the world they wish to create.
Christine’s book identifies twelve specific imprints that are the root causes of burnout, self-sacrifice and overwhelm in five different areas — success, life force, heart, time, and power — in order to illuminate the ways of working that are no longer working.
Meet Christine Arylo