Devine Mother Healing with Connie Huebner

Connie Huebner Feb 1, 2022
One warm autumn evening laying in a green field staring up into the night sky, Connie Huebner was suddenly swept into an incredible experience of Oneness with all that existed.
For the past 20 years, Connie has honed, refined, employed and taught the Vibrational Healing Tools that have been introduced to her via Divine Mother. She has seen rapid clearing of emotional and physical blocks, fears, resistances, negative influences, karmic residue, unhealthy emotional ties, and spiritual malaise — and the resulting transformations that occur from the infusion of Divine Power, Love and Truth.
Connie introduces people directly to Divine Mother through her energy healings, live teaching programs, self-healing courses, and the Divine Mother Church, which she founded—and her new book: Divine Mother Healing: Vibrational Healing Tools for Your Body, Mind and Spirit.
Meet Connie Huebner

The Illusion of Life & Death with Clare Goldsberry

Clare Goldsberry Jan 25, 2022
After helping her significant other, Brent, go through eighteen months of living with and eventually dying from esophageal cancer, Clare Goldsberry wanted to share not only his story of fearless living and graceful dying, but also include the broader picture of what living fearlessly and dying gracefully means for all of us.
As a Hospice volunteer for two years after Brent’s death, she became acutely aware of just how important it is not only for the dying person and the person’s family and friends to understand living and dying.
Clare’s book,THE ILLUSION OF LIFE AND DEATH: MIND, CONSCIOUSNESS, AND ETERNAL BEING helps readers understand, “The end of this lifetime is as important and miraculous as the beginning. It truly is a time to celebrate the life—and the death—of the person.”
Meet Clare Goldsberry

Feel Better in Five Minutes with Amanda Hainline

Amanda Hainline Jan 18, 2022
Amanda Hainline‘s chakras blew open simultaneously as she experienced the kundalini energy rising from the base of her spine up through her head! Her kundalini awakenint triggered an ability to hear and perceive new information from unseen forces that opened Amanda to her own healing techniques.
The highly effective array of her energy-transforming techniques have been compiled in her Amazon #1 bestseller, Feel Better in Five Minutes. This comprehensive set of protocols, practices and resources are a roadmap for releasing the emotional pain and trauma, physical ailments, self-judgement and general dissatisfaction with life that plagues so many.
Amanda has become a world-renowned hands-on healer using the techniques she offers in her book. She believes everyone should have these tools at hand for a quick pick-up or a life changing transformation. 
Meet Amanda Hainline

The Best You with Bernardo Moya

Bernardo Moya Jan 11, 2022
Bernardo Moya has an unwavering belief in social, personal, professional, and global responsibility for helping others through his books and platforms.
Bernardo is the founder of The Best You brand in 2016 and is the architect behind The Best You Expo.
The Best You is in the business of helping people achieve their dreams. They provide customers with skills, tools, knowledge, wisdom, and experts to enhance and improve their lives. They help people discover their true purpose.  Learn More He is the Executive Producer and President of The Best You TV network and author of the best-selling book, The Question: Find Your True Purpose.
His book brings together the best of what is thought and known from the world of self-help. The author shows readers what can build a path toward greater well-being and believes that the quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself.
Meet Bernardo Moya

Achieving a Stress-Free Family Life in 2022 w/Madeleine Davis

Madeleine Davis Jan 4, 2022
Madeleine Davis is a multiple #1 international best selling author, a TedX Speaker, the Creator of The Stress-free Family System and a Master Parenting Strategist
Madeleine believes a stress-free family is the essential for success in all areas of your life and helps overwhelmed parents create high-functioning, stress-free homes so they can relax, confidently knowing they are giving their children a strong foundation.

Meet Madeleine Davis

Energetic Magic and Transformation with Shiraz Baboo

Shiraz Baboo Dec 14, 2021
Using Energetic Magic, Shiraz Baboo has helped thousands of people rewrite their reality. He has used it to overcome illness and poverty in his own life, and teaches others how to do the same.
Shiraz’s transformational coaching programs for both individuals and groups, will change the way attendees function in the world. His workshops and classes will help his clients overcome issues with money, success, health, and relationships.
Shiraz is a powerful public speaker whose talks not only inspire, but also help listeners shift their beliefs and stories in the moment. He is the author of How to Rewrite your Reality – Becoming the Author of the Stories in your Life
His book contains important lessons on how you can change your stories.
Meet Shiraz Baboo

Savvy Spirituality with Elle Hari

Elle Hari Dec 7, 2021
Elle Hari is a #1 international bestselling author, teacher, coach and Twin Flame and Ascension Alchemist. Her purpose is to guide people on their Twin Flame journey to achieve self-love and abundance, and ultimately, reunite with their Twin Flame.
Elle has helped hundreds of students progress on their journeys and feel inner peace.
After going on her own Twin Flame journey for four years, Elle decided to coach and teach students experiencing the same thing. As painful as her Twin Flame journey was, she has learned the Divine Truth of Creation, which is necessary for helping others advance on their journeys.
Elle’s new book, Savvy Spirituality The Sophisicated Fun & Fabulous Person’s Guide to Everlasting Happinessis made for those who seek answers but aren’t ready to dive into the “woowoo” stuff. Readers learn about ways to benefit from tapping into their true selves and find perpetual happiness, abundance, peace, and love.
Meet Elle Hari

Your Social Impact with Alina Boyte

Alina Boyte Nov 30, 2021
Alina Boyte, is the Founder and Director at Changemaker Institute. She is a Stanford Law Grad with a PhD in copyright law and history. Alina is now a tenured law professor at Mississippi College Law. She’s also received multiple highly competitive academic awards, namely the Cambridge Commonwealth Scholarship, Fulbright, and Lieberman Fellowship at Stanford.Alina’s genius is turning creative and innovative ideas into powerful products and services that sell easily while effectively changing the world for the better.
Businesses and entrepreneurs hire Alina to reveal the hidden impact in their business so they can make a difference in the world. She helps them design, develop, and implement a social impact strategy that maximizes impact and profitability, engage market and community, opens new doors, and sustains growth.
“We can all be change-makers and create an impact in the world. We need to start with who we are and how we want that change to manifest in the world. Then we choose the process that makes the most sense.”
Meet Alina Boyte

Getting Relief from Grief and Trauma with Janine Naus

Janine Naus Nov 16, 2021
Janine Naus is an internationally recognized Grief and Trauma Relief Specialist, Certified Life, Spiritual and Energetic Coach; a Certified Calm, Accepting, Resilient & Empathetic (CARE) Trauma Practitioner and a multiple #1 International Best-Selling Author.
Janine works with women who are suffering due to trauma. She supports them on their journey to a fulfilling and joyful life, and is featured in the multiple #1 International Best-Selling book: “The One Thing Every Mom Needs to Know.” 
She is the author of the Creating Heaven Wherever I Am® book series which focuses on self-help topics. She is the creator of the Stop Suffering Now System, which focuses on the foundational strategies needed to move past grief and trauma and the Make Peace With Your Past System which supports the delicate and difficult yet necessary process, of acceptance and peace with your past so that you can move forward in a positive and healthy way.
Meet Janine Naus

Feng Shui Expert Jillian Rothschild-Scholar

Jillian Rothschild-Scholar Nov 9, 2021
Jillian Rothschild-Scholar is a classically trained Feng Shui Expert who has been working in private Feng Shui consultancy since 2010.
Jillian specializes in collaborating with clients over time to awaken new possibilitieis and assist each client in achieving both personal and professional goals. As part of her Classical Feng Shui work, she consults for both residential and business properties worldwide.
Jillian combines modern, practical solutions with the authentic Feng Shui perspective to successfully collaborate with her clients in personal and business matters.
Meet Jillian Rothschild-Scholar