“A revolution is underway. You may not have noticed it yet —because this is a revolution that starts on the inside. To join it, you don’t need to gather arms; you don’t need to learn battle strategies. You don’t need to do anything —except reclaim a power that you lost long ago.”
She worked in tech for 20 years with some of the greatest innovators of all time. Kim learned that geniuses honor and use their intuition.
“Steve jobs knew what he was doing, and often spoke about using his intuition. He was naturally open and unafraid to try new things and be different.”
Kim Chestney
Kim taught us that intuition is an
extraordinary and unexpected illusion. It does not always make sense. In fact,
Kim explained there is a fine line between intuition and craziness. On the
other hand, intuition is the secret sauce of all success.
“Life is about expansion. When you are plugged in to intuition it will push you past your boundaries. Even if your actions don’t produce the expected results, listening to your intuition is always the right thing to do.”
Kim Chestney
What is intuition?
“Intuition is our connection to our higher consciousness; all that is beyond this moment and place in time.”
Kim Chestney
Intuition communicates with each of us in a unique way. It might come through a feeling, an idea, the recognition of knowledge out of the blue, creative energy, or even an experience. It is also the unifying force that brings all our uniqueness together.
Intuition happens in magical, almost impossible ways. We have access to it 24/7 and we often do not notice it. Have you ever been thinking of a friend, and right then you get an email from him/her? Have you ever taken a different route home only to learn that a horrible accident on your usual route would have delayed you for hours?
Intuition, according to Kim, can be that subtle.
“Intuition comes to us in the places between our thoughts. When our minds are going a mile a minute, our tuition can’t speak to us. It’s when we are awake at 3:00 am, in the shower, or meditating that we might finally listen to it because our minds are out of the way.”
Kim Chestney
In Kim’s book she offers tools and exercises to help us recognize our intuition, practice it, nurture it, and pay closer attention to it. One of the suggestions she makes is an intuition journal which I thought was fabulous.
Kim explained how writing down our ideas when we have them will give us a chance to look back and identify the intuitive thoughts and ideas which led us to current situations. We can more clearly see the benefits when we trusted our intuition, and our downfalls by not doing so.
How can we encourage more intuitive moments?
“Make space in your day for your intuition. Make more white space on your calendar and schedule down time. That’s when intuition will come. The more you do that during the day the less you’ll be awakened in the middle of night.”
Kim Chestney
Kim’s book is not simply a reading
book, it’s a doing book. You’ll learn to be true to your higher self – your
true heart, mind, and core being.
“Being true to yourself is the most revolutionary act.”
Kim Chestney
Besides her book, Kim has a free 10-day Global Intuition Summit event: GLOBAL INTUITION SUMMIT (intuitionalliance.com)featuring contributors to her book, daily workshops, and immersive exercises. She calls it an inner retreat to jump start your intuition.
The love doctor returned to Life Mastery Radio this week. Dr. Gary Salyer is the author of Safe to Love Again, and he teaches his clients to do just that by helping them rewire their brains with an understanding of four important feelings.
The right to feel:
Welcomed with Joy
Worthy and Nourished
Cherished and Protected
Empowered with Choice
When you add up all these feelings you feel loved and can give love back.
“Babies have an attachment style by the time they’re 10 months old. If, as children, we experience all four feelings we become securely attached.”
Dr. Gary Salyer
Dr. Salyer told the story of his patient, Paul who had become insecurely unattached around the time he was four years old. Paul had learned that at some point, “Love will turn on me.”
Paul was twice divorced around the 10-year mark of each relationship. He lacked trust in each wife since he always knew at some point love would turn on him. He recognized the fault was his but didn’t know how to create lasting love.
Paul spoke of a family campout when, without any provocation or reason, his father walked over to him and began beating Paul. His father “turned against him” leaving Paul with the distinct feeling that at some point anyone who loved him would do the same.
At one session Paul’s
older brother was with him as he retold the story.
Staring in complete shock, Paul’s brother spoke:
“You got it all wrong, Paul. I was at that campout and witnessed your pant legs catching on fire because you got too close to the flames. Dad jumped up and beat the flames out so you didn’t become a marshmallow. He didn’t turn on you! Dad saved your life!”
“Feelings are so powerful we often determine “our truth” which keeps us from seeing “THE truth”. The brain uses these early templates for all our relationships. The brain creates experience, and in Paul’s case set up levels of distrust by misinterpreting an experience.”
Dr. Gary Salyer
Dr. Salyer explained when the four feelings are not felt as children, we actually separate from our bodies and feelings without a right to exist.
He himself did not feel welcomed as a baby. Dr. Salyer’s mother was extremely disappointed he was not a girl. He was dressed in pink and went without a name for three weeks after his birth.
How did this manifest In Dr. Salyer? He didn’t feel cherished. His mother was abusive and unprotecting. Gary learned it was safer for him to be distanced from his mother, and he spent time playing in his room.
When he got married
Dr. Salyer didn’t understand why his wife felt lonely. He was still practicing
what he’d learned as a child: being distant is safe. The separation made his
wife feel as though Dr. Salyer didn’t understand her. The figurative distance
between them widened further and further until divorce was imminent.
“If you have fled from feelings as a child your brain is not set up to feel. I was blind as a bat without feelings. I was denying my wife the feelings of being cherished and welcomed.”
Dr. Gary Salyer
Dr. Salyer affirms: “If there are fights in a relationship it’s because one partner isn’t feeling one of these feelings:”
Welcomed with Joy
Worthy and Nourished
Cherished and
Empowered with Choice
“Show me a couple without a WE, and I’ll show you a war. There has to be a WE, and worthy is what makes love go around. It’s a birthright. You were born worthy.”
Dr. Gary Salyer
When Dr. Gary works
with individuals or couples, he helps them find the imprints – the big moments
when the brain shaped an emotional experience.
“Find the flavor of safety the brain was seeking, and you’ll discover the feeling. Giving yourself the right to have these feelings and restoring them is what makes self-love possible. The brain will feel safe. Change the feeling and everything else changes. Feelings are the original GPS for love.”
Dr. Gary Salyer
A brain that is aligned with these four feelings easily creates a profound, intimate, deep, calming, and empowering WE. From this WE extraordinary couples are born, nurtured, and raised.
Watch videos on Dr. Sayler’s website he calls MESSAGES ABOUT LOVE. They are only 2-4 minutes in length and many couples report tremendous value by learning from them.
Our recent guests, Tahnee Woolf and Allen David Reed have spent many years researching, developing, and creating a model representing our individual journey of consciousness. They call it the Ten Terrains of Consciousness.
I found our discussion with them fascinating. They have been brought together by spirit to do this work.
The Ten Terrains model was developed out of their common lives, and the discovery of fields which opened between them any time they were together. Tahnee wanted to understand people and have clarity for the reasons we are all so different.
“What is underneath the differences between people?”
Tahnee Woolf
Allen had a different mission: to understand why human perspective is most often opposite from the truth. He grew up in the woods of Washington state without connection to family. The trees, earth and animals were his connection, causing Allen to ask: Who are we, and why are we doing what we are doing? He took on a study of sciences and religions.
“We are living in a universe that is conscious. Every particle is aware of itself.”
Allen David Reed
Allen and Tahnee have designed a map of consciousness that illustrates to what degree we have separated ourselves from our own consciousness. The symbols tell a story. As it emerged, the clearer the model became.
“You have Anthropology on one end and infinite consciousness on the other end. It is like we are all living in a parallel universe to each other.”
Tahnee Woolf
Allen explained consciousness using a rubber band and his index finger.
“We are electrical bundles of energy. We are at a certain terrain based on the charge we have. Our charge holds us in judgement. Through healing, learning, and understanding, our charge can be released causing us to come into our true beinghood. We come to neutrality. “
Allen David Reed
Infinite perfection of everything.
During the research of the Ten Terrains model, people were reporting greater understanding of themselves and family members through a 10-minute quiz. The same quiz is available to you. Taking it will likely offer a new perspective of who you are since aspects of your culture, family, and community may be feeling uncomfortable or nonconforming to your beliefs. It is likely caused because you are living in a parallel universe to others.
The word Terrain was carefully selected. A Terrain is the condition upon which something manifests. Deserts, jungles, forests, plains, mountains, are all different types of terrain. There are also terrains in the psyche which give way to our cultures, beliefs, and behaviors.
“Understanding the different lenses that we as individuals and others see through gives us all a better understanding.”
Allen David Reed
Tahnee clarified the Ten Terrains model does not define our personality. Many different personality types will live at the same Terrain. Allen and Tahnee’s model illustrates WHERE you are rather than WHO you are.
“You may express your personality differently based on the Terrain you are at, but your personality, character, and astrological sign stays the same.”
Tahnee Woolf
Like riding in a hot-air balloon, as we rise higher and higher, nothing changes but our perspective. We are not suddenly any smarter, wealthier, or worthier. We simply have a grander perspective the higher and higher we rise.
“No one Terrain is better than another Terrain just as being the age of 12 is no better than being the age of 50. Our experiences and perspectives are different, and each experience brings more enlightenment.”
Tahnee Woolf
“Ego only sees what is going on now. When you are an infinite being, you have awareness of the journey and you allow it to take as long as is necessary. Wherever you are, (whatever Terrain you find yourself) you have chosen to be there because of the lesson you are to learn. Do the spiritual work and be centered where you are. You are where you are for a reason.”
Allen David Reed
Todd and I took the quiz. He is at Circle, and I am at Square. We simply answered questions based on what felt true for each of us through a series of choices. A report has been provided to us which explains the meaning of our place at that Terrain. The report also clarifies challenges we are likely facing in our journey and the gift we are here to give. Like I said: fascinating!
Some people may make a Terrain shift,
while others do not. There is no goal to reach a certain terrain. We all have a
different purpose, and some people may need to stay at their current Terrain to
fulfill their purpose – like Abe Lincoln.
“Abraham Lincoln had to live at SQUARE his whole life to end slavery.”
Tahnee Woolf
Your journey is different than mine. You may or may not have an awakening. When a shift does happen, it can create conflicts in relationships. During a shift we might find ourselves reading different books than before, seeking out new friendships with people we hadn’t been interested in before, or simply feel uncomfortable with our current situation as if we are dying to break free from something.
Allen would likely tell us to relax, trust the process, and patiently wait.
“We all have amazing potential. We constrain ourselves, and often undermine our own progress.”
Allen David Reed
Go to TenTerrains.com find their book, and take the quiz!
When Emily Letran was thirteen years-old she escaped Vietnam in a boat during the middle of the night with her aunt, brothers, and a few cousins. During the 7-day journey on the ocean, the party was shot at, robbed, and beaten, but left to live. And lived they did. In fact, Emily’s story is one of hope, abundance, and freedom.
Saigon-born in the late 1960’s, Emily had seen horrific images of war as a child. Whole villages of people were killed, and the sky was often orange from smoke. When the communists came into power in 1975 life immediately changed for her family.
There was never enough food, which the government “provided”. The Vietnamese citizens were forced to stand in line for rations of food and supplies – given according to the number of family members in each home.
Emily’s mother passed-away one year later, and by 1981 rumors of another war in Vietnam began to swell. Her brothers and cousins were old enough to be drafted into the communist military. Thus, the escape from her home country was put into action.
Emily’s father and a few siblings would stay in Vietnam and join the family soon. As Emily looked back at her father that night the boat was pushed silently into the ocean, she felt hope and determination to make his sacrifice worthwhile. The expectation to survive, thrive, and be successful weighed heavily on Emily, even more than fear of the unknown.
Sadly, Emily never saw her father again.
This small group of survivors lived in a Malaysian refugee camp for 3 months before taking her first airplane ride and arriving in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America.
Her first impression of America?
“Everything was BIG, and you feel a little lost. Our first meal was Popeye Chicken, and I thought where is the rice? You can’t eat food without rice”.
Emily Letran
Culture shock and language barriers were the biggest challenges. Emily had learned conversational English in Vietnam, but that did not suffice in school when learning science and other subjects.
“Imagine not being able to understand ANYTHING people were saying for 5 hours in school every day”.
Emily Letran
Emily would study at night translating her English textbooks into Vietnamese. She delivered newspapers, biked to school, and through government programs received free school lunch. She had drive to serve the family, live up to her own expectations, and determination to understand the language.
Emily longed for her father to join
them in America so the family could be complete. He was still in communist
Vietnam where BIG BROTHER is always watching; where government can search your
home any time they want to and take anything they want.
By the time she was in high school, the family lived in California. Emily went to undergrad classes at the university while still in high school, and she took summer classes too. She was working hard to make the most of her blessed situation.
Emily’s father passed-away and soon after she became a U.S. Citizen. She legally changed her first name to Emily, kept her Vietnamese name as her middle name, and combined two different Vietnamese last names (Le and Tran) to form her last name. The American Dream was no longer a hope. It was reality.
“We have a sense of gratitude knowing we live in the best place in the world – the U.S. We take pride in being here as an immigrant, knowing there is no other country in the world which offers real freedom and the ability to achieve”.
Emily Letran
Emily is now Emily Letran, DDS and owns two specialty dental practices in southern California. In her profession, not many people share their stories. This compelled Emily to write her story in a book. It is meant to inspire immigrants and others.
“You can share your story in a book and increase the number of people who hear your voice”.
Dr. Emily Letran
To other refugees Dr. Emily says:
“Look for help. Go to churches, neighbors, friends, and ask for help. Ask them to point you to the resources.”
Emily Letran, DDS
To natural American citizens Dr. Emily advises:
“Stay open-minded. Do not stereotype, or assume you know someone’s story because of how they look. Do not assume they cannot do something or do not understand you. Be available to help when/where you can”.
Emily Letran, DDS
On this Election Day 2020, Emily had
more inspiring advice:
“You should be grateful we have two opposing parties in America that fight each other. The option is one single party that dictates everything to you, and controls everything you have”.
Emily Letran, DDS
Emily has been there and done that. As
we parted, Emily offered a gift to YOU:
Text FREEDOM to 6262987587
and get a
free Blueprint for Focus and Productivity
Our recent guest, Joanne Light, Ed.D spoke directly to parents and grandparents listening to our show. She quoted from Marc Brackett’s book: Permission to Feel about Emotional Intelligence using the acronym: R.U.L.E.R.
Recognize your emotions
Understand your emotions
Label your emotions
Express your emotions
Regulate your emotions
“EQ is as important as IQ.”
Joanne Light
As a Parent Empowerment Coach, Joanne is an expert helping parents to cope during situations like COVID-19.
“There are so many places to feel stuck, and parents are dealing with many issues right now.”
Joanne Light
Joanne’s own daughter struggled in her 20’s with a personality disorder and anxiety. In what felt like a hopeless search, Joanne found a woman running groups for parents of children struggling in the way her daughter was. In this group she found no judgement, but instead, acceptance, support, and help.
Joanne learned when she as a parent received
help, she was able to help her daughter. She discovered her niche as a Career
and Life Coach – empower struggling parents.
“Parents benefit by finding advocates for their personal support, which provides the skills to help their children.”
Joanne Light
Joanne spoke about “complex kids” who are challenged with maladies such as ADD, depression, eating disorders, cutting behaviors, and anxiety. It is alarming that 25% of young people between 10-25 have thoughts of taking their own life. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death in this age group.
“ALL kids are having issues, and the pandemic has only made it more obvious.”
Joanne Light
Having Joanne as a Parent Empowerment Coach is a process of exploration. Parents learn to rely on their own abilities with guidance to make goals, follow through with them, and achieve them with intention. It is nice to have someone to be accountable to.
To all parents, Joanne recommends the following areas to focus on:
Resiliency: Parenting is an inside out process. Examine your own values, live them, and your children will reflect those values back to you. Resiliency is a coping skill children learn by example; it is the ability to get back up when they fall down or fall behind.
“Dig in and dig deep to become the best parent you can.”
Joanne Light
Connection is the key to effective parenting. Parents should react, but not overreact. Nothing will build a wall between child and parent faster than reacting without first understanding. Parents should give themselves permission to back off in the heat of the moment, empathize, and revisit the problem when emotions have cooled off.
Make time together enjoyable for all family members. Studies prove families who have dinner together result in children who are more successful academically, live cultural values, are less worried about challenges, and feel grounded in the family unit. Actions like these develop and increase Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
Structure: Joanne highly recommends FAMILY MEETINGS once a week, or every other week. Schedule regularly and allow each family member to take turns leading the meeting. Choose a topic for each meeting and set ground rules early. Kindness rules.
Family meetings provide a “check in” with each family member. It is a time to confirm chore assignments, share feelings, compare schedules, and for expression without judgement. Make sure to have an activity after the meeting – games, dessert, a movie, etc.
“It sounds cheesy, but it helps! Many life coaches preach family meetings. It’s a time to set boundaries and responsibilities as a calm, caring, nurturing parent.”
Joanne Light
Self-Care: all parents should make this a priority. Every day, each parent should do something strictly for themselves whether 5 minutes or 30 minutes.
Have a cup of coffee…alone
Call a friend
Journal, sharing positive thoughts and gratitude (count your blessings)
Sip a glass of wine
Take a nap
Listen to music that lifts your spirit
Eat a healthy snack
“Self-care is critical. When parents cope well, kids will as well. Self-care is not selfish; it is not indulgent. It’s critical.”
Joanne Light
If you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control with your own emotions – chances are your children are experiencing the same. Seek out support like Joanne did. In fact – contact Joanne. Care for yourself to better care for those you love in an emotionally intelligent way.
Zero has negative connotations, even though it is just a number.
“Life is a zero-sum game.”
“He’s a real zero, man!”
Cars are lauded for going zero to 60 mph in seconds.
“That’s a lot of fuss about nothing; or it’s all or nothing.”
“Start with a blank slate.”
We often zero in on something; or we zero out on everything. Most of us have zero tolerance for zero dark thirty, and ground zero is a moniker for a significant place of note.
Zero means none, nothing, naught, or nil. Zero is usually not an indication of success.
Until now.
Mabel Katz has now defined Zero Frequency as THE place to be, THE goal to strive for, and THE greatest source of peace and happiness.
Zero Frequency is the name of Mabel’s book, and its arrival on ground zero of a pandemic could not have been timed more perfectly.
Mabel learned the ancient Hawaiian art of problem-solving known as Ho’oponopono. (Those are o’s, not zero’s) It transformed her life and Mabel spent twelve years as an apprentice of the practice, leading to the birth of Zero Frequency®.
“The ancient practice involved gathering the entire family, and, in the presence of a moderator, each member would ask the others for forgiveness. Hawaiian healer Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona updated Ho’oponopono for modern times so that it could be practiced alone.”
Mabel Katz
The process of Ho’oponopono in today’s terms is to discover the divinity within oneself and to achieve complete freedom from the past.
So, what is Zero Frequency®?
“Simply put, Zero Frequency® is our natural way or condition, who we really are. It is the magic way of living twenty-four/seven in inspiration, freed from the chains of all our subconscious programming and all our preconceived ideas, memories, and beliefs. When we are at Zero, we are our authentic selves, able to access our true talents and natural gifts.”
Mabel Katz
Mabel explained that those who ascribe to numerology believe that numbers have vibrations. The number zero resonates with the vibrations of eternity, flow, and wholeness. It also represents choice.
Zero is the alpha, which is the beginning, and the omega, the highest. Zero is also the symbol of infinity, and it is believed that it brings us closer to God.
Zero is also the symbol of nothingness; we often perceive that to be negative in nature. That is so far from the truth! Mable claims it is in this nothingness that we experience an absence of all the memories, thoughts, beliefs, and actions that have held us back. It is in this nothingness that all answers are revealed.
Mabel’s book speaks to the heart. As you read it, you may find yourself slipping into the state of Zero Frequency®. You may feel peaceful and creative. Her book will take you on an inner journey and teach you how to choose to go back to Zero moment by moment.
“It’s possible for you to be truly happy and fulfilled, and there is a simpler path toward what you want.”
Your life force is your juice. Life force is the vital energy within you responsible for maintaining your life and your health, and it plays a major role in how your physical body, mind, and emotional and energetic systems feel and operate. If your life force wanes too far, you get sick.
Nourishing your life force begins the moment you rise each morning.
“The first hour of your day sets the stage for rest of your day. What are you ingesting? What are you doing? What are you allowing into your field? Connect with yourself first.”
At the age of 30 Christine realized life is more than she ever thought it could be. She began to seek out more wisdom and found it while studying different and varied cultures from her own. Intuition guided her to write her fourth book, and trusting divine timing, the result is a new way of thinking which completely connected with me.
Overwhelmed and Over It has caused me to consider personal change and defy societal rules not in harmony with my natural self. Her book invites the reader to open up to self-awareness. Do any of the following behaviors describe you?
I take on other people’s feelings and problems or make it my job to fix them or better things for them.
I try to do too much at one time and then feel scattered, fragmented, and overwhelmed.
I overstretch my financial resources and then feel like I do not have what I need.
I run my inner batteries and body down.
Christine encouraged us to “find your fierce voice and make different choices. You’ll influence others while doing so.”
She describes “imprints” which we might call experiences that shaped our self-descriptions, beliefs, and values. Imprints in our hearts cause fear, shame, and judgment. We then create coping mechanisms which undermine us.
“We have the power to create new realities through our choices, which means we have the power to redefine success and the systems that say what it is.”
Christine Arylo
Work/life balance has become like a marker of nirvanic success all of us overwhelmed women strive for yet never seem to reach. It’s not for lack of trying, focus, or diligence that we fail. The truth is, we have been missing that there is a fundamental flaw inherent in work/life balance as a goal for personal and professional success: Work/life balance is the wrong equation.
Christine described work/life balance like a tug of war. I recall in that activity someone always ends up muddy.
“Our lives are dynamic, not static. Diverse, not divisible into two parts. Cyclical, not linear. Which is why we need a new constellation — a configuration — for how to think about, organize, interact with, meet, and design the interconnected parts of our lives.”
Christine Arylo
Christine provides this new configuration in her book, and she invites us to make more empowering choices while engaging with it. It includes simple, yet significant steps.
Following the interview with our inspiring guest, Essi Bagheri, last Tuesday, I will try more diligently not to complain about my circumstances. He fought a war similar to wars many of us face, and he has come through heroically.
Essi is the author of Shattered Soul The True Story of a Child Soldier.
The title of his book might give away one of the situations in his life that brought him grief, but until you read his book you won’t learn that it was because of early traumas in his life that he became a child soldier in the first place.
Being born in Iran in 1966 to an 11-year old mother and a 30-year old father became Essi’s first challenge. (Not that he remembers it). Six months later though, the separation from his mother would prove to put him on a path where tragedy would surely follow.
Upon learning at the age of five that the mother he believed was his was not, the doubts about his value and worth began to haunt Essi. Discovering your life is not what you though at any age can be devastating, and because Essi was simply too young to truly understand, he was being set up for more trauma which would shape his identity.
After friends and family betrayed and abused him around the age of 9, Essi began to take active note of life. He wanted to belong to a family he had a bond with. He wanted to feel part of something that grounded him to culture and society. His search for these feelings led him to make a decision that would endanger is life.
At the age of 14-15, Essi joined the Revolutionary Guard to fight Saddam Hussein’s army who had invaded Iran. Prior to enlisting, Essi had seen soldiers coming home from war in coffins and being lauded and praised for their courage and sacrifice. He wanted that praise. Even if he died getting it.
the promise of going to heaven, and having 47 virgins meet him there, the
teenage Essi was “brainwashed” (his description) to seek for such greatness in
serving his country.
After basic training Essi went to the front lines of battle. His role: disassemble land mines. A soldier would be lucky if he had opportunity to find a landmine before it detonated. Very rare circumstance indeed.
In fact, when Essi watched his friends blown to smithereens while searching for mines, he began to realize how wrong it was to put human beings – especially young boys – in charge of such a barbaric mission. This did not feel heroic to Essi any longer.
The only way out of
this situation was to be injured. At least then he would have time in the
hospital away from the fighting. Yet, what were the chances Essi would only
sustain injury in such a dangerous task?
Essi chose the unthinkable – he used his own gun to shoot himself in the arm. Believing it was a battle wound, Essi was treated medically with great care; and treated honorably as a war hero. Isn’t that what he wanted?
Essi would soon realize that being sent home this way was not honorable. It was not heroic. This began the emotional spiral of pain into the darkest abyss of alcohol and drug addiction. Surely Essi’s whole life had been a lie and being sober only reminded him of that.
For 30 or more years
Essi stayed on the battlefield he had created in his head. He fought his
identity, his worth, his very existence every day for three decades.
When the light was lifted, and his purpose was revealed, Essi fought for someone else – you and me. Those of us who have suffered trauma, abuse, and/or addiction have a coach to talk to . Someone who truly gets it. Someone who has been that shattered soul.
Essi’s book is well worth reading, if only (as I mentioned at the top of this post) to help each of us recognize our own blessings, and help us feel grateful for the people around us who’ve lifted us up and made it possible to heal.
It is available on Amazon, and as the title suggests it is a personal, true memoir of a war hero. The war of life.
Have you ever been highly dissatisfied with your situation but unable to change it?
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard calls this quandary the final eighth (and refers to everything going before it as the first 7/8).
“When you are stuck in the final stages of achieving a goal, you’ve probably done everything pretty much right. You took the initiative, followed a plan, and moved toward your goal. This is the first 7/8.”
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard
Bridgit described the problem many of us experience – despite the nearness to the goal, hard work, access to resources, and commitment, we find ourselves unable to take the final steps to success.
If you are like me, you have been in this position more than once. Ugh!
“The truth is, not every part of you wants what you think you want! Some of your inner selves are opposed to your goal.”
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard
What?! Thank goodness Bridgit explained:
“When you identify and learn to speak with your inner selves, you’ll uncover their secret intentions and figure out which of them support your goal and which are impeding it.”
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard
Bridgit calls this process VOICE DIALOGUE.
Throughout her book you are guided to discover the following truths about yourself:
The final eighth process
How your inner self is formed
How to communicate with your primary selves through voice dialogue
The hidden inner selves who are determined to stop you from succeeding
How to communicate directly with your hidden inner selves
Discover your own false negative beliefs
Find the invisible, unresolved dilemmas called double binds that reside in you
Your choice – abandon your goal or go for it
Do you need failure?
How to assign your inner critic a new role
Cross your finish line
Learn to apply safe-success guidelines
“One workshop participant who’d been stuck professionally for a long time jumped into the voice dialogue process and soon afterward found herself having to choose between two career-boosting job offers. She marveled, “What? Do your dreams just start coming true when you start doing voice dialogue?”
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard
Bridgit claims she’s seen such things happen. The final eighth process frees people to develop courage, strength, creativity, and to access the resources needed to break through any impasse and reach a goal. It might feel magical!
“The goal is not to eliminate any self, but to learn from it. Trying to get rid of an inner self does not work and cannot be done. It is a fool’s errand. Anyone who has tried to eradicate their Inner Critic knows that. What I’m helping you do is become intimate with your inner selves, so you have a direct relationship with them and stop wasting time and energy running away from parts of yourself you don’t like or are frightening.”
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard
It sounds like Bridgit’s book can benefit all of us – no matter what your inner selves might say to talk you out of getting it.
I met one of my admired heroes on Tuesday! Dr. Bernie Siegel was our guest, and I was thrilled to finally meet him in person.
It was in the late 1980’s when I began the painful, suicide-thought-inducing work of healing from childhood sexual abuse. Dr. Seigel’s 1st book (he just wrote #19) was recommended to me, and I obediently began to read it.
Love, Medicine, and Miracles was my first foray into the self-help book genre. In the chapter titled “The Will to Live” about a patient diagnosed with cancer I read:
We cannot change the past -our parents and our exposure to carcinogens—but we can change ourselves and thus our future. As one of my patient’s said, “Cancer isn’t a sentence, it’s just a word”.
His message captured me. Sexual abuse is a carcinogen. It was up to me to change myself because I could not change the past. Dr. Siegel’s book set me on the path of forgiveness and full healing.
Tuesday’s show with him as guest was full of wonderful stories. What a wonderful storyteller Dr. Siegel is. In fact, his 19th book is a story with real characters.
Three Men Six Lives is the title of Dr. Siegel’s new book. You can expect by reading it to be filled with inspiration, hope, and love. In fact, Dr. Siegel is the poster child for those outcomes.
Before we went on air live, Dr. Siegel shared a very personal story which confirms to me his purpose, which is to guide us all to self-healing.
Bernie was the first born of his parents. His mother had an extremely underactive thyroid, which meant that throughout her pregnancy with Bernie, she had very little energy. When it came time to deliver Bernie, she lacked the strength to complete the process on her own.
After being in labor for about a week forceps were finally engaged. Bernie was pulled into the world red and bruised, and anything but a beautiful baby. His mother was embarrassed to take him out in public.
His grandmother stepped in and massaged Bernie’s face and head constantly to push his natural features back in place. The touch she provided was the catalyst for Bernie’s ability to love life and love others.
The story does not end there. Years later Bernie and his wife were getting massages in different rooms of the same clinic. The masseuse Bernie was assigned was a woman. She began to massage Bernie’s head and face.
What seemed like moments later, yet was 10-15 minutes of time passed, Bernie awoke to 20 people standing around him. They were delighted when he regained consciousness. Evidently, the touch of the massage therapist caused Bernie to become so entranced and relaxed he was completely unresponsive to all the people who tried to revive him.
Bernie explains that the internal memory of his first several weeks of life caused his body to relax in such a way he reverted to babyhood. What a delightful example of how our past experiences, memories, and attitudes still shape and affect us today.
In Love, Medicine and Miracles, Dr. Siegel asks us to consider 4 questions:
Do you want to live to be a hundred? (In other words, do you love yourself enough to take care of your body and mind?)
2. What happened to you in the year or two before your illness? (Your past experiences may indicate why this illness is plaguing you)
3. What does the illness mean to you? (Does it represent death, embarrassment, or a challenge)
4. Why did you need the illness? (Sickness gives people “permission” to do what one has always wanted to do but has always been too busy to start)
The lessons of Bernie’s life, medical practice, and career as an author/speaker is this: Unconditional love is the most powerful stimulant of the immune system. Love heals. Miracles happen.
Read any one of Dr. Siegel’s books and you will be transformed. I think he will become your hero just like he is mine.
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
🎉 Ready to start 2025 lighter, freer, and full of possibility?
On December 31st, join Shiraz Baboo, Reality Interventionist, for a transformational online event:
✨ Release, Reset, and Reignite Your Magic for 2025 ✨
In just a few hours, you’ll: ✅ Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. ✅ Reset your mindset for success and positivity. ✅ Feel lighter, happier, and ready to conquer 2025.
🎁 Plus, you could win prizes, including a VIP day with Shiraz worth $10,000!
Email from The Speak Feed Lead Project Make your new year magic Well 2024 has been an intense year! We’ve had to deal with elections, hurricanes, international drama, and AI continues to grow and chan
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