Holistic sex, tantra style

Diana & Richard Daffner are the authors of Tantric Sex for Busy Couples: How to Deepen Your Passion in Just Ten Minutes a Day. Together, the Daffners developed a program for couples called Tantra Tai Chi – easy movements that help deepen physical intimacy, emotional closeness and spiritual awareness. They have been married for 26 years, and have been leading Intimacy Retreat workshops for couples since 1997. Upcoming Intimacy Retreats are offered in Florida, Seattle, British Columbia and Jamaica. In addition to their book, the Daffners offer a DVD showing the Tantra Tai Chi moves and an audio-CD that provides an at-home guided experience of tantric intimacy.

Bobbi DePorter

53,000 kids have received their EDGE by the 8 keys Excellence taught by the Quantum Learning Network, Bobbi DePorter talks about her goal to reach out to over 50 million children by year 2015

Real Power Foods, Cooking Healthy Lessons

Bo Rinaldi talks about the Course that is sold the worldwide to Individuals at Spas, Restaurants, and Retreats. Do Pierce Brosnan, Cher, Alicia Silverstone and Woody Harrelson indorse this? YES! Bo talks with our hosts about how to access this program and the incredible restaurants he and Mark Reinfeld have The Blossoming Lotus. A vegan ‘s paradise. Listen in to learn Cooking Healthy Lessons. “Reclaim your health and renew your confidence!”

Steve Frailey & Dr. L Stephen Coles

Take some time to listen to Steve talk about the miracle attributes of Noni Fruit from his farm in Hawaii. Hawaiian Health Ohana mail@nonifruitleather.com Dr. Coles talks about genetics and molecular biology and how we pro actively avoid cancer. All natural, all amazing

Steve Frailey and Dr. L Stephen Coles health & wellness the natural way.

Listen in as Steve Frailey, owner, operator, pioneer in the organic cultivation of Noni Fruit and canidate for the AMD Visionary of the Year Award talks about the miracles of Noni Fruit he harvests on his farm in Hawaii. Then, wanting to live past 110? Dr. L Stephen
Coles, the worlds foremost authority on supercentenarians, author of Extraordinary Healing, talks about how plant moleules and RNA fragments catapults us towards living a stronger longer life.

Ivan Rados, Health and consciousness

Our question under the question>.What get’s in the way of our progression through dis-ease. Our mind..we don’t belong to our mind. Accept and move through it. Being aware is to be watchful, alert and to witness everything that comes and goes. It is not you. You are the witness. You are the moment, that is what God is, Infinite. Move from Intentions to ATTENTION. AT  is the moment..captured? Can you re-boot your body and what would that be like? Listen in as Ivan Rados shares his wisdom.

Ghetto Physics-Will Arntz-Metaphysics

Listen in: Guest, Will Arntz, “What the Bleep ” creator, at the launch of his new film, Ghetto Physics-Redefining the game. We are all Pimps and Hos…what kind are you and what does that mean to human evolution? Tues. March 1,12:00 pm CT, 10:00 am PT

John Demartini & Inspiration

As a young man John Demartini ,still struggling with a learning disability and barely able to read decided to fulfill his then lifelong dream of being a world class surfer, left home with blessings from his parents and began his travels to California. Along the way, one event, one man, changed his life forever. How did one man go from surfer dude to a Doctor of Chiropractic, to a world recognized teacher and philosopher and motivator of millions all over the planet? Listen in to allow The Inspiration of one man lead you to your true destiny. Always..keep $13.00 in your account…is that enough?

Ever felt as if the pause button were stuck?

I have used the excuse of jet lag for far too many days now post my Italy trip and am thinking the static in my head has to do with the fact that I have moved from one home, which I lived in for 20 years to a new delightful home which I adore. Adorable or not, the shift in energy is palpable. It is as if I were one of those bobble dolls, my body steadfast and immovable and my head bobbing around at a hundred rotations a minute, all for not. I am sure you have had such experiences.

How to regain a feeling of center?

With the lure of a warm bed, cozy comforters and deep pillows beckoning for my afternoon attention, today I ventured out from behind the moving boxes, from the sorting things out, from the ‘which cabinet will these dishes go in” deep questioning that a far-too-organized type like myself gets trapped in and did something novel. I went outside. The weather has been gorgeous, cool and downright inviting here in Houston. I was amazed at how fast my over-worked body seem to regain a sense of humanness.
I did not need sleep, I needed movement.

A simple walk down the new street, time spent listening to the birds, a few hello’s with my new neighbors and I felt like a new woman.

We all get bombarded with life’s pulls and demands. Some of us regain our energy through a nap, others, like I learned today, by returning to nature for a while.

How do you regain your center? Share your thoughts with your fellow Holistic Living lovelies.

Blessings to you all!
Tina Marie
The Evokateur

How to transform thoughts that do not serve you

I am reminded today by a share that my friend and mentor, Mary Morrissey sent to her subscription list of how very important it is to let go and put down those thoughts that no longer serve us. I have pasted in her share below for you to experience as well, but first, I invite you to dwell in the possibility that all around you, all that plagues your mind with worry or frustration today, originated first in thoughts that came into your perception.

Then consider that you have all the power to give or deny focus to any thought, any of them.

I had a client once tell me, but you do not know the power of the thoughts in my mind. “You do not know the worry that I have every day to feed my children, to keep the bills paid, to work harder that anyone so I do not lose my job. You do not know the level of pain I live with in this tired body. How can you say that all of this is but thoughts in my mind and that if I shift them, then it will not seem bad, but instead good?”

And I say to that, and the doubt, and the fear, and the not knowing in us that rises up and wants answers and immediate action “or else _____”, I say, “Do I know? YES, I Know.”

My very life, an experiment of grand proportions in pain, hurt, loss, betrayal, fear and agony, I know that when applied, the teachings of the power of thought, transform even the most close to death person, the full of despair and regret person, the person on the edge of taking their own life. I have seen it, I have lived it, I am now teaching it.

I know that as soon as you shift your perception of the situation and begin to ask, “What if?”, once you become curious about where you are, how you got here, what has formed this reality, once you get curious, Life changes. Life takes on the forms that you instill in it, so much so that you can mentally form a mold through which to pour the mix of  a life so wonderful, you overflow with Gratitude.

So today, put down the thoughts that plague you, they will be there tomorrow. Today, exist in a field of wonder, of curiosity. Ask the questions today of “What if?”

What if I loved my job, what would that look like?

What if I absolutely was head over heels in love with my spouse? What would that feel like?

What if I received a check for 5 million dollars today? What would I do with my time?

What if my body radiated with ultimate health and well being? What would I go do with my body to appreciate it?

Ask What if today…. share your thoughts and your experiences with us.

Post from Mary Morrissey

There is an ancient teaching story about two Buddhist monks walking along a river in silence. They have a vow of chastity –which includes many vows, but one of these vows of chastity requires that they never speak to, or ever touch, a woman.

As they walk up the river, they come upon a woman who is desperately trying to get across the river because her child is on the other side. It is a fast-flowing river and she is frightened to cross the river by herself. The one monk  walks over to her and says, “May I help you?” He picks her up and with the strength that he carries in his legs that walk mountains and valleys and streams as part of his work, he carries her across the river, sets her down, returns to join his fellow and they begin again to walk in silence.

About two hours later the second monk says to the first monk, “I can’t believe you carried that woman across the river. I can’t believe you touched her. I can’t believe that you broke your vows.”

The other monk simply looks at his companion and says, “I put her down two hours ago. You are still carrying her.”

It’s such a wonderful story about us simply learning to put something down.

Let’s consider what are we still carrying that really isn’t happening anymore. What are we still hanging onto that isn’t in our present moment?

Let’s put it down…And when we put that down, we now have our hands, our heart and our mind available to what’s here, right now.

Love to you all,

Tina Marie – The Evokateur
