by Todd Alan | Aug 10, 2010
Sending off your son or daughter to a college is a big step that many families are preparing for now. Stores are lined with dorm supplies, all intended to make your college experience one of fun and ease. We have taken time to pull together ways you can create a more natural, holistic and ‘geared toward learning’ experience for the college bound student.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 70% of of high school graduates in the United States have enrolled in college classes. With a majority of them deciding to live on campus or in nearby apartments, starting out the ‘living on your own’ experience in a holistic manner, will set your expectations for healthy living for many years to come.
Although they are away from home, and their schedules are full of classes, socializing and study, your college student still needs their sleep. Send them off with bedding that stands up to the college experience and keeps allergies at bay is needed.
Bathroom & Laundry
Environmentally friendly cleaners that can leave even the dirtiest dorm room sparkling and smelling amazingly clean. I love these products – they work, they are healthy for us (as far as we know), and they smell awesome – even guys like the smell.
Click Here
Teach your kids how to sort laundry, cleaning our clothes the way Mom teaches is needed to keep clothes looking great. Use products made for high efficiency washers and that are less stressful on the environment. Try Seventh Generation Products:
Click Here
Toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, razors, toilet paper – all these choices are now up to the college bound student. How will you spend your money in the world? And keep yourself looking nice at the same time. You are now developing your money consciousness and how your impact on the world as a planetary being will be made. What impact do you want to have? Start simple. Here are some products that will have a lower impact on the Earth and have you looking, smelling and feeling wonderful! Dr. Tom has the
The Environmental Working Group has a website called Skin Deep. This site is an excellent resource for consumers in that it lists thousands of personal care products in an organized way and rates them on how safe their ingredients are.
“Skin Deep pairs ingredients in more than 25,000 products against 50 definitive toxicity and regulatory databases, making it the largest integrated data resource of its kind. Why did a small nonprofit take on such a big project? Because the FDA doesn’t require companies to test their own products for safety.”
Most dorms, apartment complexes and neighborhoods now have a recycling program in place. If you are interested in doing your part to minimize your carbon footprint, enroll your living co-habitants in your way of living. I have a sign above my garbage can that reads: “Can we Reuse, Reduce or Recycle?” The garbage can is smaller than the Recycle can, and there is a compost can in the kitchen as well. I do not readily recommend composting for college students because the smell can get really rank if the debris is not taken out daily. Plus I know of few colleges that have composting facilities here in the states. Find a way to have your school participate in composting at
Campus Zero Waste
Eating well has a huge impact on your ability to learn, retain and reuse what you are spending your time, energy and money to achieve. Some easy steps can create a very healthy foundation for your education. Plus when you are 90% good with your choices, you can be 10% bad and not feel so guilty. What a bargain!
How Tina Marie is Bad…
I love Smoothie King. Some think “Oh it is a smoothie – that is healthy.” Wrong! Tons of sugar, processed ingredients and in the one I love, ‘ice cream!’ Goodness. Now on the good side of being bad I love these delicious Raw Cookies carried at Whole Foods. But if you want to make
raw cookies try this recipes at our friends at
Keep cut veggies in frig for snacking. Of course the college sauce “Ranch Dressing” is a must as well. My friend Brian was in Scotland for Med School and only requested a case of ranch dressing every 3 months. I never knew that Ranch dressing was unique to America. ; )
When you eat out, or shop – choose green. Processed foods shorten your life span – not much to consider when you have the world at your doorstep but trust me as someone who emerged from college 10 pounds heavier, you will care at some point so why not care now?
Other great snacks include nuts, whole grain breads, and dried fruits.
Minimize or cut out all sugar – sugar is hidden in foods, snacks, drinks, sodas, juices. You may think you are being super healthy, but beware the very health drink you have can be wreaking havoc inside your body. Water is the best drink – 3 quarts a day is recommended. Do not think I am crazy it is true! Go find the article “Your Body is THIRSTY!” to learn how many diseases, maladies and issues we have that are caused solely from dehydration. You will be amazed!
This one is a hard one for most college students but I tell you – it is supremely important! You do need 6 – 8 hours of sleep a night.
At they reported that “With all the studying, partying and classes, sleep deprivation and college students go hand in hand. Most people need six to eight hours of sleep each night to function properly. However, studies find approximately 20 percent of college students suffer from sleeping disorders, including insomnia. College students who suffer from sleep disorders can experience irritability, anxiety and even weight gain.”
Spiritual Space & Practice
What does a spiritual practice have to do with college and higher learning? The real question is what doesn’t it? When we seek a higher place for ourselves in any regard, staying connected to our life’s passion guides us as we grow. Many of us seek knowledge and at the end of our learning have a ton of material we can think about but how many sit and have real thought? Thinking and thought are two different things. While you are in your studies stop and take time to connect with your higher self in quiet and stillness to stay grounded in all that you are acquiring in mind. More calm, more purpose, more freedom and more direction will be your benefits from creating a spiritual practice and maintaining it on a regular basis. See our articles on Creating a Sacred Space and What to do for Spiritual Practice (coming soon)
Your Best Life Advocate….
Tina Marie Jones
by Todd Alan | Jul 29, 2010
The following plan is a general nutritional plan that we advise all of our clients adopt. Each person’s needs are as unique and individual as they are. As your practitioner sees required, he or she may modify this plan. Please consult with them directly on any modifications or questions you may have.
Foods to include
Veggies – Go for 80% of your plate being filled with fresh or steamer or lightly sautéed veggies – try them for breakfast too.
Fresh Fruits – eat away from a main meal – 1 hour before, 1 hour after
Beans – excellent source of vitamins, fiber and proteins
Starches to have – wild rice, quinoa, kamut, buckwheat, spelt, amaranth, yams, sweet potatoes, Ezekiel bread
Meats – chicken, turkey, cold water fishes (cod, halibut, mackerel, wild salmon, herring …), 10 – 12 ounces in a week
Eggs – in moderation – 1-2 every other day
Nuts, Seeds – they are all great. Mix up the variety to stay away from too much fat in any one source.
Foods to keep off your plate & out of your mouth
We advise to avoid these foods because of the general allergic response they give our bodies. In some cases a high glycemic load, such as sugar, can cause damage to the body and set the body chemistry up for insulin resistance and diabetes.
Flours (in general)
Sugar – all kinds
Dairy (yogurt, milk, cheese)
Pork, Beef, Red meats
No fruit juices – unless it is minimally used for Accel drink smoothie
For a more detailed list of foods that can cause allergic responses, inflammation and congestion in the body,
Email for a Free Self Test for your own Food Allergies.
Blessings, Tina Marie
by Todd Alan | Jul 29, 2010
Eczema is a very painful and embarrassing condition that if left untreated will spread and affect many areas of the skin layer. I have seen cases of eczema so deep, skin grafts were needed to assist in healing. The condition can affects is not discriminating, affecting newborns to the elderly alike.The health of our skin layer, also known as the integumentary system, is a key indicator of our internal health.
When eczema appears on the outside, I tend to look first inside to see what body systemsare at a state of imbalance and/or congestion. Generally, once congestion is removed, proper nutrition is provided and cellular health established, the body has all the means to heal itself. The following guide is a general approach that works for many. If your symptoms do not improve, feel free to call the clinic for a phone consultation where we can, through a routine questionnaire and simple blood test conducted at a lab near you, prepare a specific cellular diet that will address your own individual needs.
To your health and healing, yours, Tina Marie
What to do for your Eczema….
1 – When bathing – wash with soap bar ( Natural Beauty Bar) provided, no other soap or oil. This special cleansing bar is available in our store for $5 plus shipping or by calling 877-887-8462.
2 – Make a 50/50 Solution of Bragg’s Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and Distilled water Apply for 10 – 15 minutes before using the Derm Free Twice a day Dry skin easily, do not rub – with clean cloth
Important – do not use any other vinegar, or water. They have reactionary chemicals that aggravate the Eczema.
3 – Remove all sugar form the diet, corn, wheat, rice, oats, sodas, sweets, breads, juices. Give water or fresh squeezed juice from 1 orange or apple a day. Processed juices have way too much sugar and will aggravate the Eczema also.
4 – If you crave sweets, take 4 – 5 drops of Chromium/Vanadium under the tongue (adult), 2-3 drops (child). Hold for 30 seconds and swallow. Repeat every 30 minutes until craving has subsided. Limit to 3 doses in an 8 hour period.
5 – Do not use bubble baths or stay in a bath more than 15 minutes. Soaking skin will dry tit out and allow the Eczema to spread. Taking a shower is preferred.
6 – Stay away from chlorine. Use a mild soap when washing clothes, a dye free one without harsh chemicals or bleach.
7 – Use Candula lotion if itching occurs.
Continue treatment for 10 days even if Eczema appears to be gone.
by Todd Alan | Jul 29, 2010
Cholesterol is one of the many risk factors for heart disease, the higher your levels the more likely you are to have cardiovascular problems.
Basic Causes and Concerns of High Cholesterol
– The Cholesterol Myth
During the 70’s and 80’s much research was centered on the causes and effects of high blood serum Cholesterol. Some reports suggested that dietary consumption of cholesterol in the form of eggs contributed to these high levels. Detailed clinical studies found no rise in blood cholesterol levels by eating eggs prompting the statement by the British advisory panel “Most of the dietary cholesterol in Western communities is derived from eggs, but we have found no evidence which relates the number of eggs consumed to heart disease.”
– The New Data
It is true that high cholesterol is considered to be a contributor to the build up of plaque on artery walls which impedes blood flow to the brain, kidneys, genitals, extremities, and heart. High cholesterol may also lead to gallstones, mental impairment, and high blood pressure.
It is important to distinguish between serum cholesterol and dietary cholesterol. Serum cholesterol is the Cholesterol in the bloodstream whereas dietary chol is the cholesterol present in the food you eat.
Cholesterol levels are greatly influenced by you diet but are also dependant on your genetic makeup.
From a holistic viewpoint, high serum cholesterol levels are indicative of liver distress. Eating a low-chol diet may help, but your liver is over producing cholesterol; it usually isn’t enough to correct the problem. Indeed, the link between serum cholesterol and dietary cholesterol has never adequately been demonstrated.
The differences between fats
Not all fats are the same Cholesterol is a fat. Cholesterol is an essential part of every cell structure and is needed for proper brain function, nerve function and is the basis for the manufacture of sex hormones.
Cholesterol is manufactured in the liver and transported to the parts of the body where it is needed. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) are the main transporters of cholesterol through the blood.
Because LDLs seem to encourage the deposit on cholesterol in the arteries it is known as ‘bad cholesterol’. High density lipoprotein (HDL) on the other hand is known as ‘good cholesterol’ because it transports unneeded cholesterol to the liver for processing and removal from the body.
When the system is out of balance a build up LDLs and a lower level of HDLs to cleanse the blood results in arterial plaque which leads to heart disease.
Dietary Recommendations for reducing High Serum Cholesterol
Eggs have been given a bad rap because they have been linked to cholesterol but many researchers now believe that eating eggs has little or no effect on serum cholesterol levels of people who have normal serum cholesterol. Other studies have concurred that eating eggs can actually raise good HDL.
Lipski states that current thinking is that your cholesterol levels are normal, it is fine to eat egg yolks that have not been oxidized (exposed to oxygen) – eggs that are hard-boiled, soft-boiled or poached. Oxidized cholesterol can damage arteries and raise blood pressure.
Dietary fiber has been shown to normalize serum cholesterol. High-fiber diets reduce the risk of heart failure, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer. Taking in plenty of fiber in the form of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is very important in reducing serum cholesterol levels.
Fish is naturally low in cholesterol and studies show that people who eat a high-fat fish twice a week have reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. Other studies found that these fish oils are protective or therapeutic for high serum cholesterol levels, angina, high blood pressure and other disorders. The best way to get the oils is to eat the fish itself.
Cutting out hydrogenated oils and saturated fat can have more far-reaching effects on serum cholesterol and counting eggs.
A whole foods diet generally contains more trace nutrients which stabilize blood fats and promote a balance of essential vitamins and minerals.
Nutritional Supplement Regime
To understand where your test scores come in refer to the following chart:
Sick |
Normal |
Healthy |
Cholesterol |
<120->330mg% |
120-330mg% |
190-210mg% |
Cholesterol/HDL |
>8:1 |
>5:1 |
<3.5:1 |
Blood Pressure |
>140/90 |
<140/90 |
<125/85 |
Pulse |
>85 |
<85 |
<70 |
> = more than |
< = less than |
mg% = milligrams % in blood |
Lipski points out that many researchers believe that an increase in vitamin C consumption may be the reason for the large decline in Cardiovascular disease. She also adds that oxidation of cholesterol in the vessels is caused by free radical damage. Vitamin C keeps LDL cholesterol from oxidizing, helps normalize serum cholesterol levels and reduces arthrosclerosis.
The following nutritional supplements provide assistance to a healthy diet in reducing serum cholesterol.
Supplement |
Suggested Dosage |
Comments |
Calcium |
As directed on label |
at night on empty stomach. Lowers cholesterol levels by binding to heavy metals. |
Chinese red yeast extract |
As directed on label |
Has cholesterol Lowering properties. |
Chromium Picolinate |
400-600 mcg daily. |
Lowers cholesterol levels and improves hdl-ldl ratios. |
Coenzyme Q10 plus Coenzyme A |
60 mg daily. |
Improves circulation. |
Garlic |
2 Capsules 3 x a day |
Lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure. |
Vitamin A |
As directed on label. |
If you are taking cholesterol lowering drugs your lycopene levels will be reduced. Lycopene is one of the carotenoids that boosts the immune system. A clear and healthy immune system helps remove serum cholesterol. |
Vitamin B Complex |
As directed on label. |
Very important in controlling cholesterol levels. Lowers cholesterol. Do not use a sustained-release formula. Suggested source: Sublingual B Total by Nutraceutical Solutions |
Vitamin C |
3000-8000 mg/day |
Lowers cholesterol. |
Vitamin E |
Begin with 200 IU a day and then increase up 1000 IU a day ( over a 2 week period) |
Improved circulation. Use an emulsion form for rapid assimilation. Use a d-alpha-tocopherol form. |
Essential Fatty Acids
(Black Currant Seed Oil, Borage Oil) |
As directed on label |
Reduces LDL levels and thins the blood. |
Selenium |
200 mcg/day |
Deficiencies have been linked to heart disease. |
Lysine |
3 grams a day |
Taken with Vitamin C for reversing arthrosclerosis. |
Prescription for Nutritional Healing (Third Edition), Phyllis Balch, C.N.C, , James F.Balch, M.D., Copyright 2000, Penguin Putnam Inc.
The Optimum Nutrition Bible, Patrick Holford, Copyright 1999, The Crossing Press
Digestive Wellness (Updated Second Edition), Elizabeth Lipski, M.S., C.C.N., Copyright 1996,2000, Keats Publishing
by Todd Alan | Jul 29, 2010
The path to optimal health relies on a system that is in balance. A balanced system is able to obtain its nutrients from the foods we take in, process the foods and nutrients without detriment to the body and eliminate all wastes safely and effectively. Many people rely on cleansing their bodies once or twice a year others have not ever considered what a cleanse is or what is can do for their personal health.
Starting a cleanse may seem easy based on packaging on many health products offered across the web and in our stores but cautions are suggested.
The body has organs and systems that naturally, when in good health, rid the body of toxins and maintain a homeostatic balance in our blood, digestive, endocrine, and elimination systems. When these systems operate optimally, disease and symptoms have little chance of taking hold.
The fist and most important organ in any cleanse in the liver. The liver performs numerous functions in cleaning our body, metabolizing sugars, fats, helping in the production of hormones, and eliminating wastes.
The second hard working organ(s) are the kidneys. Keeping the blood clean and free of toxins, balanced in minerals and electrolytes is not an easy job for these little guys, especially when we give our bodies high doses of sodas, coffee, alcohol, high sugar fruit juices and little water.
Lastly, when considering a cleanse the lymphatic system must be free and clear to remove wastes from our tissues. The immune system relies heavily on these pathways being in top working order. Imagine a freeway in a major city clogged with traffic. When we initiate a cleanse we do this to our lymphatic system.
Before starting any substantial intestinal, parasite, or blood cleanse, we need to first spend two weeks cleaning out these organs and systems. Below is an easy program to follow that assists in preparing your body for a major cleanse. I also recommend this program annually to keep our systems at optimal working order.
Milk Thistle Tea – 2 cups – 4 – 5 times a week for two weeks
Lemon Water – 10 ounces – 3 times a day for two weeks
(2 oz. fresh squeezed lemon juice and 8 ounces of purified water)
Cranberry water – 10 ounces – 3 times a day for two weeks
(5 oz. pure cranberry juice and 5 oz. water)
Jogging, brisk walking, or rebounding at least 15 minutes a day
Dry brush skin brushing morning and evening head to toe each day for two weeks.
Coffee Enemas – for the adventurous types.
Organic coffee – 1 quart diluted with 10 oz. purified water
Hold for 15 – 20 minutes in bowels twice a week for two weeks.
by Todd Alan | Jun 1, 2010
If you are like 40% of Americans, you will suffer from a bout of insomnia at some time this year. Doctors are reporting an increase of insomnia type symptoms in patients, which some are relating to the increase in stress, worry and concerns for our jobs, savings, relationships and health. What can you do to not become a statistic? A teacher of mind has a great suggestion, taught to her by her mentor. In the face of a situation where you might choose to panic, wait 48 hours. Tell yourself, if the conditions that are facing me right now have not changed in 48 hours or are worse, then I will panic. Most of the things we worry about, lose sleep over, and obsess with in our minds, do not come true or are less of a situation than our minds make them to be at the beginning. Of course, if a bear were charging me, I would get the heck out of the way. No chance to worry when all I can do it react. You get the point. No obsessing and driving yourself and others around you crazy. Give yourself permission to panic after 48 hours. When we open our minds to not panicking, opportunities present themselves that otherwise would not have been seen in our haste.
by Todd Alan | May 31, 2010
Natural Viagra Poison, love potion, hallucinogenic, truth serum, demon seed, destroying angel, jack o’ lantern, puffballs and miracle cure for everything from sagging libido to fading heartbeat – mushrooms in all their numerous identities and marquee nicknames have become the stuff of mythology. And the fact that these prolifically growing fungi have species that number in the thousands has provided us with the opportunity to gain an even clearer perspective on them – specifically which ones are worth considering for use as both food and healthy systemic supplements rich in fiber, protein, and vitamins C and E.In fact there are approximately 3300 species of mushrooms in 38,000 varieties to be exact-more than two-dozen kinds of Red Mushroom alone-so it is little wonder that they have been both praised and vilified throughout recorded history.Historically, the ride for mushrooms has become a series of slides and ladders that makes for a fascinating chronicle all its own. Although the Greek pharmacologist, Dioscordes, the Roman physician Pliny and an infinite number of Asian herbalists have always found varieties of mushrooms useful as therapeutic foods and herbal compounds, common people in the middle ages thought their very sudden and prolific appearance very often acted as warning signs for the presence of demons.Since mushrooms, being naturally occurring crops that are born of their own spores, tend to spring up everywhere in moist climates, the denizens of the European countryside lived in a constant state of terror. And, in certain countries, anyone caught cooking with them or using them were suspected of being involved in the practice of black magic and were often persecuted and occasionally executed for witchcraft and demonism. (Of course, this would tend to discourage one’s inclination to indulge in further culinary exploration or additional medicinal formulations that included mention of these tiny little flavor buds.) If you are ready to taste an amazing natural 100% Organicdrink that touts the name “The Lover’s Coffee”, a nickname given by Dr. Mehmet Oz, Call us Today for your free sample from our sponsor … Remember to reserve a room and plan to be going all night long! 877-887-8462 or go here to order yours right away!
by Todd Alan | May 31, 2010
Now there is a way to drink a tea that is 100% Organic and all natural, sleep like a baby and wake refreshed ready for your day! The Power of “Red” SquaredNow Gano Excel takes the tradition of rich natural tea and brings it to a whole new level. First they’ve found a naturally sumptuous RED tea from South Africa called Rooibos. This Rooibos red tea is both caffeine free and a natural source of Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant. In fact, Rooibos Tea is said to have a greater amount of antioxidants than Green tea Then they combine it with the extract from the powerful RED Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum). Known to contain over 200 nutritional trace elements, the Red Mushroom is called the magical “king of herbs.” Finally the Gano excel experts blend it all into a superb new tea tradition with good health in every cup. the third most popular beverage in the world comes in a nutritious new blend – Gano Tea SOD. Savor the essence and taste one of nature’s greatest wonders. Experience the power of RED squared!
by Todd Alan | May 31, 2010

I did not get the moniker, “The Sexiest Hair on Radio” effortlessly.
I do take care of my long locks by not only paying attention to what I use as product on my hair, but also by paying attention to what goes in my mouth as well.
If you long to have luscious, thick locks of hair and want to know what you can make in your own kitchen here is a ‘yummy to your hair’ recipe for a Chocolate Hair Mask.
‘Heavenly Chocolate Hair Mask’ (for Dry/Colored Hair)
2 tablespoons of cocoaA little hot milk (for mixing the cocoa)
1 tablespoon tablespoon each of jojoba oil, peach oil, avocado oil and coconut oil
2 vit E capsules (pierced)
2-3 drops each of geranium essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil, lemon essential oil and lavender essential oil.
Mix the cocoa and hot milk until it reaches a creamy consistency. Add the carrier oils and vit E oil. Add the essential oils (drip them all into the cocoa-milk-oil base.) Stir the ingredients until they are well combined smooth. While warm (the warmer the better,) apply to your hair – from roots to tips. Cover your head in cling wrap. Leave the hair treatment on your hair for one hour to do its work. Wash the chocolate hair mask off in the shower with your normal shampoo. Then condition as usual. Try the great hair products at – I love them!
Happy Hair growing!
Tina Marie
by Todd Alan | May 31, 2010
On multiple occasions on our radio program we have featured guests who specialize in Holistic Sex. The first question we usually get is, “What is Holistic sex?”. Well, to put it simply, it is a way of relating to your partner from a mind-body-spirit connection that takes the experience of sex from a physical sensation to a very loving sacredness. Now to understand what can be experienced in that place of connection, we have interviewed the experts and put their advice here in a short, sweet list.
The Female Holistic Orgasm
Physical Nature- Most women, over 80% of women require clitoral stimulation during intercourse to experience an orgasm. Why is this? The majority of nerve endings for sexual stimulation are held within the clitoris. The stimulation of the clitoris raise a woman’s receptivity of the man and creates a desire for intercourse. The penis contains all its required nerve endings throughout the penis and therefore men obtain stimulation through intercourse alone.
Mental Nature – A woman who is not judging herself or her mate will be more open to allowing her body to feel the freedom of orgasm. Feeling safe and cared for is crucial for the experience of a Holistic Orgasm. This level of connection between partners is not only mental, emotional, and physical but combined, becomes spiritual.
Spiritual Nature – In the height of orgasm, a woman is vulnerable and her most genuine. She is letting herself be ‘seen’ and experienced for her truest sexual and divine nature. When a woman can willingly surrender to the feelings of ecstasy with her partner and let go of all judgements, thoughts and pretense, then she is in the hands of the Holistic Orgasm.
Experiencing a full mind-body-spirit orgasm is extremely liberating for a woman and also very connecting for a couple. The sheer sense of love that flows through, likened to a Christ experience by some women, erases resentment, fear and doubt from the tanglements of a relationship.
Holistic Practitioner – Tina Marie Jones
More data: Fifty to 75 percent of women who have orgasms need clitoral stimulation and are unable to have an orgasm through intercourse alone. Even for women who do orgasm through vaginal intercourse alone, most still need the right position to provide clitoral stimulation.Bring the woman very close to an orgasm before you actually engage in intercourse, so she has a better chance to have an orgasm once it begins.
— Understanding the Female Orgasm, Al Cooper, Ph.D., Sex Therapist, July 2003.Thirty-three to 50 percent of women experience orgasm infrequently and are dissatisfied with how often they reach orgasm.Performance anxiety is believed to be the most common cause of orgasm problems, and 90 percent of orgasm problems appear to be psychological in nature.
— Orgasmic Dysfunction, Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia, September 2002.Ten to 15 percent of American women have never experienced an orgasm.
Only 35 percent of the female population will orgasm during intercourse.Reasons for failure to climax include: sexual ignorance, sexual anxiety, and fear of letting go.
A sexual response is a complex blend of many physical and psychological variables.
What a woman expects, how she believes she should respond, and how she thinks she should act, will all impact how she experiences, behaves during, and reports her orgasmic event.
— Pathways to Pleasure, Robert W. Birch, Ph.D., Sexologist and Adult Sexuality Educator, 2000.
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