April 2nd, 2013 Life Mastery Radio Spotlight Guest: Marlise Karlin author of the book “The Power of Peace in You”
Marlise Karlin is a leading expert in the field of healing and consciousness, a catalyst for exceptional healing of the mind and body. Being a teen runaway on drugs then becoming a successful entrepreneur and award winning film producer proved to be the perfect backdrop that inspired more than 25 years of study in evolutionary schools of thought, ancient wisdom, and healing traditions.
“Marlise and her wonderful message will be a great force in facilitating a shift in consciousness toward divine love and cooperation on our fragile planet.”
~Wayne Dyer, best-selling author of 30 books including The Power of Intention
After Marlise’s expanded reality experiences ignited her purpose in life, she became committed to developing a process that could be easily accessed by people of every age and culture. The Simplicity of Stillness® Method, is described as the antidote to life’s greatest challenges, from addiction to depression, and the inspiration to create your dreams. So profound, Buddhist monks, scientists, business and healing professionals have discovered a deeper connection to peace, vitality, prosperity and love – and so simple, kids practice it as well.
Marlise, the highly acclaimed author of The Power of Peace in You: A Revolutionary Tool for Hope, Healing, and Happiness in the 21st Century, has been interviewed on NBC and Fox News, spoken at events with Cesar Milan in Los Angeles and Gregg Braden in the Yucatan, and is a contributor to The Huffington Post and Malika Chopra’s Intent.com. Marlise also hosts a bi-monthly radio show on the World Puja Network with nearly 1 million listeners in 139 countries.
I found this post on a site that I check out often I asked for permission to repost it. Here it is. Enjoy~Todd
March 20th marks the official start to spring here in the United States and it has me reflecting on 2013 thus far…
Even though it’s still semi-early in the year, things have been happening so quickly! I began January with a goal to speak more from the stage at live personal development seminars, and so far I’ve already presented at one live event and have many more on the horizon for the year.
Where are you at with your 2013 goals and resolutions? Have you been making progress? Or have you already accomplished some of them?
One of my secrets to achieving goals with velocity is to stay in action, and to help you do just that, I’d like to share one of my personal success mantras with you today:
Take one action each day, no matter how big or small, toward achieving your goal.
Now, when I say “big or small,” I really do mean it. A lot of people mistakenly believe that to be successful with their goals, they have to take great big huge sweeping actions. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Once you’ve decided what it is that you intend to manifest in your life and you’ve set a clear goal for yourself around that intention, the next step is to CONSISTENTLY focus your energy on achieving this goal.
The best way to do this is to take at least one action each day toward that goal – whether it’s making a phone call, spending a few minutes to visualize yourself achieving your goal or investing a big chunk of time or money.
When you do this, you send a clear signal to the Universe that you are committed to manifesting the outcome you desire, and the Universe responds in kind by delivering to you people and resources you need to continue further along your path to success.
Taking consistent action each day, big or small, is one of the most critical pieces to the success puzzle…
But what stops most people from doing this is a fear of taking the WRONG action will lead to the WRONG results. The fact is though that there are no “wrong results” in life – there are only results created OR lessons learned that will help you to create better results in future!
Take one of my past businesses for example: a coffee shop franchise my husband and I owned several years ago. We had a goal of achieving total time and money freedom, and we dove into this business head first without knowing much about it, thinking that it would get us there. Because we were so committed to reaching our end goal, we took action every single day to try and make this business a success…
But unfortunately it turned out that it didn’t give us the type of income or freedom we were aiming for, so we eventually sold it.
Some people might look at our decision to go into that business and say, “Natalie, that was mistake.”
But it wasn’t.
You see, even when things began to look like they were going to go belly up, we stayed focused on our end goal and in action. As a result, we learned valuable lessons that helped us better prepare for our next entrepreneurial endeavor, which the Universe presented to us soon afterwards and turned out to be a smash success.
Today, I still take one small action, no matter how big or small, toward my goals to show the Universe that I’m committed to what I want to create for myself and for others.
So my question for you today is this:
What single action, big or small, will you take today toward achieving one of your goals?
Leave a comment below and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!
Here is another post from my guest on March 26th, 2013. We talked about this very subject in the second segment of the show. You can listen to the show by clicking the player above. Enjoy~Todd
As Women’s History Month comes to a close, I’ve enjoyed seeing women leaders become the hot topic in the media. It was a refreshing break from the typical media coverage women get which goes from which star gained, or lost, weight to who’s in rehab. We could really use a whole year of this. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, got the discussion going with her new book, Lean In. From Oprah to GMA to Mommy Bloggers, we’re all talking about the role of women in business and as Sandberg calls it, the gender imbalance. We’ve come a long way, baby, but we still have a long way to go. As I was researching my book, Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl, I discovered one of the answers to the imbalance in a study titled, Women and the Vision Thing. According to the Harvard Business Review women make great strategic thinkers, but we lack the skill of envisioning.
I didn’t need a Harvard study to tell me most women are not visionary thinkers. I know this because I’ve coached women entrepreneurs for 23 years and interview them weekly on my radio show. When I ask the question, “What is your vision?” women tend to stumble. The answer is typically a goal. Is there really an imbalance in the workplace or is it that women just don’t get the difference between a vision and a goal?
Three Reasons Why Women Don’t Get It:
1. Many Visionary Women Were Left Out Of Our History Books. When I think of vision, great leaders like Carnegie, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. come to mind. I would have loved to learn the story of Coco Chanel, a visionary entrepreneur in the late 1800’s, when I was in school but she was never in my history books. Try Googling visionary leaders; only a few women are listed. When we change the history books and provide more examples of visionary women business leaders, we’ll start to change the imbalance.
2. Women Suffer From Vision Guilt. Women’s role in society has always been as the nurturer. We’re supposed to take care of everyone else. Creating a bigger vision in business means taking time away from our family, which makes us feel selfish and guilty. The irony is that when we create a bigger vision, we solve bigger problems and serve more people. Sounds like something a nurturer wouldn’t feel too guilty about.
3. Women Are Taught Not To Toot Our Own Horn. Strong women who speak up are often seen as being that B word. We can be our own worst enemy, judging other aggressive women even more harshly. Sandberg says, “We’ve got to get women to sit at the table.” Sitting at the table is only effective if we open our mouths. It starts with teaching our daughters to speak up and not be so “ladylike.” Instead, teach your daughters to be more “leader-like.” Women fear being perceived as “pushy” and, as a result, hold back on sharing their gifts. Keeping quiet about our strengths, expertise and talents reinforces the glass ceiling. Start “Biz Bragging” about yourself and own it.
Join the discussion. Who are the women visionaries that influenced you?
Lynn Bardowski is an award-winning entrepreneur, best selling author, national speaker, mentor and radio show host. For insights on entrepreneurship, leadership and vision, read her book, listen to her radio show, follow her blog and “LIKE” her Facebook page. You may republish this article in full, as long as you list this paragraph and provide a link.
This is a post from my guest on March 26th, 2013: If you are a woman with a big dream, you need to read this, guys too. There are some great Life Mastery, follow your dream advise and tips in this post. Turn up the volume and blast your passion, show them what you can do. Let me know what you think ~ Todd
Hearing two different women business owners share the same story this week reminded me that I’ve heard their story before. As we discussed who they were communicating their million dollar vision to, they both started the conversation with an apology (not a good sign), and shared that the people closest to them had no idea they had started a business. Or, had a website. Or, that they were so passionate about their business they were losing sleep over it. In a good way. The conversation went something like, “I’m sorry to say that my (fill in the blank with the name of those closest to you) doesn’t know I’m doing this.” I’ve heard this story many times over my last 23 years as a business coach and mentor. Why are are so many women hiding their true passion, afraid to open the door and share their dreams with those closest to them? The common answer is FEAR – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of putting ourselves out there to be judged by the people we know and love the most. Our inner circle knows the “real” us, right? I don’t think they do. It’s the reason I titled the first chapter of my book, “You’re Not Who Everyone Thinks You Are.”
Here are 5 Things You Can Do To Stop Hiding Your True Passion:
1. Stop worrying about what your friends, family, co-workers, cousins or the neighbor next door thinks about you. While it might be easier said than done, realize that their judgement is based on a lack of belief in themselves, not you. They are not capable of supporting you to come out of hiding because they’ve locked themselves into their own limiting beliefs. It’s their “shift”, not yours.
2. Go Full Monty. Letting the real you shine through is a lot like being naked. Suddenly, there’s no place to hide and you’re out in public during bright daylight. You feel exposed and vunerable, wishing you had a pair of invisible Spanx to put on. Have you ever been on a Caribbean vacation with a “clothing optional” beach? You’d think everyone would be staring, but when everyone is naked, no one seems to really care.
3. Free Your Dreams And You’ll Free Your Fears. Letting the real you out is scary and exhilarating all at the same time, kind of like a roller coaster. Let’s face it, it can be a wild ride. After you’ve faced the “Demon Roller” you’ll be ready to conquer the world! When everyone knows you’ve acted on your passion and purpose, there’s nothing left to stop you.
4. Take Responsibility For Keeping Your Passion A Secret. Hiding is such a convenient excuse as to why we’re not getting to where we want to be. We could totally be a success “if only” we could get out. That excuse plays well until you show up at an event and discover that your cousin just started her own business and is soliciting everyone to get the word out. Ouch. It’s not her fault she’s getting all the biz, she had no idea what you were up to.
5. Be Proud, Out Loud. If you’re not shouting your vision off the highest roof top, why would anyone believe in you, your business or your product? It takes courage, belief, persistence and determination to act on your passion and purpose. Proudly celebrate your achievement and set out to be the best in your field. As Steve Martin said, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” And don’t keep it a secret.
Lynn Bardowski is a 23-year entrepreneur, best selling author, national speaker, mentor and radio show host. For insights on entrepreneurship, leadership and vision, read her book, listen to her radio show, follow her blog and “LIKE” her Facebook page. You may republish this article in full, as long as you list this paragraph and provide a link.
Life Mastery Radio on March 26th, 2013. Guest: Lynn Bardowski, award-winning entrepreneur, best selling author, national speaker and radio host, is known as the Million Dollar Party Girl. As a working mom, Lynn followed her inner Visionista and had the courage, vision, and belief to leave a successful corporate career and pursue her own personal dream of “empowering a gazillion women to discover their glow.” She overcame fear, failure, and mommy guilt to become a multimillion-dollar revenue-generating direct sales entrepreneur. And, according to a Wall Street Journal Small Business report, “Just 1.8% of women-owned businesses generate more than $1 million in annual revenues.” That puts Lynn at the top of her game. A Jersey girl at heart, Lynn enjoys putting her toes in the sand and celebrating life with her two daughters, Lauren & Alyssa, and husband, Bill.
Click on a show page below to listen to the podcast. The show is broadcast live every Tuesday 10 am Pacific. Click the ON AIR sign to your right when it is red.
I discovered that my friend Nathan Crane had a exclusive interview with Greg Braden. Nathan was a guest on the show on October 2nd, 2012 you can listen to that pod-cast by clicking the player above this post. This is a really cool interview that will intrigue you with some questions for yourself.~Todd
In this interview Gregg shares some profound insights about the new world that is emerging and how you can benefit from this incredible opportunity that comes with it.
Gregg also shares the five false assumptions that many people have been making that prevent them from living in alignment with their higher purpose.
Our show with Laura was one of our most popular, she has an amazing message and is making a huge difference in the lives of people, helping them to unlock the secret to healthy weight. I recently read this blog post and asked if I could share it. I think that there is no better investment than an investment in yourself. You can listen to the show we did by clicking on the player above this post. Make it a great day, its a choice~Todd
It seems, fingers crossed, that economy is on the upswing again. But after four years of iffy, sometimes downright scary economic times, it may not feel like your finances are going to recover any time soon.
We all know intellectually that during scary times like this, we need to take care of ourselves – more than ever! Yet what we tend to do is seek numbness through unhealthy distractions – more T.V., more comfort junk foods, giving up fitness activities due to cost (things I feel are excuses that move you away from what you really say you may want).
However, investing wisely in yourself is something you can do right now; some healthful steps will even help save you money. When you practice self-care, you will feel more empowered to handle the rest of the world, no matter what the circumstances may be.
While we all wait for signs of spring and tangible feelings of a better economy, use this time to take courageous steps and focus on your INSIDE life and your body’s health. You can buy the one thing truly worth having – TIME. Better health now will lead to more years down the road.
Here are five tips to THRIVE right now on a tight budget.
Can’t afford to eat out? Stay at home and eat great, nourishing food. (When we eat at home we tend to make healthier food and eat less of it.)
Can’t afford the gym? Walk everywhere. (For example, when running errands, park at the farthest end of the lot and speed walk to the store.)
Can’t afford your cleaning lady? Clean everything yourself – a great workout. (A 150 lb. person will burn over 200 calories per hour!)
Can’t afford gas? Learn to get the most out of your driving. (Better yet, walk, run, or bike whenever possible.)
Can’t afford new clothes? Do the above and fit into the old ones! (Be svelte and spendthrift.)
As spring is almost upon us, extra daylight will improve your mood and outdoor activities will become easier. Stand outside and drink in the changing seasons; welcome the new life happening all around you. This is a period of rebirth.
Stand in this moment and breath. Invite the universe into you. Feel its abundance awaken your cells and fill them with life. Feel your breath fill you with inspiration and faith. Today I can live a healthy, empowered life. Today I choose to LIVE fully and to honor my body and soul.
The ups and downs of stocks and accounts may leave you feeling powerless, but remember: you can always take control of taking good care of yourself. Today, what do YOU choose?
I found this blog post today by one of my guests I had on the show last year. I could not resist asking if I could share. I had a wonderful time interviewing Sara, you can listen to the pod-cast of our show together by clicking the player above this post. Enjoy!~Todd
I don’t use the word “tribe” very much in my work. To me, it seems that the word family speaks of the soul cluster we’re born into: the one we’ve been with since childhood. Family is where we work out our karma from distant past and through the generations.
Tribe is what we choose: it’s the new family, the true family we seek to create, with people who we share aligned values and understanding with.
But sometimes, if haven’t truly worked out our family stuff, tribe is just a false projection: a group we call “us” even though that’s not really “us.” We’re only part of it, or we only fit in that group for a while.
Eventually, we group out of all family, and all tribe, and simply become our selves.
On the plane back from California, I sat by a woman wearing Oregon Ducks gear from head to toe. Her first statement to me was “Are you a Ducks or Beavers fan?” to which I mumbled, “Neither.”
When we over align with family, when we over align with tribe, we miss the true aspect of who we are, which is our self as Divine being in earth body. We are each unique, yet even more so, we are soul.
It’s a whole different way of looking at who you are, and why you’re here.
As Spring Equinox arrives, with its bobbing daffodils and sporadic rains (at least here in Oregon), you are probably working on:
• Family secrets
• Ancesteral kamra
• Inherited traits
• Separating from birth family (regardless of age)
• Discovering your true self
• Rediscovering your true self
• Having compassion for family members
• Setting boundaries with family members
• Healing
• Understanding we are, at the core, Soul.
I found this blog post on Gail Larsen’s site Published March 14, 2011. Gail was a guest on Life mastery Radio March 5th. You can listen to the pod-cast of our show together by clicking the player above this post. Enjoy~Todd
Cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien, author of The Four-Fold Way, teaches there are four bones to which we must pay attention if we are to remain fully present in our lives. As in life, so it is in speaking! Here are the four bones:
1. First, the wishbone. That is where our vision resides, the place of dreaming and re-dreaming so that we live the life we came to live. When you’re developing your presentation, what is the vision you hold of what is possible because you choose to show up? A transformational speech begins with knowing the new story you want people to embrace and act upon. So exercise your wishbone as your very first step to a transformational speech. What is the outcome you wish for that makes all the energy of preparing and delivering a presentation worthwhile?
2. The second bone is the backbone. Taking action in support of our dreams requires courage and strength. The call to action you put forth in your speaking is the backbone – it first represents your own backbone, the bravery to ask for something worthy of a better story. Then you call forth the backbone of the audience when you challenge them to leave the room with a commitment to a personal step toward an action that will make the new story possible. Just one step; ask them for that without apology or equivocation.
3. The third is the funny bone. It is said that laughter is the shortest distance between two people. It is perennial wisdom in professional speaking circles that, “You don’t have to be funny to speak; only to get paid for it!”
4. Then there’s the hollow little bone. This bone is likely the most challenging for a speaker who needs a strong ego to show up in the first place – and then get out of the way. To be a “hollow bone” requires that we acknowledge our doubts and fears and reluctance and do the work to heal the personal wounds that cause us to question our callings and capacities. Only then can we be “hollow” enough to make room for something more powerful than a carefully crafted speech to flow through us and out to others. When we recognize that ultimately our speaking is in support of our message and not about us, we open the hollow bone to hope and possibility and to receive grand support for a worthy mission. We experience an energetic surge when the hollow little bone is an open channel for truth to be spoken in the moment.
When your wishbone, your backbone, your funny bone and the hollow little bone are acknowledged and expressed, you’re well on your way to presenting the speech you were born to give to the audience you are destined to serve. To be a transformational speaker, remember the Four Bones! ~ Gail Larsen
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