Mindfulness vs. Pills with Dr. Stuart Eisendrath

Stuart Eisendrath, MD- Nov 5, 2019
The World Health Organization estimates that at any one point in time there are over one hundred million people worldwide suffering from depression, with antidepressants being the most common treatment.
Stuart J. Eisendrath, MD has been on the front lines in the treatment of depression as a researcher and clinician for over 20 years. His new book, When Antidepressants Aren’t Enough: Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness to Alleviate Depression , presents an easy-to-implement program to bring relief to chronic sufferers of depression
I will help you change your relationship to depression, so you can live a more satisfying, happy life.”
Meet Dr. Eisendrath

Hearts of Men and Women with Miguel Dean

Miguel Dean- October 29, 2019
Miguel Dean, author of Bring Him Home – A Twin Flame Love Story and many other works, will join us from England for our next episode.
Miguel offers Sacred Masculine Healing Sessions for those wanting tools, practices and wisdom to heal and grow healthy, conscious, loving relationships with themselves and others.
If you’d like to: Heal the inner marriage of your divine feminine and masculine Have an intimate relationship, but still carry unhealed wounds from past relationships Dissolve inner child and mother/father wounds
…then you’ll want to tune in next Tuesday to hear this extraordinary guest.
Meet Miguel Dean

Beneath the Surface with Kristi Hugstad

Kristi Hugstad- October 22, 2019
Kristi Hugstad  is the author of  Beneath the Surface: A Teen’s Guide to Reaching Out when You or Your Friend Is in Crisis
Kristi’s husband struggled with clinical depression for years. He completed suicide in 2012 by running in front of a train. Kristi has dedicated her life to helping to abolish the stigma of mental illness and suicide. 
A certified grief recovery specialist and a grief and loss facilitator for recovering addicts at South Coast Behavioral Health , Kristi frequently speaks at high schools.
She is also the host of  The Grief Girl  podcast and lives in Orange County, California. 
Meet Kristi Hugstad

Whats Your Story? with Coach Debby

Debby Handrich- October 15, 2019
Debby Handrich is the creator of Story U Talk Radio where she shares conversations with authors and encourages people to write their brands, blogs, books, and especially their love letters. She was an Associate Professor in Washington State for over 20 years, teaching writing and literature to adults from diverse backgrounds. She operated the publishing program and literary magazine – Spindrift – which won first place in the nation as best college publication in 2007 and repeatedly held the winning title in the western region. In 2012, a dream came true when Todd Alan asked Debby to be his producer and co-host of Life Mastery Radio. For seven years, Debby researched and invited cutting edge thought leaders to join her & Todd for fireside chats on the weekly show you are listening to now! This work inspired her to lean toward her heart’s desire and help people write their books. She retrained with Hay House authors, Alan Cohen and Robert Holden, and Coach Debby of Story U was born.
Meet Coach Debby

Your Body Speaks with Stefanie Arend

Stefanie Arend- October 8, 2019
Your body is it’s most important yoga teacher. Learn to treat it with respect and listen to it’s signals ,” says our guest Stefanie Arend .
Stefanie is happy to support people to get to know themselves better, understand the language of their own body, and find access to their inner self. Her yoga methods are not the same for everyone. Instead, Stefanie respects the uniqueness of each individual, and authentically and non-dogmatically teaches inner peace.
Be Healthy with Yin Yoga, Stefanie’s book, teaches the reader to be more vital and powerful in a yin way. Her methods help with allergies, headaches, and back pain (to name only a few), and her sequences activate the self-healing powers of body and mind.
Meet Stefanie Arend

Save Yourself From Yourself with Jamie Catto

Jamie Catto- Sept 24, 2019
Jamie Catto facilitates professional, personal and creative breakthroughs, drawing from his own processes in ground-breaking film production, philosophy voyages and music.
Jamie’s mission is to make self-reflection hip enough to save us from ourselves. He believes that by collectively acknowledging our insanity and our deepest darkest shadows, we can learn how to channel our energy into action for the world rather than using it all up on fighting ourselves. In doing so, we give each other permission to let our masks fall and focus on what’s really important.
Explore your untapped potential by attending one of Jamie’s workshops. He is a mischief-making creative coach.
Meet Jamie Catto

Spirit Guide Communication with Linda Deir

Thanks to her “Spirit Guides and  Angels” Linda Deir lived to tell her story.

Sept. 17th 2019 From early childhood, Linda experienced something most of us missed – she realized she was being “guided.” Now, after a lifetime of being guided, in her book, GUIDED, she shares what she learned, and most importantly, how she learned it.

Linda knows firsthand how to soar beyond the fears when you have the support of your Spirit Guidesand Angels. She survived 16 years of child abuse, to her escape as a teenager, and into phenomenal success as a businesswoman in a man’s world by age 19 and beyond. All possible from the constant support and guidance she received from her Spirit Guidesand Angels. A vital connection that grants her access to knowing what to do and when to do it!

Linda’s flagship book, GUIDED, is the template to trigger the reader to live a fearless, authentic life in spite of obstacles. Yes, you do have Spirit Guidesand Angels – everyone does.

You become like those you associate with. This is especially true when associating with your Spirit Guides and Angels. As this develops you learn to detect their messages and take action on their guidance while it is the most effective. They have guided me through many transitions, eliminating the unnecessary struggle. As you align with this guidance, becoming more like them, you will start to think clearly and see things for what they really are, so you can become who you really are.  

Linda’s website

Your Divine Human Blueprint with Julie Doering

Sept. 10th, 2019 Julie Renee is THE 100% Healthy Life EXPERT. She mentors ambitious women leaders who refuse to play small but are being held back by exhaustion and fuzzy brain.

She has prevailed over the worst of human health challenges from multiple cancers, life in a wheelchair and literally surviving death. Renee is the author of the groundbreaking book ‘Your Divine Human Blueprint.’ Her unique gift of healing defines the energy-science of Cellular Quantum Mechanics. She has defined the way to regenerate the body from the cells on up and does it with ease.

Recognized for leadership, given the 2010/11 National Association of Professional Women’s Woman of the Year Award and received Powerful Women International’s Global Leadership Award in 2012.

Meet Julie Renee

Give and Live Better with Dr. Stephen G. Post

Aug. 3rd, 2019 There are no coincidences in this worldGod and Love on Route 80 is the highly entertaining story of a cross-country road trip and a life-long spiritual journey that led the boy to the discovery that a powerful force carries us towards our destinies. Many scriptures teach of an eternal, infinite Mind beyond space and time that creates and sustains the universe. The divine Mind whispers and winks at us as we move through our everyday lives to reassure us that the journey is meaningful after all, even when we stumble. Stephen G. Post, PhD, is the bestselling author of Why Good Things Happen to Good People: How to Live a Longer, Happier, Healthier Life by the Simple Act of Giving (Random House). In 2001 he founded the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love (www.unlimitedloveinstitute.com), which researches and distributes knowledge on kindness, giving, and spirituality. Post served as a co-chair of the United Nations Population Fund conference on spirituality and global transformation. Post has served as a full professor at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, where he directs the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics.  https://stephengpost.com

Walking Between Worlds: A Spiritual Odyssey with Athena Demetrios

An Astonishing Memoir: One Woman’s Journey from Darkness to Light The Powerful Spiritual Experiences and Guidance that Healed Traumatic Childhood Wounds Impacting Much of Her LifeNow a Sought-After and Gifted Channel and Medium, Athena Demetrios Demonstrates the Riches That Can Unfold From the Relentless Pursuit of Self-Discovery

We share Athena’s odyssey as she continues on to overcome victimhood and peel away the layers of pain and despair through exploration of the spirit-emerging with hope, insight, forgiveness and a newfound love for life.   Today, she lives a fulfilled and spiritually guided life in Chico, CA, as a gifted, sought-after medium and channel for Dr. Pebbles. And you will need to read the book to discover the remarkable connection between the two of them! She also leads seminars in higher consciousness and the Ascended Master teachings. Walking Between Worlds: A Spiritual Odyssey is a compelling read that evokes the spirit of Odysseus’ wandering in search of home and the visceral emotional impact of Jeannette Wall’s bestselling childhood memoir The Glass Castle.   Uncomfortable with the term survivor, Athena is a spiritual thriver, drawing from powers here and beyond to find her path home and discover peace. If you would like to interviewAthena Demetrios for the insights and inspiration she can offer to your listeners, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.