So far 2020 has been the year of social isolation, losses of income, business, and routine. Varied emotions such as sadness, fear, worry, anxiety, and hopelessness are keeping us up at night, suppressing our immune system, and making us susceptible to the very virus that’s been causing all of the above.

On the most recent show of Life Mastery Radio, we had two experts who are helping all of us break the cycle of stress and sleeplessness.

Chris Burres and Patrick Wanis, PhD

Chris Burres is a research engineer and scientist whose primary mission is to help people live longer, healthier, pain-free lives. He co-founded SES Research providing ESS60 to the 2012 Paris Baati Study, finding that subjects taking it lived 90 percent longer than control groups.

Patrick Wanis, PhD is a world-renowned expert on behavioral therapy. He is the creator of SRTT Therapy (Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique) designed for trauma, PTSD, and other behavioral and relational issues.

These two guests coming from very different backgrounds have come together to restore the mind-body connection so important to our wellness.

We learned the following during our interview:

  1. Dr. Wanis offers an audio book titled: “7 Emotions that are Holding you Hostage Right Now and Keeping you from Peace of Mind” It’s FREE to our viewers right now!
  2. Dr. Wanis offers a FREE self guided meditation at the same link.
  3. ESS60 is a Nobel Prize-Winning molecule manufactured since 1991. Users report extraordinary sleep benefits
  4. Supplements and sleep aids are not helpful in improving sleep because they essentially knock you out, and your body does not experience REM sleep, which is needed for nightly healing.
  5. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Dr. Wanis has created an ongoing series of videos designed to help people get through the crisis.

View the entire interview right here: Life Mastery Radio

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