Are we ready for AI? with Dr. Christopher Macklin

Dr. Christopher Macklin Feb 22 2024

The effects of AI (artificial intelligence) on humanity are far reaching and disastrous. The majority of people are unaware that we live in a world where we are being inundated and infiltrated with AI and nanotech continuously throughout the day. It’s monitoring us, manipulating us, genetically modifying us and affecting and driving our thoughts and behaviors and appetites.

Dr. Christopher Macklin believes this is an intensive attack on humanity and it is being executed through artificially intelligent, submicroscopic particles that are a tool of an elitist agenda. It is deeply affecting and altering what it means to be human, to be connected to the Divine and to thrive.

Additionally, over the last two decades there has been a huge spike in people embracing the transgender ideology and lifestyle……and seeking partial and/or full body sex change operations. He is the author of Centering the Mind and History, Truth, and Healing.

Mystical Connections to Soul Guides with Marilyn Alauria

Marilyn Alauria August 16, 2022
Marilyn Alauria is a gifted psychic medium, teacher, and coach with an unmatched capacity to ignite deep, soul-level transformation for her clients around the world.
Marilyn simplifies the path to living a life of peace, ease, and alignment, and she is devoted to using her abilities to bring awareness and enlightenment to every life she touches.
In her new book, Guides Mystical Connections to Soul Guides and Divine Teachers offers information for your personal journey and will help your guides to communicate with you.
As the creator of Soul Finder Academy and Membership for your Soul and host of the podcast Who Can It Be Now Marilyn offers a clear action plan for developing your talents, following your purpose, fulfilling your dreams, and living in alignment with your soul.
Meet Marilyn Alauria

It’s Easy to be You, So Why Work So Hard at Being Someone Else?

“It’s easy to be you, so why work hard at being someone else?”

Kris Prochaska was our guest this week on Life Mastery Radio. If I had to sum up her energy intelligence from my perspective, I’d use words such as: Human Design | Expression | Congruence | Awareness

Ms. Prochaska spent 20 years as a therapist and consultant. She discovered Human Design, and now calls herself an intuitive sharpshooter. She gave a TEDx Talk in Bend Oregon May 2015 about ways to get our kids to listen and engage. Here’s the link to that TEDx Talk: Kris Prochaska

She began our interview May 14th by saying:

“Our design does us. Human design is a map of our energy; how we think and process our emotions; how we do things in the world.”

Human Design

Human Design is a blueprint of our expression, and there are as many designs as there are individuals. Each of us is truly unique.

I found it interesting that Kris suggested we all must surrender to our design. She mentioned we can each work with, and in, harmony of our design.

“Our life is in flow when we are in service to our design”

Ms. Prochaska further defined Energy Intelligence through an experience she had listening to an activist speak.

“I felt her intention as an activist was to inspire action in her audience, but I noticed her intention did not match the energy she was bringing to the presentation. The presenting activist seemed to be “punching the audience in the face” from a place of anger.”

“We have to speak to the heart of the audience. We should use our energetic signature to express ourselves. There is a vibrational sound or feeling the audience will take from your presentation.”

In our unique Human design, 70% of us are designed to listen to our intuition. The other 30% of us listen to our instinct in a different way. Kris Prochaska told us it’s important for each of us to have an awareness of our energy. She related a circumstance when she overrode her awareness and learned a lesson.

“I was bringing in speakers for an event and two members of the board suggested a particular man should be invited to present. They recommended him highly. When I spoke with him on the phone, I had a visceral reaction. I didn’t feel right about him presenting to the group of women who’d be present, but I had him scheduled to speak.

A week before the event, a member of the conference group sent an email about this same man, which said: ‘he’s a convicted child molester’. I knew he was the wrong person to be speaking with this group.”

Do you ever override your awareness? If so, you’re not likely using your Energy Intelligence.

Kris calls it energetic congruency when we are aware of our design, and work within that design to create success.

When we are congruent with energy, people will receive it.

Kris Prochaska offered some ways we can get in tune with, and develop our Energy Intelligence:

  1. Use the Human Design system to map out your energy.
  2. Identify circumstances when you’re trying to be something you’re not (operating in shadow)
  3. Align with who you are
  4. Align your goals to your actions

It’s easier to be you than someone else, but we all try so hard to be others.

Energetic Fiona Maguire

Listen in as Fiona Maguire discusses ways to quickly and effectively shift YOUR life into one that is purposeful and aligned in your true values. Follow twitter and visit her website,
She is direct, delightful and dynamic in her gentile approach. It is <a possible to Spontaneously Let go of pain and heal through her Key To Awareness Program.