Is writing a book worth your time and money?
What topic should you write your book about?
If you’ve ever asked yourself those questions, you’re in luck. Our recent Life Mastery Radio guest has the answers.
Judy Weintraub is an entrepreneur, business executive, and attorney who represents small businesses as a mediator and arbitrator of business disputes.
When Judy wrote her first book, The Essentials of Negotiating Effectively she tried self-publishing. Then she was asked by several colleagues to help them write a book. While doing so, Judy learned easier and faster ways to get books written and published.
Judy founded SkillBites, a platform designed to help professionals get their books out into the world. She offers a free eBook Write a Book Easily – 10 Steps for Writing Your First How To Book within a Month, which contains tips for expediting the writing process.
Judy’s SkillBites Show Podcast also provides tips on writing, publishing, and marketing.
Judy has helped many types of business clients from doctors to life coaches get their words and knowledge into a book. Many of these clients use their books as marketing tools, and lead generation for speaking engagements and programs. A book may also get you on TV and radio; and could be used as an opt-in for higher end programs.

How do you start writing a book?
Judy provided the following steps:
1. Figure out why you’re writing the book. Know what your objective is and how you’re going to use the book. Ask yourself, “Does a book fit into my business strategy?”
2. Develop an outline. Having an outline will help you write faster since you can go back and fill in the details.
“Your book doesn’t have to be long. An average nonfiction reader only gets through 18 pages before they put the book down and don’t read more. If you’re looking for speaking engagements however, event planners want longer books. So, the reason for writing a book may determine the length.”
Judy Weintraub
3. Set a timeline for yourself, and how much writing you’ll do each day to get the book done.

“If you determine you need three hours a week to write and you don’t have three hours a week, then you’ll need to decide what path to take. Will you put the book on hold, or find three hours? Don’t spend time on a book that isn’t a high priority for you.”
Judy Weintraub
4. Write it. If you don’t like to write, you can record a book on audio by using your outline to record answers to your predetermined questions.
5. Include stories in your book.
6. Be accountable to someone. Have someone check in with you about your progress. You can discover issues and problems you’re encountering and figure out ways to get over hurdles.
7. Include opt-ins in a couple places in your book.
“Amazon may tell you how many people bought your book, but you won’t know who bought your book. Put an enticing bribe into your book to get people who purchased it to give you their contact info. Then you can follow up with hot leads. Include an opt-in early in the book in those first 18 pages, and then another one later.”
Judy Weintraub
8. You need a good cover. Book cover design is a different art form than a simple image. Printers have specifications you have to meet. Hire a professional.

9. Use a professional editor.
“Many editors will only look for grammar and spelling, but not consistency of message and content. You want the book to heighten your credibility, but if it doesn’t read well it will diminish your credibility.”
Judy Weintraub
10. Self-publish or hire a traditional publisher.
11. Market your book
12. Write a second book
“There’s a way to write a book that’s not painful. My eBook offers an easy roadmap to get your book written and published. Doing it wrong will detract from you reputation. There are many ways to do it wrong. If you put in the effort to write it, hire someone to make sure you get it edited, published, and marketed properly.”
Judy Weintraub
Judy’s company, SkillBites is a one-stop shop to get your book done. Cover design, editing, layout, getting it on Amazon, and marketing by professionals all in one place. Judy’s niche is business books, and she has a large team of designers, editors, etc.
Judy has a program to help you get a book draft written in about 6 weeks. In 90 minutes a week for 6 weeks; about 3-4 hours a week of writing; and followed by a three-day writing weekend, you’ll be well on your way to finally getting that book done.
Judy has a giveaway coming up in October giving you access to resources for getting your book done; and a five-day challenge to help you consider how you would use a book, and how to get it started.
Go to Judy’s website to the “get me started” tab on She will help you stop procrastinating. You may also email Judy at and start a conversation with her.
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