Greatest Hits on August 21: Rethinking Prayer

Do you have a relationship to prayer?  Many people associate prayer only with religions, but there is another type of prayer life that can make you masterful in the game of life.

An international spiritual coach and prayer counselor, Angela Montano is devoted to sharing the utterly transformative power of prayer. Her work provides spiritual insights that change the way people perceive their circumstances, creating a shift that opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Angela’s mission is to inspire a new conversation about prayer, teach ancient and new prayer technologies and encourage people to adopt a prayer practice.

A spiritual practitioner certified by the Center for Spiritual Living and the Agape International Spiritual Center, over the past 20 years Angela has facilitated over 15,000 private, one-on-one prayer sessions with clients of all faiths and belief systems from around the world. Angela’s work is inspired, and her ability to provide a spiritual perspective on the challenges of daily living is unparalleled.

A featured guest on Hay House Radio, Angela is also a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. Angela is author of the forthcoming book, Rethink Prayer.

Ancient Texts Meet Modern Times

Listen to “Ancient Texts Meet Modern Times” on Spreaker.

Denise Alexander Pyle is passionate about the fact that the 10 Commandments are needed today more than ever. And she has a unique style in stating her sense of urgency. She says, “The Ten Commandments are comprised of ten powerful rules for our survival, governed by the underlying principle of unbridled love of God, ourselves, and each other.

Sounds intriguing, yes?  Join us live on July 10th at 10:00 a.m. PST and be sure to send your texts our way!

As Denise asserts, If you haven’t committed adultery recently or you’ve not “kept the Sabbath Holy,” then you might not be thinking that the Ten Commandments are uppermost in your mind.

 But when you read her book, The Power of 1(0): A Guide to Living the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule in Modern Times you’ll discover that “keeping the Sabbath Holy,” is really about providing mercy in the world — and the decree against adultery is actually about keeping your commitments to yourself and others in all things.

 This unique reinterpretation of the 10 Commandments and the1 Golden Rule (hence the power of 1(0) ), is designed to make these precepts urgent and relevant to today’s world – especially where truth seems fluid and morality a matter of perception.

Ricki Byars Beckwith and Diane Rose Kelly

October 18, 2011 Guest: Rickie Byars Beckwith, First lady of New Thought Soul Music talks about her uplifting New book “Let My Soul Surrender” and music CD. A beautiful compilation of spirit. Also joining us is Diane Rose Kelly, lead singer of JAYLA music, published author,poet & composer that has performed with Ricki at Agape, Rythym & Soul Festival. Join us LIVE for some SOUL full vibrations.

The Seer and the Wizard

Celebrating our 200th anniversary show we invite you to join in and give us a call! 866-472-5792
Todd Alan as he flies from one speaking engagement to another. Living to the Power of YES! is our lovely and talented “Seer” Tina Marie Jones

Dr. John Demartini "Book of Wealth"

Wealth Wisdom of the Ages
Sept. 6, 2011
Insights from the ‘Book of Wealth’
Dr. John Demartini shares in this powerful DVD some of the most inspiring & significant principles applied by those individuals from ancient times to modern day who have built vast fortunes of wealth. Wealth Wisdom of the Ages includes insights from The Book of Wealth, Achievements of Civilization written in 1896 by Hubert Howe Bancroft. This program will inspire, expand & assist you in taking your vision of wealth building to new & more powerful level.

YES! Tribe

In two weeks…Aug.30 the YES! Tribe will be unveiled. It’s not a “Secret” as to why this program is changing lives. Stay tuned..Do you want to be a member of the YES! Tribe? Listen in and join our site and when you get a chance find Tina Marie Jones on facebook. YES!

Diana & Richard Daffner intimacy Tantra style

Diana & Richard Daffner are the authors of Tantric Sex for Busy Couples: How to Deepen Your Passion in Just Ten Minutes a Day. Together, the Daffners developed a program for couples called Tantra Tai Chi – easy movements that help deepen physical intimacy, emotional closeness and spiritual awareness. They have been married for 26 years, and have been leading Intimacy Retreat workshops for couples since 1997. Upcoming Intimacy Retreats are offered in Florida, Seattle, British Columbia and Jamaica. In addition to their book, the Daffners offer a DVD showing the Tantra Tai Chi moves and an audio-CD that provides an at-home guided experience of tantric intimacy.

Diana holds a Masters degree in Counseling and is a member of AASECT, the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors & Therapists. She has taught massage and energy awareness at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA. A black belt in Aikido, she is featured in the book Women in Aikido. Richard & Diana are both certified in sexology and also as instructors of Tai Chi Chih. The Daffners are passionate about sharing with others what works for them in their own relationship. Information about their workshops and products can be found on their website,

Deborah King, Shaman

Be YOUR OWN Shaman! Can’t loose weight? Pick up “slime” from others? Crazy busy? Take an hour to listen LIVE with Tina Marie & Todd Alan as Deborah talks about her journey into discovering we are ALL our best healers and how to protect and process our STUFF. 12 PM CT, July 26,

Fiona Maguire, Energetic, Intuitive Coach

July 26th 2011 segment 4 Guest: Fiona Maguire, visionary, energetic,  intuitive coach, International Speaker shares with us her uncanny ability to cut through the chase and fulfill your life’s Real Energy. She can intuitively listen to your life’s story, feel and guides you through, letting go,gives you tools and how to rapidly achieve your full potential Listen is as her gentle, humble but direct approach assists you to your highest becoming.Visit her website: Click Here for a free gift from Fiona

Diane Rose Kelly

Diane Rose Kelly,”Woman with a Vision” Lead singer for Rythym and Blues Spiritual group JAYLA , published author “reflections of a visionsary’s path, composer, poet and SOUL connection. JAYLA has performed at many venues that have included the Rhythm and Soul Festival along with Ricki BB and Michael Beckwith & Festival of Enlightenment in and

A Woman with a Vision