Being Uniquely Positioned to Choose the Brilliant Path

“The business world is uniquely positioned to help us choose the path of human connection, dignity, and abundance. It doesn’t sacrifice profitability, revenue generation, or innovation.” ~ Claudette Rowley

Early on in this co-hosts career, I worked for one of the best oral surgeons on the east side of Seattle. We enjoyed a healthy business culture with open communication and recognition for hard work and achievement.

A new partner came on board, and everything changed. A tremendous shift in the business culture created a rift in the communication and recognition we enjoyed. One of the changes the new doctor implemented almost immediately was a decrease in employee benefits.

It wasn’t long before the team became confused, since there had been little explanation of “why” the changes. Morale was dropping, and we requested a sit-down meeting so the doctors could answer questions and clarify their decision. We were delighted to learn time had been blocked out of the busy surgical schedule for the very meeting we requested.

Just as the meeting was to begin, the doctors slipped out the back door and went to lunch. Immediately the office manager came in to act as voice regarding the changes.

The manager attempted to mediate, but there was no resolution to our concerns. The team felt betrayed. Not only had we lost benefits without knowing why, our employers lacked courage to defend their decision.

Eventually, morale bottomed out. Myself and a few other “dream” team employees left.

If only these doctor-leaders had known about Claudette Rowley’s book, Cultural Brilliance!

As our most recent guest on Life Mastery Radio, Claudette made this co-host wish for do-overs at that surgical practice. She has developed a system to create brilliance in the culture of any organization by looking deep into the DNA of the business.

Claudette explained how a contrast between two cultures she worked in made her curious about how to change the toxic cultures of some businesses; and how to create a brilliant culture in every business.

Without Cultural Brilliance

A toxic organization has some, or all, of these characteristics:

  • Gossip
  • Back-stabbing
  • Blaming
  • Bullying
  • Asking for more data, then not acting on the results
With Cultural Brilliance

Conversely, a brilliant organization has these characteristics:

  • Potential is harnessed in people and systems
  • Adaptable to change
  • Low levels of stress
  • High levels of innovation
  • Reframe mistakes as opportunities

“Consciousness of any company can be increased, and must be done internally with self-awareness, assessment, and feedback. Mindset drives behavior” ~ Claudette Rowley

Our entire interview with Claudette was eye-opening. She taught us about balancing emotion with logic in any professional setting.

“Follow the logic, and drop your own biases. Pretend you’re new to the workplace or organization. What would you notice about the culture?” ~ Claudette Rowley

A brilliant interview about brilliant ideas to implement with a desired outcome of a brilliant culture.

You can find Claudette’s book here: Cultural Brilliance

You can find a podcast of her interview here: Life Mastery Radio

The Fine Print on Abundance


by Todd Alan

Here’s a very simple story that happened to me recently that illustrates how the law of abundance works:

I gave my daughter some money for her swim team. In return, I would get a sweatshirt out of the deal with my name on it.

A couple of days later, I get a text from my other daughter who needs money for a winter coat. For whatever reason, I had a vision of 100 dollars in mind in the form of 10 crisp 10 dollar bills I would give to her.

But then I began thinking about the details.

I had to go to the bank, get the money, drive to her bank, deposit the money, and all of a sudden the details got complicated, as the task involved a lot of running around. How was I going to get this done?

I had to stop overthinking and let it go.

Well, hardly 10 minutes later, someone walked up and handed over some cash for a machine I sold, so no trip to the bank. Thirty minutes later, my daughter on the swim team shows up with my sweatshirt. It just so happens she and her sister bank at the same place.

I handed the money over to her to make the deposit for me, and I never had to leave my shop.

Like I said…simple.

I believe that when we envision as opposed to strategizing, we don’t get attached to an outcome. It’s like surrendering to the idea that we will get some help. This idea helps us to lessen our worry and sense of lack.

Magical things happen when we step into the flow and practice these metaphysical principles.

Okay, so to recap the Law of Abundance (a topic first introduced in the blog post last week): We create the vision, affirm it with positive emotions, and say thank you. With some time, this allows us to step into the flow as illustrated in my story above.

But this begs another question: How much abundance can you handle?

Perhaps you get something you want and then promptly dismiss the miracle. Or you experience guilt that you’ve received too much or fear that you will never receive again. This negativity dams the flow and the flow becomes stagnant.

Ever felt “stuck” in your life?

When things don’t flow the way we feel they should, when we second-guess our gifts, or we feel stuck, we tend to get pretty nasty with ourselves.

If we talked to our best friend the way we talked to ourselves, we wouldn’t have that friend anymore. We have scarcity thoughts; we react to our fears. These habits dam the flow.

So if you’re taking all the right steps – you’re envisioning, you’re associating the vision with positive emotions, you’re grateful, you’re addressing your negativity in a loving way – but you’re still not seeing any variation of your dreams, take heart.

Because there’s something tricky about abundance I haven’t mentioned yet:

When a freight train is headed down the track, it isn’t going to stop when you hit the stop button. It has to roll out. That’s what happens when we start to work with the law of abundance. It takes a little while to change our thinking and get going. It’s a practice.

In the meantime, Spirit has to organize the universe in order to send opportunities your way.

So keep working at it and keep your eyes and heart open – the gift is on its way.