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Hay House author, Jean Haner, is back for an hour to share her ideas and her book, Clear Home Clear Heart. We consider Jean an expert interpreter of ancient chinese wisdom. You may also know her work with face reading — a revolutionary idea of understanding the undercurrents in yourself and the person standing before you. On this show we will look at invisible energies and how clearing is a gentle but powerful way to release old stress carried from your life history. Tune in to learn secrets for transformation and how you’re affected by the energy around you each day. Many people experience immediate shifts in their energy during a clearing, and significant change often unfolds in the days and weeks afterward. In fact, clearing has even been described as accelerated meditation because it can lead to a sense of calm and happiness that typically results only after years of a mindfulness practice. This show is dedicated to anyone who wants to optimize their energy and live their best life.
Listen to “Personal Energy Clearing with Jean Haner 04/10/18” on Spreaker.
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