July 16th, 2019 Replay
Meet Kris Prochaska May 14th 2019
Kris’ 20+ combined years of experience as a therapist and business
consultant help her laser right to the root of an issue and provide her
clients effective and practical solutions. Maybe it’s because she
prefers cowboy boots to heels, but she’s been described as an intuitive
sharp-shooter who knows exactly what an individual or company needs to
eliminate AND do more of in order to bring them into alignment for
greater purpose, productivity, & profit.
Her 2015 TED talk has over 234k views, and while she spoke about ‘how to
get your kids to listen & engage’, the principles hold true in business
as well. Kris is also a TEDx speaker coach and the author of Life Well
Spoken: Free Your Inner Voice & Prosper. She is a Certified BG5 Human
Design Business Consultant & Human Design Profit Potential Coach.
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