The Beach Boys may have been describing Wendy Weber in their song, “Good Vibrations”

Our most recent guest, Wendy Weber, is one of those really fun people to hang out with. She can whip out a guitar, ukelele, and/or keyboard and add life to any event! And she did just that on Life Mastery Radio.

Wendy’s spirit is as colorful as the feathers on her family of parrots, and she can heal your energy. Since she is a practitioner of transforming lives and creating harmonious balance for individuals, she infuses joy into everyone she meets.

She is a singer, songwriter, and lyricist. Wendy has crafted parodies and original songs for individuals, organizations, and events. Her presence is a powerful reminder that our unique melodies can inspire, uplift, and bring change to the world.

Music is a gift because it resonates with our energetic soul. And yet, we often don’t take advantage of the music that’s around us.

“I’ve probably been singing since I was 3. We had the radio and a record player. Before rock and roll, we had the standards, musicals, and classical.”

Wendy suggests that we prefer certain music types because of what we listened to while growing up. We still gravitate toward them.

“Most of the songs recorded today sound alike to me. I like variety. My CD includes different styles of songs.”

Wendy’s CD Cover

Wendy explains that music resonates with vibrations, and vibrations are energy. This is how she practices.

“Healing is moving out negative vibrations and putting in positive vibrations. When we raise somebody’s vibration level we tap into consciousness, understanding, reverence, and serenity.”

Wendy writes songs about loved ones lost. She finds that music removes the negative charge of grief and strengthens the memory of happier times.

She wrote a song about her mother when she was still living, and Wendy recently posted it on Facebook as a tribute now that her mother has been gone for 7 years.

Listen to Wendy’s tribute to her mother HERE

Wendy is a self-taught ukulele player. Her family couldn’t afford a guitar, so she picked up the Hawaiian-born instrument. The first song she learned was the Anthem of the United States Marines.

“When I was young I also learned to play scales and chords on the piano. My teacher made me memorize everything, so I’m not as good at site-reading. But I still sing in a Jewish choir.”

Wendy’s middle daughter has Down’s Syndrome and Alzheimer’s.

“Music is what brings her out. When she had her Bat Mitzvah I was glad to hear her do all the prayers and sing. Though she didn’t sing on key, it went up to God, and it came down perfectly.”

Wendy and the Cantor sang a song about her daughter, which Wendy had written. Her daughter accompanied her on the guitar.

Since parenting children with disabilities is fraught with challenges, Wendy was curious about energy healing after hearing someone talk about it.

“I was invited to attend a class. With no expectation, I walked in. By mid-morning I was feeling the edge of another student’s energy field. I thought, this is real!”

Wendy kept taking classes, and soon began to use her new talents as a business. She can share many examples of the way energy healing has helped clients.

“On a scuba diving trip, a heavy jump seat smashed the big toe of a man in the group. He howled. He begged for help, so I separated negative cords from him, which is the first thing we always do. The pain stopped after 10 minutes. He had no bruising and no swelling.”

Wendy has healed clients who’ve gotten over a sickness quickly; and a friend who speaks and performs who has been relieved of laryngitis immediately.

If people want Wendy’s CD’s of music, they should contact her. They are for sale.

Wendy supports a parrot sanctuary in Arizona by writing a song for them.

“Animals pick up your energy like people do. I can do energy healing, and I can do music from here to anywhere in the world.”

Wherever you are in the world, contact Wendy for some musical healing energy!

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