Show Date Feb 19th 2019: Conscious Recovery is a ground breaking and effective approach to viewing and treating addiction that will transform your life. Author and spiritual teacher TJ Woodward is changing the conversation about addiction, because he recognizes that underneath all addictive behavior is an Essential Self that is whole and perfect.

TJ Woodward’s Conscious Recovery MethodTM moves beyond simply treating behaviors and symptoms. It focuses on the underlying root causes that drive destructive patterns, while providing clear steps for letting go of core false beliefs that lead to addictive tendencies. Whether it is spiritual disconnection, unresolved trauma, or toxic shame, these challenges need to addressed in order to achieve true and permanent freedom.

Conscious Recovery offers a pathway toward liberation and will assist you in creating a life filled with love and connection. It explores methods for changing the ways of thinking that keep you stuck in a pattern of hopelessness, so you can come into alignment with an existence overflowing with compassion and purpose.

TJ Woodward calls this the “great remembering” – reclaiming the truth of who and what you essentially are.

The Key Principles of The Conscious Recovery MethodTM are:

•Underneath all addictive behavior is an Essential Self that is whole and perfect

•The addiction itself has never been the “problem” but was a strategy that has lost its effectiveness

•Treating addiction must go beyond addressing symptoms and get down to the underlying root causes of destructive behavior

•The root causes of addictive behavior are Spiritual Disconnection, Unresolved Trauma, and Toxic Shame

•There is a pathway to permanent freedom through the adoption of spiritual practices and principles

Conscious Recovery recognizes that the first steps toward recovery involves creating inner and outer safety so that the addicted person can “unlearn” the negative core false beliefs that have been driving the addiction.

It offers clear steps for bringing unconscious patterns into conscious awareness for healing and a return to wholeness.

The Conscious Recovery Method consists of a 16-week curriculum of interactive groups and individual spiritual counseling sessions. It is a system of care that can be integrated into any existing treatment program and is intended to enhance holistic, integrated care.

This is the culmination of nearly a decade of TJ Woodward offering spiritual care at multiple treatment programs and incapsulates his perspective and approach to treatment and recovery. It has proven to be highly effective.


Listen to “The Essential Self and Conscious Recovery with TJ Woodward” on Spreaker.

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