by Todd Alan | Feb 23, 2011
We had a great show today on HLS –
We spoke with Dr, Mark Lachs about his book Treat me not my age on how the age barrier in the health care system can impact the level of care we and our loved ones receive.
Did you know that the older you get the trickier the Health care system gets to navigate?
Dr. Lachs also shared tips on making simple modifications to your home that can keep you healthy and not feeling old.
On the same lines as self awareness and education on how we care for ourselves, we were joined by Mark Meyerdirk who shared about self actualization and why it is important to our lives.
Listen to the replay of the full show –
by Todd Alan | Feb 22, 2011
Some of the GREATEST Entrepreneurs in the world like Bill Gates have deliberately designed their business and personal lives to MAXIMIZE their human potential. These people have EVOLVED by moving towards becoming what the great psychologist Abraham Maslow called a “Self-Actualized” person. Maslow came to UNDERSTAND this phenomenon after he studied the life of Albert Einstein and many other great historical figures like Thomas Je…fferson, and Eleanor Roosevelt. These people realized more of their full potential and enjoyed what he called “PEAK EXPERIENCES” in their lives.

If you are an Entrepreneur and you’re trying to balance your business dream, your personal life, money and a higher purpose you want to serve, then this webinar may provide you some new ideas. Mark has a studied the lives of many current day business entrepreneurs and has compared their lives to the principles that Maslow identified. He has broken this all down into some SIMPLE steps any of us can use to apply into our own lives.
Date and time: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at: 6:00 pm PST.
To register go to:
You may know Mark Meyerdirk as business partner of some of the Greatest Thought Leaders such as Mary Morrissey, Paul Martinelli, John Assaraf and Bob Proctor. He is a successful entrepreneur, attorney and
consultant and has studied the classics of personal growth for over 20 years. He is offering a special FREE webinar for you to learn about the idea of “Self-Actualization” and how it could enrich your business and your life.
Date and time: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at: 6:00 pm PST.
To register go to:
This will be a great lesson and we know it will be helpful knowledge for you in the development of your own business and your life.
I am attending – Join me on a remarkable call with a remarkable teacher.
Yours Truly, Tina Marie
by Todd Alan | Feb 21, 2011
Listen in as Dr. Mark Lachs reviews positive ways for elders to participate in decisions regarding health, economics and sex to assure they can enjoy all things they love until the last moment. No matter what your age-listen in for the benefit of your life and those you love. Tune in on Tues. 2/22 at 12:00 pm CT 10:00 am PT at (more…)
by Todd Alan | Jan 17, 2011
With all the confusion amassed by the recent change in the Zodiac, are we ready to take a deeper look in our own superstitions, and dependencies upon a belief system
based on the stars?
Something many people thought had already been figured out and was a constant in their lives has changed, and with it the thoughts of “who am I really?”.
The addition of the 13th sign, Ophiuchus into the Zodiac has stirred up a astrological soup and with it, our attachments to the faith we had placed on a quasi-science based philosophy that has linked itself to astronomy for thousands of years.
Astronomers know that the Earth’s wobble changes the positioning of the constellations relative to the horizon. Parke Kunkle, and Instructor at the Minneapolis Community and Technical College, explained that astronomers have known of this for a long while.
“Astronomers have known about this since about 130 B.C.,” Kunkle said, “This is not new news. Almost every astronomy class talks about it.” Astronomers do not use constellations in the same way as astrologers, there is no attachment to personality types, they are only points on a map.
So what does this mean to our look into ourselves? Have you ever questioned how superstitious you may be and what attachments you may have to external forces acting upon your daily life?
With the addition of a new sign, and the subsequent shifting of the entire Zodiac, how will your personality be affected?
Rebecca Reisen comments that, “I have always thought that I was a little of all the Zodiac signs and that no one ever seemed ‘quite me’. I am anxious to see what personality traits the Ophiuchus sign has, now that I am one.”
by Todd Alan | Jan 17, 2011
And the confusion continues. After a long weekend of social network communication, it seems as though people are just as confused, if not angry, at the thought that a 13th astrological sign has been introduced into the centuries old Zodiac. Not only has the new sign come to the party, but it caused a shift in the dates of all other signs, created havoc and inner dismay for people who thought they knew what there sign actually were and what that meant.
Parke Kunkle, Astrology instructor at the Minnesota Planetarium Society says he is actually perplexed at all this attention. I guess he did not know he was opening such a can of worms, or in this case snakes as the new sign, Ophiuchus is the representation of a man holding a snake.The sign actually depicts “Imhotep” of Egypt. The snake held by him shows a symbol of medicine.
Kunkle explained in an interview with the Star Tribune of Minneapolis on Sunday, that the Earth’s wobbly orbit means it’s no longer aligned to the stars in the same way as when the signs of the zodiac were first defined, about 5,000 years ago. Kunkle explained that astronomers have known of this for a long while and in fact utilize the names of the constellations to describe the movement of the planets and heavenly bodies.
It seems as though astrologers have not kept up with the times and that Earth wobbling is nothing new. Kunkle explained that when astrologers say the sun is in Pisces, it’s really in Aquarius, and so on. Now both astrologers and astronomers will be on the same page. “Astronomers have known about this since about 130 B.C.,” Kunkle told The Associated Press Friday in his office at the Minneapolis Community and Technical College, his phone ringing constantly, as it had since the article came out. “This is not new news. Almost every astronomy class talks about it.”, he commented.
So why now? Why change things now if we have been ok with the charts since 130 B.C.?
Or even a better question, why has it taken so long to update the charts?
Martha Wasserman commented on Facebook that “she is baffled”.
Mark Martinez is ready to try on his new sign but needs to “practice his pick up lines again.”
John B wants “it all to go away.” He is not ready for such “changes in his life and is going to the gym.”
The truth is many people, myself included have been conditioned that our astrological sign offers some insight into our personality and allows us to ‘figure people out’. Maybe this upset in the Zodiac will cause us to reflect on the power of our conditioned mind over our daily choices.
How do you ring in on this new ‘advancement’?
by Todd Alan | Dec 27, 2010
As I sat at dinner a text came in from a friend asking if I had heard about Teena Marie.
I was shocked to learn that the pop singer, who was Rick James’ protege has passed from undisclosed reasons.
Our history together centered around the website name I own and use for my company, I would often receive fan mail for Teena and forwarded them on as her offices would do likewise.
Her tours came into Houston often and her fan base in my town loved her dearly. In fact, in all the towns I would speak in a common question would be, do you sing like Teena Marie? My answer would be, “I speak from the stage, She sings.”
The truth is no one sang like the soulful Teena Marie. Discovered by Rick James, the R&B singer, born Mary Christine Brockert, in Santa Monica, California began performing at a very young age, appeared as a tap dancer an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies when she was only eight years old. Berry Gordy discovered her intensely soulful singing and performing talent at the young age of 19, and signed her to the Motown label. Given the stage name of Teena Marie, the producers at Motown looked for songs for their new talent. Rick James, having overheard her singing at the studios, helped her find her rightful place among the R&B legends at Motown.
Teena Marie, best known for her 1980s hits “Lovergirl,” “Ooo La La La” and “Lead Me On,” died in her sleep last night of unknown causes in her Los Angeles home. View her “Lovergirl” video here
Teena Marie’s body was discovered by her daughter and the singer apparently died in her sleep. There is no cause of death confirmed, but CNN reports (CNN Report) that Marie’s publicist states that she suffered from a grand mal seizure last month.
Her music remained true to her inspiration and roots in R&B. Her fans loved her more recent albums, Sapphire (2006) and Congo Square (2009) which proved the lady still had plenty of soul to share.
She was as soulful as her music and lived her dream. Teena Marie will be sadly missed.
by Todd Alan | Dec 23, 2010
Not only is this recipe absolutely beautiful, delicious and fun – it is healing for the Gall Bladder. Serve with pita chips & raw veggies and you will have a great ‘take me to parties’ dish.
Even if you do not like beets, you will love this dish. The only remaining taste of beets is the natural sweetness and when mixed with hummus, WOW – what a great texture and nutritious dish!
4 medium sized beets – prepared as instructed below.
2 Tablespoons of tahini sesame seed paste
1 small clove garlic, chopped
1 Tablespoons of ground cumin
5 Tablespoons of pure raw lemon juice
Generous pinch of sea salt or Kosher salt
Prepare Beets
To prepare the beets, cut off any beet tops, scrub the roots clean with a brush, cover with water in a saucepan and simmer until tender, about 1/2 hour. Peel once they have cooled.
Prepare Hummus
Place all ingredients in a food processor (or blender) and pulse until smooth. Taste and adjust seasonings and ingredients as desired.
Chill for 1 hour before serving.
Eat with pita chips ( I love Stacy’s Pita Chips Multigrain) or with sliced cucumber, carrots, or celery.
You can store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or freeze for longer storage.
Makes 2 Cups.
by Todd Alan | Dec 22, 2010
Winter is a time of rest and renewal. The beginning of the new year, in many cultures Winter is celebrated as the preparation of the new beginning to come in Spring. Nature has created a glorious harvest for us in the form of nutrient rich winter fruits and vegetables that deliver the vitamins and minerals needed during this rebuilding period for our bodies.
Here are a few recipes for my favorite winter foods:
Watercress, Endive & Winter Fruit Salad
Balsamic Vinaigrette Ingredients:
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup grape seed oil
1 teaspoon spicy brown mustard
salt to taste with sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
Salad Ingredients:
1 bunch watercress
1 head endive
1 grapefruit, peeled and sectioned
2 oranges, peeled and sectioned
2 kiwi fruits, peeled and sliced
For the Balsamic Vinaigrette:
1. Place all the ingredients in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Shake well.
2. Add the salt and pepper to taste.
For the Salad:
1. Toss the watercress, endive and half of each fruit with Balsamic Vinaigrette.
2. Divide the greens mixture onto four plates.
Garnish each plate with the remaining fruit.
Optional: Sprinkle with blue cheese
Caramelized Turnips
Serves 4
The natural sugars in the turnips will caramelize and forma nice golden sheen.
8 small turnips, red or golden
1 teaspoon olive oil
salt to taste with sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
1. Preheat oven to 425°F.
2. Select turnips that are sufficiently young and tender, without hard outer skin as they only need only be rinsed and dried before cooking; older purple-top turnips will need to be peeled. Cut the turnips into halves, or quarters if they are small. Big ones should be cut in half lengthwise and the halves sliced into wedges.
3. Toss the turnips in a bowl with the olive oil and sea salt and pepper. Spread them out in an even layer on a baking sheet and roast them for about 10 minutes, then toss them once (if tossed more frequently, they tend to break apart as they become tender).
4. Roast for 5 minutes more and check for doneness. The turnips are done when they are fork tender and nicely caramelized (golden brown).
– Tina Marie
by Todd Alan | Dec 14, 2010
It seems as though Life Coaching is a new trend, but in fact, only the term, “Life Coach” seems to be. The most successful people in the world, past and present will all agree that the best investment that has helped their careers is partnering with a mentor who helped lay the proper foundation to walk upon.
Some refer to me as a Life, Success or Holistic Coach. Even the term Spiritual Advisor has been used. In my corporate clients I am a Sales Coach or even a Business Consultant. In any and all cases the results are the same, more clarity, greater awareness of opportunities, increased ROI, all produced in efficient time periods.
When I work with people each week, I have noticed certain patterns in those who are serious about their growth and also patterns in those who are not. I can predict 100% of the time those who will not be renewing their contracts and who will return to self sabotaging behaviors and ways of being that keep them stuck. Which, as an insight into what has one ‘give up’, the decisions to turn back are usually fear based.
As I want everyone who decides to invest in partnering with a Life Coach to get the biggest bang out of your buck and the best use of your time, I have shared the patterns of success that have worked for my clients.
1 – Keep your appointment.
Those who show up, call in on time and view the time with their coach as sacrosanct, are the ones who achieve the greatest results in the shortest time. Not dropping out your own commitment to yourself shows a level of discipline, focus and determination that is needed in any pursuit in life.
2 – Call your Coach – They do not Call you.
I have witnessed coaching relationships with other coaches where the coach calls the client. This does not work! If you have hired a coach, you obviously consider them to be your mentor. To honor the energy of the student/teacher (although we all learn from each other) the student calling the teacher/coach is the best method of keeping the appointment. If you, as the student, are not able to make the call be proactive and text or email ahead of time. If you coach is like me, his/her time is very valuable and booked down to the minute each day. Respect time and time will respect you.
3 – Have a Plan for your time.
In between appointments with your coach Life happens. to use the time that you have with your coach most efficiently it is best to have a few discussion points laid out ahead of time. Reflect on your life and find what is most ‘up’ for you at the moment. Maybe you had a rough patch in a discussion with a peer, or your boss. Maybe your home life is a bit stressed, or you feel stuck in your decision making. Perhaps your health patterns are waning and you are not sure why you cannot keep your commitments. Look at all areas of your life and find the one that has the most ‘heat’ on it. Bring it up and ask if you can have help looking at it to learn what it is calling for you to know about yourself. I guarantee that one area of awareness will penetrate all other areas of your life as well.
4 – Avoid telling the whole story.
The time with your coach is valuable and, often times expensive. The best coaches charge the most money. I know this personally because mine is $850 an hour*. This is not a social time with your coach to see how their weekend was or how the family is doing. Each minute well spent in using the coach for what he or she is best at will advance your life all that much more quickly and efficiently. If you need to get a point across for the learning point, cut to the chase, leave off the sideline stories, drama or bits and pieces.
5 – Take your own inventory before the call.
A quality of a dedicated student is one who is open to hearing what the coach perceives and is willing to grow from his or her experiences. To open up to advice, I have learned that when I take my own personal inventory, listing the areas of my life that are going well, those that are not and where I most hope to improve allows me space to learn. I also list qualities that I know I shine in, and those I would like to improve upon. When I am humble about my own short comings, I am more teachable.
6 – Take Notes and keep track of them.
I cannot tell you how many times I have been on a call when my coach has shared some poignant advice and I was without a pen and paper. Through my own awareness of needing to be prepared for each call, I now keep a notebook and document the not only the advice my coach gives, but also my ‘ahh ha’ moments and thoughts and then reflect on them from time to time to track my own progress. My students have loved this practice and share that it is very helpful to their growth as well.
7 – Focus during the call.
A connection with a Life Coach is powerful. I have taken phenomenal steps forward through the connection with my Life Coach. There is an energy created in the moment
when you fully focus on the intent of the call, the words being spoken and the questions that are being evoked through the connection. When multiple things are going on, like checking emails, driving to work, or walking to your destination while you are on the phone with your coach, you risk the chance of missing an important moment of inspiration. My advice is to put aside all other tasks, texting, close the laptop or move to a room with no disturbances. Take the time to focus with your coach on your life and advancements you want to make.
8 – Do your homework.
I often give my clients exercises to do during the week to bring forth the learnings they are going for in their lives. My clients have shared that when they apply the homework and do as suggested, they have weekly breakthroughs.
9 – Trust the process.
I have seen people at the edge of a breakthrough in their lives whether it was shifting a belief system on self doubt and self sabotage or simply taking the steps necessary to reach that pivotal goal in business success. At the closet point of a major shift, one that will bring freedom, wonder, happiness, wealth, more health, or deep love, there is a preceding period of fear where old paradigms are being restructured.
In this place one can feel alone but it is the hand of a strong coach that supports you and reminds you of the goal. Like a coach on the field of life, your coach does not give up on you and can see just how close you are to the end zone. Trust the process with your coach and stay in the game no matter how hard it gets. Your dreams, your vision and your life is worth it.
10 – Report your progress.
In my coaching program I speak to my clients twice a week, once on Monday’s and then again on Thursday’s, which allows them one more day of the work week (Friday) to go for the gold of their goals. This structure for coaching has worked wonders and most, if not all clients have reported immense growth in all their goals and a shortened time frame for reaching them, over and above their original expectations. Another factor that they do not readily perceive as beneficial, but in hindsight see that it was their doing that made the progress come so rapidly is that I ask them to check in during the week. I say, “Today is a big day for you, call me if you need the extra boost. I am here for you.” Reach out to your coach when you need them, you will know the proper balance that has your own wings grow. When we are learning to fly, we come back to the nest to get our bearings. Simple text messages, quick phone calls, or even email works well at keeping you on track and your coach in touch with your progress. Plus you get attitude boosting comments back that have you know you have a partner with you in your pursuits.
I hope this has been of help to you in knowing how to best use your Life Coach relationship. Find one that resonates with you and one who knows how to bring out the best in you.
Next week…. “Where to find the best Life Coach for you.”
Every best wish,
Tina Marie
“The Evokateur”
Tina Marie is the President and Founder of Seer International, a corporation that is dedicated to the upleveling of humanity. Seek your highest potential. Discover the Life Coaching programs available to you at Seer International.
Tina Marie’s programs in the Living to the Power of YES! Series have commanded the attention of corporations, organizations and high powered individuals across the globe.
Sign up to experience how you can Live to the Power of YES! in your life at
Note from Tina Marie – “The coaching program of your choice will determine your results. I have partnered with the best in the business to gain permanent forward results for my life. I assessed the many thousands I had spent on therapy and retreats and decided for 3 years to invest my money in a mentor that can ‘hold my feet to the fire’ on what I say I want to achieve. I have, in one year, become financially free, am in my dream job, hang with celebrities, travel the world, am in perfect health, and am recognized for my genius in the world. Likewise I coach my clients in the same manner, with the same results, but at an hourly rate that is more affordable by my client base. My office can provide a financial assessment of your goals and help monetize what your returns will be on a Life Coaching program. We only work with serious students of this work and those who expect serious return. Email Nila at to obtain your free assessment if you are interested in how Life Coaching can help you get your life soaring.
by Todd Alan | Dec 6, 2010
What are your values? Do you compare or judge other’s values and think they are better than or less than yours? Open up to someone who’s values are different than yours and you may “learn” that nobody is right or wrong based upon their values. We all want to be loved for who we are, when supported in this we all thrive and “GROW”. Celebrate the indivi-duality in others, who they truly are as you do this within yourself. We are all aspiring to a higher BEING in this life. Are you Be-ING your Inspired Destiny? Curious for more? Listen in as Dr. John Demartini talks with Tina Marie & Todd Alan this Tuesday at 10:00 am PT, 12:00 pm CT.
*Sir Isacc Newton said: “If I have seen further than others know it is because I have stood on the shoulders of Giants”
“You Have a PH.D equivalent in your own Life…No one Know more about you than yourself”. Dr. John Demartini
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