by Todd Alan | Aug 17, 2011
Dr. Clive Fields & Dr. Dondee Nettles
Join in an open discussion on what is happening in the
health care industry, advancements in patient care,
how to develop and wellness plan with your MD,
and a supplement, Protandim, that is turning heads!
by Todd Alan | Aug 17, 2011
In two weeks…Aug.30 the YES! Tribe will be unveiled. It’s not a “Secret” as to why this program is changing lives. Stay tuned..Do you want to be a member of the YES! Tribe? Listen in and join our site and when you get a chance find Tina Marie Jones on facebook. YES!
by Todd Alan | Aug 15, 2011
Diana & Richard Daffner are the authors of Tantric Sex for Busy Couples: How to Deepen Your Passion in Just Ten Minutes a Day. Together, the Daffners developed a program for couples called Tantra Tai Chi – easy movements that help deepen physical intimacy, emotional closeness and spiritual awareness. They have been married for 26 years, and have been leading Intimacy Retreat workshops for couples since 1997. Upcoming Intimacy Retreats are offered in Florida, Seattle, British Columbia and Jamaica. In addition to their book, the Daffners offer a DVD showing the Tantra Tai Chi moves and an audio-CD that provides an at-home guided experience of tantric intimacy.
Diana holds a Masters degree in Counseling and is a member of AASECT, the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors & Therapists. She has taught massage and energy awareness at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA. A black belt in Aikido, she is featured in the book Women in Aikido. Richard & Diana are both certified in sexology and also as instructors of Tai Chi Chih. The Daffners are passionate about sharing with others what works for them in their own relationship. Information about their workshops and products can be found on their website,
by Todd Alan | Aug 12, 2011

Holistic Sex, menopause, Seasoned women
PhD Barbara Keesling talks candidly about sex, menopause and what’s up with the desires of staying active during our Seasoning. If you are peri, menopausal or post, you will want to listen in to know the truth about intimacy and more. Listen Live!
by Todd Alan | Aug 12, 2011

Diana & Richard Daffner are the authors of Tantric Sex for Busy Couples: How to Deepen Your Passion in Just Ten Minutes a Day. Together, the Daffners developed a program for couples called Tantra Tai Chi – easy movements that help deepen physical intimacy, emotional closeness and spiritual awareness. They have been married for 26 years, and have been leading Intimacy Retreat workshops for couples since 1997. Upcoming Intimacy Retreats are offered in Florida, Seattle, British Columbia and Jamaica. In addition to their book, the Daffners offer a DVD showing the Tantra Tai Chi moves and an audio-CD that provides an at-home guided experience of tantric intimacy.
by Todd Alan | Aug 9, 2011
53,000 kids have received their EDGE by the 8 keys Excellence taught by the Quantum Learning Network, Bobbi DePorter talks about her goal to reach out to over 50 million children by year 2015
by Todd Alan | Aug 1, 2011
One of the world’s best-known and celebrated bodybuilding legends, Lee Labrada holds 22 professional bodybuilding titles, including the IFBB Mr. Universe. He is one of few pro bodybuilders in history to consistently place in the top four at the Mr.Olympia competition(the “Super Bowl” of bodybuilding)for seven consecutive years.August 2nd with Tina Marie and Todd Alan 12 pm CT
by Todd Alan | Jul 28, 2011
Listen in as Tina Marie and Todd Alan interview Lee Labrada LIVE! He brings his 30+ years of experience to the nutrition and exercise techniques presented in his best selling book, The Lean Body Promise ( Harper Collins) This easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement book will appeal to anyone interested in making positive physical changes in their body, not just the elite athlete. 12 PM CT August 2
by Todd Alan | Jul 25, 2011
Be YOUR OWN Shaman! Can’t loose weight? Pick up “slime” from others? Crazy busy? Take an hour to listen LIVE with Tina Marie & Todd Alan as Deborah talks about her journey into discovering we are ALL our best healers and how to protect and process our STUFF.
12 PM CT, July 26,
by Todd Alan | Jul 25, 2011
Deborah King reviews how to “Be Your Own Shaman”, her newest book and venture in 2 the reality we are all intuitively healers. From being “slimed” to energy vampires and disconnecting with negativity in our past,present and future.LISTEN LIVE. July 26th 12 PM CT @ with Tina Marie and Todd Alan
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