by Todd Alan | Oct 25, 2011

Live Long and Prosper- Holistically
October 25, 2011 Guest: Celeste Yarnall PhD. author of Complete Guide to Holistic Cat Care and Natural Dog Care,reknown actor that stared in Star Trek, Land of the Giants and Films with Elvis, shares with us her current passion of the integration of all aspects of wellness, anti-aging, pets, art and more. Joining us is her husband Nazim Artist, together they are a couple daring to go where no Wo-Man has gone before. Oct. 18, 10 am PT, 12 pm CT, Visit their sites, and
by Todd Alan | Oct 6, 2011

October 11, 2011 Guest: Jennifer Joy Jimenez, creator of “Let’s Dance Together” and “The Body Image Breakthrough Online Movement and Dance Center” motivates us through dance and Joy with her internationally acclaimed programs which can bring you back to fitness and wellness while developing a loving relationship with your body. Join us as she teaches us to shake our Groove thing and have fun.
by Todd Alan | Oct 4, 2011
Celebrating our 200th anniversary show we invite you to join in and give us a call! 866-472-5792
Todd Alan as he flies from one speaking engagement to another.
Living to the Power of YES! is our lovely and talented “Seer” Tina Marie Jones
by Todd Alan | Sep 25, 2011
Looking forward to more info on Heyoka, Ceremony, Art, Books? Tues. Sept. 27 at 12:00 pm CT 
by Todd Alan | Sep 22, 2011
September 27th, 2011 Guest: Heyoka Merrifield, a Wisdom keeper, Sundance elder, Shaman, published author and World Reknown Artist that has created one of a kind Talismans to such noted people as Cher, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan and the multitudes shares his Sacred Art Story (the DVD) Sundancing with the Muse. Creating sacred ceremony in all areas of our path can illuminate our gifts to contribute positively to the circle of life, while honoring our sacred world. His journey will entrance and inspire you to live more purposefully. Learn about his creation to green living off the grid and the SUNJAG, a replica 1937 Jaguar Roadster that runs over 100 miles on re-chargable batteries.
by Todd Alan | Sep 13, 2011
Believe you can make a difference? Yes each of us can. Listen in to Kell Kearns and Cynthia Lukas as they share how to make a difference in every step and movement we can take. Globalized Soul, the documentary film that will be shown at the United Nations International Peace day on Sept. 21 Peace begins with ME.
by Todd Alan | Sep 12, 2011
Kell Kearns and Cynthia Lukas grace us with their world sharing and development of the film they have created “Globalized Soul” which has premiered in Taos N.M, Germany and on Sept. 21st at the United Nations International Peace Day gathering. We will discuss the coming together of world/spiritual leaders/activists to create Oneness in our global world and how to assist one another in a unified movement. Join us at 10 am PT, 12 pm Ct. Their url is and there you will also find and small snipets of the movie. Their show schedule is also there and you can purchase the video with your donation to their non profit organization. The bottom Line is” LOVE
by Todd Alan | Sep 1, 2011
Wealth Wisdom of the Ages
Sept. 6, 2011
Insights from the ‘Book of Wealth’
Dr. John Demartini shares in this powerful DVD some of the most inspiring & significant principles applied by those individuals from ancient times to modern day who have built vast fortunes of wealth. Wealth Wisdom of the Ages includes insights from The Book of Wealth, Achievements of Civilization written in 1896 by Hubert Howe Bancroft. This program will inspire, expand & assist you in taking your vision of wealth building to new & more powerful level.
by Todd Alan | Aug 30, 2011
August 30th, 2011 Guest: Vikki Cummings Rosenkranz joins Holistic Living to share how cities all over the nation are going green. We discuss the Houston’s Green Chamber of Commerce concept and why your city needs to have one. Learn the how to’s of making your city green. Set your clock. 12 pm CT Tuesday LIVE
by Todd Alan | Aug 19, 2011
Dr. Clive Fields, joins us in an open forum discussion of health , wellness and nutrition in the first half of today’s show. Then Dr. Dondee Nettles fills us in about a revolutionary supplement that can give you the edge of turning back the clock. Rev up the good enzymes, restore the optimal level of oxidative stress of a 20 year old with 5 all natural plant ingredients. Blood cells, T Bars, and more. Created by Dr. Joe McCord PhD, Protandim has received world wide attention and currently being studied in 7 Universities across the USA. Darla Warburton will discuss her involvement and how it has changed not only her life but others as well.
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