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August 28th, 2012 Riding Shot Gun Guest: Joel Young. Joel Young is the Originator of NPA, a Visionary Leader in the field of Human Consciousness and a genuine 21st Century Heretic, with over 17 years experience of healing & teaching internationally. In his inspiring talks and seminars, Joel shares the NPA Process and its message, asking you: “Are you ready for profound positive change that comes this easy?”

Joel describes how in January 2006 he ‘disappeared’ in a cave in India, and in January 2007 he received a revelation in answer to a prayer. He was ‘given’ a simple process, and a Tri-fold message. The simplicity of the process belied its power and the profundity of the message is expanding through Consciousness, and the Global Community.

Joel is renowned for his dynamic, humorous and clear delivery and has a knack for communicating the essence of a topic in a simple, heartfelt and easy to digest way.



Beyond Personal Power

At Non-Personal Awareness – Beyond Personal Power in 2012, Joel will introduce you to his Life’s Work – Non-Personal Awareness (NPA) and give you what you need to begin using the NPA process to positive effect in your life right away.

Joel describes the NPA process as “A bridge to an easeful experience of Life and a more energetic fluid reality”, he goes on to say that “Non-Personal Awareness beyond the process is a perspective that challenges modern spiritual dogma and meets us where we actually are at this time”

Joel will take you beyond the story of “their stuff or my stuff?” and invite you to consciously step up to the current evolutionary imperative; embrace the magic of a personal AND non-personal perspective working in co-creative harmony.

Expect some 21st Century heresy, a challenge to ‘let it be this simple’ and the gift of a new approach that brings an integrated and inclusive perspective to spirituality and ‘everyday’ life.

More NPA info at:

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