Millen Livis April 6, 2021
It was through overcoming a few adversities in life that Millen Livis learned to really trust her life journey, surrender and reconnect to her authentic power, inner wisdom and feminine sensuality.
Millen has developed strength, courage and the deepest sense of gratitude, which she shares in her books A Shift Toward Abundance and A Shift Toward Purpose .
Besides being an author, Millen is a transformational coach and an entrepreneur, mother and wife. Her message is one of HOPE and POSSIBILITIES and is often referred to as a ‘Possibilities Catalyst.’
Millen helps other women create and embody the highest vision for their work and life. She holds private transformational retreats in France and the USA.
Learn how to create loving, lasting relationships, a fulfilling career, ageless beauty and financial independence.
Meet Millen Livis

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