Thanks to her “Spirit Guides and Angels” Linda Deir lived to tell her story.
Sept. 17th 2019 From early childhood, Linda experienced something most of us missed – she realized she was being “guided.” Now, after a lifetime of being guided, in her book, GUIDED, she shares what she learned, and most importantly, how she learned it.
Linda knows firsthand how to soar beyond the fears when you have the support of your Spirit Guidesand Angels. She survived 16 years of child abuse, to her escape as a teenager, and into phenomenal success as a businesswoman in a man’s world by age 19 and beyond. All possible from the constant support and guidance she received from her Spirit Guidesand Angels. A vital connection that grants her access to knowing what to do and when to do it!
Linda’s flagship book, GUIDED, is the template to trigger the reader to live a fearless, authentic life in spite of obstacles. Yes, you do have Spirit Guidesand Angels – everyone does.
You become like those you associate with. This is especially true when associating with your Spirit Guides and Angels. As this develops you learn to detect their messages and take action on their guidance while it is the most effective. They have guided me through many transitions, eliminating the unnecessary struggle. As you align with this guidance, becoming more like them, you will start to think clearly and see things for what they really are, so you can become who you really are.
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