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April 2nd, 2013 Life Mastery Radio Guest: Peter Sterling and his new book Hearing the Angels Sing, A true Story of Angelic Assistance. For many years as I traveled around playing my music and sharing my story about my angel encounters many people continually asked for my book and told me I should write one. Well, I have finally done it! Two years work has now taken form and I am sharing it with you! All the secret details of my life journey and multi dimensional travels with the angels are revealed here for the first time! Guided by the angels I submitted my manuscript to the publisher which they told me to and Shazaam! They took it! The publisher is Light Technology who also publishes the Sedona Journal magazine as well as books by the likes of Kryon, Drunvalo and many other well know authors. I am very excited to share this with you. Peace and Blessings, Peter.
Musical artists come to their recording careers in lots of ways, many of them rather typical, e.g. listening to music as a teen, joining or forming bands, hearing a particularly influential album, and then setting off to find fame and fortune. Peter Sterling’s journey to where he is now, as one of New Age music’s premier harp players, was less conventional. Propelled by equal parts happenstance, serendipity, and spiritual epiphany, the tale of how he arrived at his current place in life would make quite a movie, although some would no doubt state “Now THAT would never happen in real life!” However, they would be wrong.
Flashback to about 20 years or so ago–Peter Sterling is earning a living as a ski instructor in Aspen. While he displayed an early talent for music, playing tunes on the piano by ear and showing some skill with flute and guitar, music didn’t reach out and tap him on the shoulder until one day as he was skiing down the Rockies’ magnificent slopes. He had an abrupt realization that his life had to change and that he needed to unleash the creative force which had been dormant all these years. Peter’s grandmother helped him as a young boy listen to his inner voice and at once it spoke to him of a place–Sedona (Arizona), known far and wide as a vortex of power, spirituality, rebirth, and mysticism.
Peters website
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