I found this post on a site that I check out often I asked for permission to repost it. Here it is. Enjoy~Todd
March 20th marks the official start to spring here in the United States and it has me reflecting on 2013 thus far…
Even though it’s still semi-early in the year, things have been happening so quickly! I began January with a goal to speak more from the stage at live personal development seminars, and so far I’ve already presented at one live event and have many more on the horizon for the year.
Where are you at with your 2013 goals and resolutions? Have you been making progress? Or have you already accomplished some of them?
One of my secrets to achieving goals with velocity is to stay in action, and to help you do just that, I’d like to share one of my personal success mantras with you today:
Take one action each day, no matter how big or small, toward achieving your goal.
Now, when I say “big or small,” I really do mean it. A lot of people mistakenly believe that to be successful with their goals, they have to take great big huge sweeping actions. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Once you’ve decided what it is that you intend to manifest in your life and you’ve set a clear goal for yourself around that intention, the next step is to CONSISTENTLY focus your energy on achieving this goal.
The best way to do this is to take at least one action each day toward that goal – whether it’s making a phone call, spending a few minutes to visualize yourself achieving your goal or investing a big chunk of time or money.
When you do this, you send a clear signal to the Universe that you are committed to manifesting the outcome you desire, and the Universe responds in kind by delivering to you people and resources you need to continue further along your path to success.
Taking consistent action each day, big or small, is one of the most critical pieces to the success puzzle…
But what stops most people from doing this is a fear of taking the WRONG action will lead to the WRONG results. The fact is though that there are no “wrong results” in life – there are only results created OR lessons learned that will help you to create better results in future!
Take one of my past businesses for example: a coffee shop franchise my husband and I owned several years ago. We had a goal of achieving total time and money freedom, and we dove into this business head first without knowing much about it, thinking that it would get us there. Because we were so committed to reaching our end goal, we took action every single day to try and make this business a success…
But unfortunately it turned out that it didn’t give us the type of income or freedom we were aiming for, so we eventually sold it.
Some people might look at our decision to go into that business and say, “Natalie, that was mistake.”
But it wasn’t.
You see, even when things began to look like they were going to go belly up, we stayed focused on our end goal and in action. As a result, we learned valuable lessons that helped us better prepare for our next entrepreneurial endeavor, which the Universe presented to us soon afterwards and turned out to be a smash success.
Today, I still take one small action, no matter how big or small, toward my goals to show the Universe that I’m committed to what I want to create for myself and for others.
So my question for you today is this:
What single action, big or small, will you take today toward achieving one of your goals?
Leave a comment below and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!
This post was reposted from http://www.mindmovies.com
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