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April 23rd, 2012 Guests: Richard Cohn founder of Beyond Words Publishing and an internationally known spiritual teacher ZARATHUSTRA.
Richard Cohn serves as the publisher overseeing Marketing, Finance, Editorial and Special Sales. Having worked with many first-time authors and projects like The Secret and Hidden Messages in Water, he has established a reputation for producing inspiring, high-quality books that can help make a difference in the lives of millions of readers. He has helped Beyond Words expand as an information and media company, providing DVD, audio and product distribution. Join us for a fireside chat about Richards amazing world. Link to Beyond Words Publishing Richard has a book signing coming up may 4th click here for details
My spotlight guest today is Zarathustra, Zarathustra’s healing and self awakening path began at the age of 21. He studied different schools of mysticism such as Sufism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, and was led to a number of different teachers and healers. Zarathustra’s path towards his own awakening was the bridge that led him to serve first as a healer where he soon discovered his calling to teach and serve others as he has been served by his teachers. Our discussion is going to be about, what is stillness within? and how to find it you might even want to consult with him, check out his website.
We will also get an update on Patricia Hansen, founder of Emerald City Lights Bike Ride. She is cycling across the USA. She left April 1st,2012 from Astoria, OR., and will arrive in York Town, VA., July 7th, 2012 on her 70th Birthday! All in support of the hungry.
Emerald City Lights Charity feeding Puget Sound families
Link to the travel blog
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