Jonathan England July 27 2023 |
Jonathan England
is an Earthshaker, a guide to the highest levels of purpose and source
alignment, a beach slacker turned hugely successful real estate
investor, an acclaimed author, and the creator of an entirely
self-sustained consciousness-driven living complex in Costa Rica.
The EarthWaking Eco-Village, is carved from tropical lushness where people live by spirit and alignment, in service to each other and to the greater whole, around a central prosperous economy. Residents take 100% responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, actions, and reality while working in harmony with nature and each other. Jonathan’s fascinating journey is revealed in his bestselling book If I Die Before I Wake where he tracks his own growth through the Five Levels of Consciousness: Dis Oriented, Goal Oriented, Journey Oriented, Value Oriented, and Soul Oriented Meet Jonathan England |

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