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January 1st, 2013 Guest Marci Shimoff this is a replay from the January 24th of 2012 show Marci Shimoff is a International bestselling author and featured teacher in The Secret. She joined us to discuss her latest book, Love for No Reason and 7 steps for Creating a Life of Unconditional Love. A revolutionary program to live within a deep and lasting state of unconditional love we can access at any time, in any circumstance. As one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time she has inspired Millions of people worldwide and is dedicated to assisting people to live more empowered and joy-filled lives. Visit Marci at:

Our “Spot Light” guest at 10:40 am PT, is Claudia Davis. Author and 20 year master in alternative healing will share & demonstrate her gift of Archangel Clearings. Interested in clearing and eliminating undesired contracts of present & past agreements that create feelings of being stuck in your life? Through this unique process one experiences painless releasing of roadblock events without trauma or a healing crisis within the multidimensional aspects of their life producing a sense of renewal and well being that propels you towards the walk into your greatest possibility to achieve your “Soul’s Mission”.

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