What are your values? Do you compare or judge other’s values and think they are better than or less than yours? Open up to someone who’s values are different than yours and you may “learn” that nobody is right or wrong based upon their values. We all want to be loved for who we are, when supported in this we all thrive and “GROW”. Celebrate the indivi-duality in others, who they truly are as you do this within yourself. We are all aspiring to a higher BEING in this life. Are you Be-ING your Inspired Destiny? Curious for more? Listen in as Dr. John Demartini talks with Tina Marie & Todd Alan this Tuesday at 10:00 am PT, 12:00 pm CT.

*Sir Isacc Newton said: “If I have seen further than others know it is because I have stood on the shoulders of Giants”

“You Have a PH.D equivalent in your own Life…No one Know more about you than yourself”. Dr. John Demartini

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