Instead of a regular blog post, we’ve included writing prompts pilfered from Midge Raymond’s blog. Do something different and try these out. If you like them, good news! She posts a new one every week.
When was the last time you did something artistic other than writing? Whether it was baking a cake or painting a portrait, write about your last artistic endeavor.
2. Write for one minute about each of the following: lemon, chalk, waterfall, fork, silver.
3. Describe the most unusual part of you. Start with the physical and then move on to the psychological/emotional.
4. Describe your worst roommate. This could be a sibling, a roommate from school, a bunkmate from camp, your spouse.
Look out the window of the room you spend the most time in. Describe what you see. Next, write about a view you miss.
5. The other day my husband said to me, “Your extra memory should be here next week.”
It took me a long moment to realize he was talking about the additional memory he’d ordered for my computer, which had been very slow; apparently you can just buy more memory if you run low. (For your computer, that is.)
But I did, for a moment, love the idea of having extra memory, or more space for memories, in my brain rather than just on my computer.
Write about a time you wish you could remember, or remember more vividly.
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