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December 8, 2015 – We must follow children through their passion and connect skill-based learning to that passion, so we can make it joyful.

Our interview with Anita Rose Mirando packs a punch. We talked about:

  • Connecting to a new internal narrative
  • How we evaluate children in school
  • Learning disabilities
  • Ways to be literate in the world besides through writing
Anita Rose’s work as an educator has been to teach children that their stories have nothing to do with pencil and paper – they’re about generating ideas.

Her creative storytelling work lives through the medium of music, and her CD’s (yes, she’s darn proud of those anachronistic relics) are ready for purchase on Amazon.

Formal Bio:

As a teacher, I have long been committed to a constructivist view, meaning that for learning to be meaningful, the teachers, families and students join together on a journey that makes sense to the learner.

As one who suffers with reading / writing disabilities, I have dedicated my teaching career to education that goes beyond seeing children as traveling a pre-determined trajectory toward skills based results.

I am committed to meaningful teaching that honors the child as invested agents of their own learning. I’m there to guide, support and in the process travel my own learning path.

This has led me to a successful career that allows me to teachย developing readers and writers, and aspiring teachers. The narratives that are generated by teaching in this way empower children to know that they are successful, capable and integrated participants in la life-longย learning journey.

Anita’s website:


Listen to “Seeking Personal Narrative with Anita Rose Merando 12/08/15” on Spreaker.

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