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May 17, 2016 – People speak whatever they want from their minds, but they speak their truth when they divulge the most important thing in the world to them.

Stacey Hall explains in this interview how to get in touch with what’s true about yourself.

Once we do that, we can walk away from the energy that no longer supports us, and build the bridge toward the new energy that does support us.

Formal Bio:

Stacey Hall is an entertaining, paradigm-shifting, life-changing keynote presenter.

Known as “THE Business Coach with a Heart,” Stacey saves the lives of overwhelmed and out-of-balance business owners using a variety of natural and effective β€œantidotes” to physical, emotional, and mental stress which, of course, is the leading cause of disease.

Stacey supports her clients, boosts their energy and increases their personal power so they can attract more clients, make more money, and spend more time with loved ones.


Listen to “Paradigm Shifting with Stacey Hall 05/17/16” on Spreaker.

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