How can we make life extraordinary?  By using our creativity to find our vibrational flow!  And one author and speaker who lives vivaciously by this principle is Pam Grout.

Todd and I love to share the hour with Pam because she lives and breathes her way through a high-vibrational path.  You know her inspirational messages from E-Squared and E-Cubed, as well as her more recent book, Thank and Grow Rich!  She is on the leading edge in terms of moving your manifesting mojo into high gear!  Pam’s work speaks to a higher mind and addresses that you pull from the Quantum Field of Infinite Potentiality your own personal experience. Creating a joyful life is based in changing our perspective and developing a super power:  full speed gratitude!

Enjoy this replay with Pam!  We had an absolute blast connecting with her so we could bring her message to you!

She teaches that our only limitations are in the beliefs we gather and use to block the higher mind.  Pam Grout is the author of many books about travel in the real world as well as quantum travel to the realm of miraculous manifesting.   Check out her blog at

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