
Last week I mentioned four steps to experiencing the Law of Attraction, and I thought I would continue on the topic. There are two other conditions worth noting that form the Law of Attraction that are somewhat woven into the aforementioned ideas of asking, believing, receiving, and action.

First is an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude sets up our ability to be in resonance with our higher good. It puts your thought processes in a position to create more things to be grateful for.

The other condition is visualization – becoming clear on what you want to attract into your life or create. Visualizations must be in the present tense as if they are happening now, right here, today. Visualization is strongly tied to action, as visualization without action is just fantasy.

Evoking the law of attraction in our lives is a practice. Its always present and always working.

Napoleon Hill, who spent 20 years studying the world’s most successful people, came up with a simple recipe for evoking the Law of Attraction:

1. Fix in your mind exactly what it is that you desire. Anchor it with emotion. Visualize yourself possessing your desire.

2. Determine exactly what it is that you intend to give in order to receive that desire. There is no such reality as “something for nothing.”

3. Set a distinct date for the possession of your desire.

4. Create a plan, start at once, whether you’re ready or not, to put this plan into action.

5. Write out a clear, concise statement using the ideas from the first four principles – your desire, the date you will have it by, what you intend to give to receive it, and the plan you have to acquire it.

6. Read the “Statement of Desire” out loud twice a day in the morning and in the evening. AS YOU READ, SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN  POSSESSION OF THAT WHICH YOU DESIRE.

For the next week try this 6 step process on something that you desire. I bet you get what you want. Then go for something big – shoot for the moon!

Namaste my friends, and pass it on. You won’t get to keep it unless you give it away.

Todd Alan

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