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July 15, 2014. Guest, Tina Gilbertson, shares how to beat bad feelings by yourself have them. In her book, Constructive Wallowing, she highlights the T-R-U-T-H about connecting with feelings and letting the critical gremlin within have a day off while essential and “constructive” healing takes place. Although not a new idea, Gilbertson’s spin on this mental health technique is refreshing, thorough, and straight-forward. The results are the end of an “internal war” with old wounds and new found energy to enjoy true bliss. Tina Gilbertson is a mental health counselor who teaches assertiveness and self-esteem workshops on goal-setting, decision-making, overcoming anxiety and finding the right career. You can find her articles in Natuaral Awakenings Magazine and Tina’s website is:
Listen to “Constructive Wallowing with Tina Gilbertson 7/15/14” on Spreaker.
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