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October 20, 2015 – Seven Cups of Consciousness, Aleya Daos first and latest book, provides readers with their morning “cup” or their daily dose of higher living practice.

Alaya teaches that it’s only our Higher Selves that are capable of making real change.

In our Life Mastery Radio interview, Aleya explains a bit about accessing a higher realm, identifying when we’re in a higher realm, and accepting guidance from this realm.

She explains that when we tap into our Higher Self, we’re tapping into our energetic self.

And it’s when we make adjustments there, that circumstances change in our physical world.

If we can learn to be more aware, more prone to check in with ourselves, we can ask – “Do I really want to be carrying this energy?”

If not, we can shift. And that awareness is when we have free will and choice.

Formal Bio:

In her astonishing and powerful book,Β Seven Cups of Consciousness:Β Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher RealmsΒ (New World Library, September 15, 2015), Aleya Dao offers a direct manual on how to engage with the higher dimensions to advance your own evolution–to create a life filled with happiness and purpose, always connected with a divine and perfect aspect of yourself, protected and guided by a loving angelic presence.

She shows how this kind of life becomes possible when we learn to consciously connect at the spiritual level with higher dimensions.

Aleya is a sound healer, energetic practitioner, Minister in the state of California, Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico, and a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado.

She has been an alternative healer for 20 years.

Aleya graduated from Lewis and Clark University in Portland, Oregon and earned her Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from The Southwest Acupuncture School in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

She practiced in Telluride, Colorado for 7 years before moving to Santa Barbara, California where she serves an international clienteleΒ as a spiritual guide and sound healer.

In 2001 Aleya had an enlightenment experience which enabled her to perceive other realms, hear the angelic beings, and increased her empathic and clairvoyant abilities.

Aleya has mastered the ability to help people release the root causes of their suffering. Her tools help people discover how to move forward with greater peace, empowerment, and freedom.

Aleya’s website

Listen to “Higher Realms with Aleya Dao 02/28/17” on Spreaker.

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