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Tuesday, May 12th at 10:00 PST – Dr. John Duffy is a highly sought-after clinical psychologist, certified life coach, parenting expert, and proud parent. He has been working with teens, tweens, and their families for more than fifteen years, providing the critical intervention and support needed to help hundreds of families find their footing.

His new book, The Available Parent, helps mothers and fathers to shift the dynamic of the relationship with their teenager. Healthy conversations replace angry outbursts or petulant silence. Techniques in The Available Parent foster a new kind of relationship based on a foundation of radical optimism instead of fear-based control.

He is proud to be a regular parenting and relationship expert on the new Steve Harvey show and The Morning Blend on NBC. His radio credits include NPR, WKRP, the nationally syndicated Mr. Dad, Bobblehead Dad, and many more. He also contributes to a number of print and online media. These include The Huffington Post, Good HouseKeeping, Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue, AOL, PsychCentral, SheKnows, EHow, and Yahoo, to name a few. Video, audio, and article excerpts can be found on this website. He blogs on availability and communicates regularly through his fan page on Facebook and Twitter. Dr. Duffy also speaks nationally on parenting and other relationships.


Listen to “Available Parenting with Dr. John Duffy 5/12/15” on Spreaker.

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