
“I believe that the man who observes self-control in thought, word and deed, right in the midst of the world, is verily the true ascetic. If things do not bind us and if we are not attached to things even when they are easily available to us that according to me is the greatest test of our detachment than merely withdrawing to a lonely forest.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

Practicing detachment has great power in all aspects of our lives and is one of the keys to actually manifesting our reality. However, this doesn’t mean we don’t get to make our plans. On the contrary, the main point to “Detaching from Outcomes” is to set our intentions, dreams, visions and goals; this builds a road map to follow and enables us to take action in a forward direction. By understanding that the outcome will be that which we desire or something better is how we co-creator with spirit and our Higher Powers.

We’ve all heard the saying, “If you want to make God laugh tell him your plan.” So instead, share with your Higher Power what your intentions are and allow the creative intelligence of the universe (God) to assist, guide and co-create with you. Things will come into your life that you could have never imagined or dreamed of by yourself.

Having this radio show is a perfect example: I had an intention to become a public speaker. I had this vision in my head of standing on a stage in front of thousands of people as far as the eye could see in three directions; all were there to hear me speak. I had an affirmation that would replay in my head all the time – “People of the earth, can you hear me?” I had no idea how I was going to make this happen, but I was committed to following through. I shared this dream with a friend one day and he told me about Toastmasters. He was a member and invited me to a meeting.

Rather quickly, I fell in love with toastmasters and began to build my public speaking confidence. One day at our meeting, this same friend made a comment about my voice, asking me if I had ever considered radio. He told me about some broadcasting classes and I signed up. Now I was in love with the idea of being a public speaker on the radio! Not long after this, I was asked to speak at an event. A woman in the audience heard my voice and invited me to join her talk show. All of this happened in less that a year. Today people of the earth can hear me all over the world. This would have never happened if I weren’t able to detach from the original vision of being on a stage in front of thousands of people. I had to detach from that outcome to receive this gift.

Detaching from outcomes is a simple thought but difficult practice. But just like learning to ride a bike, to master it just takes commitment. Then it becomes second nature and your whole world opens up.

Namaste my friends, and pass it on. You won’t get to keep it unless you give it away.

Todd Alan

Law of Attraction: Part 2


Last week I mentioned four steps to experiencing the Law of Attraction, and I thought I would continue on the topic. There are two other conditions worth noting that form the Law of Attraction that are somewhat woven into the aforementioned ideas of asking, believing, receiving, and action.

First is an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude sets up our ability to be in resonance with our higher good. It puts your thought processes in a position to create more things to be grateful for.

The other condition is visualization – becoming clear on what you want to attract into your life or create. Visualizations must be in the present tense as if they are happening now, right here, today. Visualization is strongly tied to action, as visualization without action is just fantasy.

Evoking the law of attraction in our lives is a practice. Its always present and always working.

Napoleon Hill, who spent 20 years studying the world’s most successful people, came up with a simple recipe for evoking the Law of Attraction:

1. Fix in your mind exactly what it is that you desire. Anchor it with emotion. Visualize yourself possessing your desire.

2. Determine exactly what it is that you intend to give in order to receive that desire. There is no such reality as “something for nothing.”

3. Set a distinct date for the possession of your desire.

4. Create a plan, start at once, whether you’re ready or not, to put this plan into action.

5. Write out a clear, concise statement using the ideas from the first four principles – your desire, the date you will have it by, what you intend to give to receive it, and the plan you have to acquire it.

6. Read the “Statement of Desire” out loud twice a day in the morning and in the evening. AS YOU READ, SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN  POSSESSION OF THAT WHICH YOU DESIRE.

For the next week try this 6 step process on something that you desire. I bet you get what you want. Then go for something big – shoot for the moon!

Namaste my friends, and pass it on. You won’t get to keep it unless you give it away.

Todd Alan

The Law of Attraction

Remember the book, The Secret? The best selling phenomenon that went viral overnight resulting in over 20 million copies sold? It was about the Law of Attraction, and what’s interesting is there was nothing new in that book – the thoughts, ideas, and rules have been around for a very long time. In my view, The Secret contained all of the key components to attracting the life you want except one: Action. You must take action to put yourself into the flow.So, the end result of this book was that readers were lead to believe that all they had to do was 1. Ask for something, 2. Believe that they already possessed it, and 3. Receive it. But none of this works if we don’t take action; we must participate in our own lives.

That said, here are some revised steps:

1. Ask for something that you are interested in. Develop that interest into a desire, and make that desire a burning desire. This is key. Desire sets up intention and intention is where your attention goes. As we direct our attention to our interests, this magnifies the power of attraction because it dominates our thoughts, attracting more of the same thoughts. Then, when opportunity presents itself, you instantly recognize it and can take action.

2. Believe in yourself AND believe that you are worthy to actually receive what you ask for. Most things that are sought never have a chance to come into reality because of the voice of internal judgment. An attitude of gratitude is one thing that will assist you in overcoming the voices that say you can’t do something or that you don’t deserve it. Getting the subconscious to buy in is key. The subconscious doesn’t have the ability to distinguish between real and not-real; it only works on the thought. That’s why they say to act as if you already have your desire or do the thing that you are asking for. This helps to anchor the thoughts to become what you want and motivate you to take action. There is that word action, again.

3. Receive. This is really about giving. You have to understand what it is that you are willing to give in order to get what it is that you desire. When you are willing to give, there can be an expectation to receive. I had a hard time with this at first, but it has great merit. Expecting results keeps you going with your intention. To desire is to expect and to expect is to achieve.

4. Action. The Law of Attraction is not a quick, get-what-you-want-from-your-rocking-chair scenario. Action puts you into the flow of abundance. It’s like getting ready to take a shower; you turn the shower on but you don’t get the benefits from it until you take action and step in. Taking action allows us to be in the flow of opportunity. Otherwise desire would have no way to present itself to us.

Namaste my friends, and pass it on. You won’t get to keep it unless you give it away.

Todd Alan

Becoming Everything You Might Have Been with B.J. Gallagher


December 9, 2014.  Guest, B.J. Gallagher, is a widely published author, speaker, and sociologist from Los Angeles California.  Her books have been featured on the Today Show, CNN, CBS Evening News, and a host of national and Internet radio shows. B.J. conducts seminars and offers keynote presentations to cooperate clients, such as IBM, Chevron, Pheonix Newspaper INC, and The American Press Institute, just to name a few.  Her international best-seller, A Peacock in the Land of Penguins, has sold over 360,000 copies in 23 languages.  Additionally, the titles of all her books beckon the attention of all personal growth enthusiasts: Being Buddha at Work; If God is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats, and, most recently, It’s Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been.  For a weekly dose of B.J.’s wisdom and wit, subscribe to her blog at the Huffington Post:


Listen to “Becoming Everything You Might Have Been with B.J. Gallagher 12/9/14” on Spreaker.

Rise to Your Life’s Occasions with Kristen Moeller

kristen moeller 2December 2, 2014.  Guest, Kristen Moeller, has a story of addiction and loss that turned to awakening and thriving.  Now a coach, speaker, author, and radio show host, she delights in “disrupting the ordinary” and inspiring others to do the same. Kristen first discovered her passion for personal development in 1989 after recovering from an eating disorder and drug addiction. After years of struggling with low self-esteem, she realized that recovery and joy is possible. Determined to provide this for others, Kristen immersed herself in the field of personal growth, earning a master’s degree in mental health counseling, volunteering and working in treatment centers while continuing to train and develop herself. Now, 25 years sober and a popular radio personality, TED speaker and author, Kristen Moeller is a visionary dedicated to providing people with inspiration.  Her book, What Are You Waiting For? was printed by Viva Editions in 2013. Moeller lives with her family in Evergreen, CO.  Her website:


Listen to “Rise to Your Life’s Occasions with Kristen Moeller 12/02/14” on Spreaker.

Beyond the Psychological and Into the Spiritual with Dicken Bettinger

7844049-1November 25, 2014.  Guest, Dicken Bettinger from LaConnor Washington joins us to discuss moving from a psychological perspective and into the spiritual.  He received his Master’s degree from Pennsylvania State University and his Doctoral degree in counseling psychology from Boston University.  He became licensed as a clinical psychologist in 1983 and retired his psychotherapy practice after working as a psychologist for 31 years. Twenty-eight years ago he met Sydney Banks who had an enlightenment experience where he realized the Three Principles that underlie all human experience. Dicken had finally found universal principles that he could teach anyone.  Dicken shares that there are simple yet profound principles that reveal the connection between the spiritual and the psychological nature of all human beings.  “As you realize these Principles for yourself you can truly begin to experience a sense of sacredness in the ordinary moments of your life.”  Website:


Listen to “Beyond the Psychological and Into the Spiritual with Dicken Bettinger 11/25/14” on Spreaker.

The Creation of Great Films with Brent Marchant

Novebmwbd-1mber 18, 2014.  Guest, Brent Marchant, will share his love of film with all of you film and story buffs!  Brent studies and writes about both film and metaphysics, believing that the film medium is an excellent way to  illustrate conscious creation and law of attraction principles. We’ll focus on his books, Consciously Created Cinema: The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction, as well as his second release of, Get the Picture: Conscious Creation Goes to the Movies.  Additionally to his film pursuits, Brent writes for the online magazine VividLife and maintains a blog about conscious creation. Other writing credits include feature articles for Beliefnet, Library Journal, Divine Revolution, Sethnet Journal and Reality Change magazines.  Check out his website at:

Link to Brents Book on Amazon

Listen to “The Creation of Great Films with Brent Marchant 11/18/14” on Spreaker.

Angel Therapy with Shanika Moran

10644881_861325313886442_1344531656176365905_nNovember 11, 2014.  Guest, Shanika Moran, is a Reiki Master and an Intuitive Healer ATP (Angel Therapy Practitioner).  She is certified by Hay House author and host, Doreen Virtue.  Shanika is also a clairvoyant, medium, spiritual life coach, speaker and teacher.  She returns to Life Mastery Radio after completing her studies at Brandy Graves iCoach Academy to discuss her new book, “Self-Love:  A Path to Healing.”  Her new Blog Talk Radio show, titled “Intuitive Empowerment”  where she helps her audience become aware of their mental blocks and move through them.  Her readings and workshops offer healing that inspires self-love and a relationship with the divine.  Find out more about Shanika Moran at

Shanika’s Book Self-Love
Listen to “Angel Therapy with Shanika Moran 11/11/14” on Spreaker.

From Role to Soul with Annie Burnside

imagesNovember 4, 2014.  Guest, Annie Burnside is back with Life Mastery Radio!  Annie’s second book, From Role to Soul, is a personal reflection of her awakening journey over the past twenty-five years and offers insight into the interior shifts of a woman, parent, and spiritual seeker.  Her mission is to soulfully assist others to find the inner gems of knowledge that exist within.  The book is simple, yet deep, funny, and real.  In Annie’s words, From Role to Soul “…Feels like a culmination of my years as a spiritual seeker. It has been a challenging AND supremely uplifting ride.” Annie’s blog is featured on  She regularly adds articles to the Daily Love, and she inspires parents and individuals every moment of the day with her active contributions to Facebook!  Add Annie’s book to your current reading list today–you’ll be inspired to explore shifts from your “roles” to your SOUL!

Annie’s website

Link to Annie’s book “From Role to Soul” on Amazon


Listen to “From Role to Soul with Annie Burnside 11/04/14” on Spreaker.

A Life of Joy with Debra Engle

Deb-Engle-head-shot-1_optOctober 28, 2014. Guest, Debra Landwehr Engle is the author of The Only Little Prayer You Need: The Shortest Route to a Life of Joy, Abundance and Peace of Mind, to be published by Hampton Roads in the fall of 2014. She also authored Grace from the Garden: Changing the World One Garden at a Time (Rodale, 2003).  Her work has been seen in Country Home, Country Gardens, Better Homes and Gardens and other national publications, as well as two international collections of essays. One of those collections, The Art of Living, also featured the writing of Deepak Chopra, Mikhail Gorbachev and the Dalai Lama.  She is the co-founder of Tending Your Inner Garden®, a program of creativity and personal growth for women that has been featured in TIME and Woman’s Day magazines. Deb teaches classes in A Course in Miracles, as well as workshops that use journaling and writing as tools for self-discovery and one-on-one and small-group sessions on creativity, writing, manuscript development and life skills. She and her husband Bob live in Madison County, Iowa, home of the famed covered bridges.  Her website:


Listen to “A Life of Joy with Debra Engle 10/28/14” on Spreaker.