Join us on Tuesday, September 4th at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time as we focus on the topic of communication.  We are delighted to share the hour with Marion Grobb Finkelstein, founder of Marion Speaks — a training and consulting company that simplifies how managers and employees communicate with each other and with their clients.  Marion is sought out to assist and lead employers through the tangled knots of ineffective communication while replacing such strategies with professionally activated results!

We invite you to send in a text message about these prominent principles for effective communication:

Fairness: Treat people fairly; teach them to treat me fairly too
Interactive: Allow clients and their teams a chance to be heard
Small is beautiful: Capitalize on being a solopreneur and being nimble to respond to client’s needs
Responsive: When people reach out, answer them
Engaged: Listen to what clients want and are really saying (even if they don’t know exactly how)
Positive and passionate: … in helping clients communicate
Flexible and open: Remain willing to consider options not even known yet
Ethical: Do the right thing, even when no one is looking
Service-oriented: Come from a place of service, not ego
Authentic: Don’t be fake or misrepresent facts

Listen to “Good Communication Begins with Great Principles with Marion” on Spreaker.

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